Most annoying "advice" anyone has given you?



  • LycheePea
    LycheePea Posts: 8 Member

    You too?? I thought I was somehow odd for feeling very hungry on low carb when people kept saying you are supposed to feel less hungry.

    Great to hear I'm not alone. Some potatoes, bread or legumes are guaranteed to fill me. To be fair, I don't eat meat, fish or eggs so there weren't many filling low-carb options left for me.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Oprah telling me to join Weight Watchers with her because bread.
    Every time I see one of her ww commercials it irritates me.

    All I can think about is that time she did a liquid diet and lost a lot and revealed it on a show. She gained it right back. Then she ran a lot and lost. Then gained it all back. Then this and then that and then and then...

    I don't think of her as someone knowledgeable to advise me on losing weight for life with whatever her next trick is lol

    (I know ww works for some)
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Not really annoying advice but when people assume because you've lost a lot of weight, you must have had "weight loss" surgery.

    I hate this too and it comes across as rude to me. I think some mean well and are curious. I feel like it discounts the hard work that goes into losing weight no matter how it's accomplished.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Oprah telling me to join Weight Watchers with her because bread.
    Every time I see one of her ww commercials it irritates me.

    All I can think about is that time she did a liquid diet and lost a lot and revealed it on a show. She gained it right back. Then she ran a lot and lost. Then gained it all back. Then this and then that and then and then...

    I don't think of her as someone knowledgeable to advise me on losing weight for life with whatever her next trick is lol

    (I know ww works for some)

    All I can think of every time I see her bread commercial is that dating video with the girl who loved cats. "I just love bread. I want to hug all of it. I want to put little bows on the bags."
  • karalissa
    karalissa Posts: 1 Member
    The most annoying advice ?? Well you should use more self control between meals and stop the " snacking nibbles". Or -- Here's my all time favorite -- Just stop eating all the things you love and eat " more healthy"...
    Talk about getting my blood pressure up in a knot and then some.

  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    All I can think about is that time she did a liquid diet and lost a lot and revealed it on a show. She gained it right back. Then she ran a lot and lost. Then gained it all back. Then this and then that and then and then...
    I don't think of her as someone knowledgeable to advise me on losing weight for life with whatever her next trick is lol

    I wish Oprah the best of luck this time but I have to agree with you @AmazonMayan. Whatever you choose to do has to be an individual and sustainable life change not a fad. (That is until virgin mermaids are discovered anyway!) ;)

  • ChangeMyBMI
    ChangeMyBMI Posts: 5 Member
    my all time favorite "advice": you can't be a vegetarian - you will get scurvy
  • chromilo
    chromilo Posts: 33 Member
    elbrujo53 wrote: »
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    Ha Ha Ha.. And after that, "you need to gain some weight since you look too old now..."

    I get this too - looking old for my age because I lost weight - comments coming from ones closest to me. Don't know how to respond to those yet..
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    my all time favorite "advice": you can't be a vegetarian - you will get scurvy


    I wouldn't know how to respond to that :D I'd have to just walk away lol
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    chromilo wrote: »
    elbrujo53 wrote: »
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    Ha Ha Ha.. And after that, "you need to gain some weight since you look too old now..."

    I get this too - looking old for my age because I lost weight - comments coming from ones closest to me. Don't know how to respond to those yet..

    I look 5 years older, to be fair. Kinda sucks.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    So-called MFP "friend" who would peruse my food diary daily and then advise me what I was doing wrong. I usually eat a little something light before a workout or I can get really dizzy and lightheaded. She said I should never eat anything before working out because I wouldn't burn any fat that way. That I should just keep going and the dizziness would pass. Right. I'd love to just pass out and fall off the treadmill. :p

    Before I had the chance, this person "unfriended" ME for not listening to her advice! Blessing in disguise!

    I was just told a few days ago that I'm wrong for not eating before working out in the morning because if I did eat I would burn more calories.

    It doesn't matter what you do, someone will tell you that you are wrong.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Anyone pushing a weight loss gimmick. If you have an acquaintance selling herbalife or something, it seems to be some kind of crime if you're fat and won't buy into it.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    edited February 2016
    Mostly my friends and family are very supportive but an ex-boyfriend always told me that what I was doing wrong was that I was eating several MEALS a day. He said he only ever had one MEAL and 2 or 3 snacks. Thing is... his "snacks" included sizable bowls of chocolatey cereal whereas my big-looking meals were mainly vegetables with some protein. He periodically gained weight and then cut back to about 1000kcal for a few weeks to lose the kilos and at some point re-gained them. He was also of the firm opinion that if something was home-cooked, it was healthy, no matter how high in fat, carb or whatever it was.

    Today at work though... two colleagues saw me eating my healthy balanced lunch box of carrot salad with chicken, apple slices, a little cheese and some dried cranberries. One of them is a PE teacher and the other one pretty regularly runs half-marathons. They commented how tasty my lunch looked and whether I was trying to lose weight. I saw no reason not to tell them that yes, I was trying to eat more healthily. Then SHE started telling me that whenever she gains a little or tries to feed herself up for a run, she just eats plain low-fat quark and I should totally try that. And HE told me that the best way to lose weight was to only snack on raw veg for dinner and not eat after 7pm. Hey, folks. I know that I'm overweight and you aren't but I didn't ask for your advice. And your ways may work for you but they would not work for me. If you want to nibble on carrot sticks, go right ahead but I want a full meal in the evening and it's never stopped me from losing weight. Not counting calories does that.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    Anyone pushing a weight loss gimmick. If you have an acquaintance selling herbalife or something, it seems to be some kind of crime if you're fat and won't buy into it.

    or if you are losing weight already and won't buy into it so they can use your success to further promote themselves/their "business". Ugh, no.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    chromilo wrote: »
    elbrujo53 wrote: »
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    Ha Ha Ha.. And after that, "you need to gain some weight since you look too old now..."

    I get this too - looking old for my age because I lost weight - comments coming from ones closest to me. Don't know how to respond to those yet..

    I look 5 years older, to be fair. Kinda sucks.

    after losing 20something pounds, and being pretty healthy, obese and overweight women kept saying to me "yeah, i'd like to lose some weight. but not as much as you." or "i don't want to look like you though".....Umm, gee thanks, I don't want to look like you either? :pensive:
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    'You need to eat at least 2000 calories to lose weight. If you eat less than that you'll go into starvation mode and gain weight.' This coming from two women... one who was at least 60lbs overweight, the other probably 90-100lbs overweight. To me, someone who has lost 70lbs successfully. Yup. Makes me sad. :/
  • cyapor55112016
    cyapor55112016 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't get married !
  • The only things that bother me is when people say why would you eat so many carbs even though I told them I'm not on a low carb diet. Ive heard low carb is healthy but personally I just can't give up certain foods like that the rest of my life but moderating carbs I am more likely to do. I also don't like being told to cut out pop,cookies and fast food from my diet. ObviosIy I understand its not healthy,but I also don't want to deprive myself or not enjoy having cookies or pizza with my sister one day just cuz they are bad for me or I'm "on a diet" and when my brother tells me what I'm eating won't help me lose weight. I know what's healthy and what's unhealthy for the most part. But still I believe if you have a balance of healthy and unhealthy foods each day it will balance out in your body. I've seen super skinny people eat a buttload of pizza or drink a lot of pop and still stay skinny and healthy all the time
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Nage3000 no they do not. fat makes you fat. the fat you eat is the fat you wear. do the research mate!

    Lol. No. Fat doesn't make you fat, a calorie surplus does!

  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    'just be happy and think happy thoughts'

    Yeah thanks for that, never thought about that before...