Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • drevaquera
    drevaquera Posts: 16 Member
    When I went shopping and had to buy a bigger pant size for work.
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    I hit the scale at my heaviest of 191. I could no longer fit into any of the clothes I had previously owned and was constantly giving them away and buying a size up.. I am 5'5 and my ideal weight is between 111 and 150. I do not want to be considered unhealthy and obese. So it's time to take control.
  • Mmarst
    Mmarst Posts: 24 Member
    When I looked down at the scale and saw it 1.2 pounds away from 400, then waddled to my room and had an epic fight with my belt to get that little *kitten* to fasten. I would say that would be it, among other things!
  • tazer2012
    tazer2012 Posts: 1 Member
    "No real story. One day, out of nowhere I was serious about it. But there are some other things that help me to stay

    1. My boyfriend is bulking up, want to look hot with
    2. I'm such a fashionista and want to finally put my Pinterest pins into reality.
    3. I've always wanted to be some sort of model"

  • mashamendez
    mashamendez Posts: 1 Member
    Wearing this spare tire around my waist..ughhh, its such a downer. I feel like I have lost control of my belly. I don't have kids, but I look like I do. Oh, and I am built like my mother, and I dont want to be. :wink:

    Same here. That damn belly it was always there but i started actually seeing it more and more... And my chin was looking like it was evolving. Also im built like my moms body tripple. But mainly i got motivated because my friend is ill from obesity related problems.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I had been vaguely dieting on and off for a while, then winter 2014 I went totally off the rails and put on about a stone. I knew I wanted to lose weight but hadn't fully committed, was being a bit wishy washy... Then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror from behind, naked and thought 'holy back fat, Batman!' For some reason that really cemented things for me, like I had gradually seen my body and face change but I rarely see my back so the difference from my mental image of myself was more of a shock.
  • dazucena
    dazucena Posts: 9 Member
    When I went to my doctors appointment and was told I needed to be on 2 blood pressure medications. I have three little girls and I want to be around for them and for myself.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    dazucena wrote: »
    When I went to my doctors appointment and was told I needed to be on 2 blood pressure medications. I have three little girls and I want to be around for them and for myself.

    *You are setting a great example for your girls. Good luck on your journey*
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    The first time I really made an effort to lose weight, there were lots of factors. I'd been thin most of my life and gained a lot of weight in my mid-20s. I was really in denial about how much of a problem it had gotten to be:
    -Couldn't find any piece of clothing that looked flattering
    -Needed to either lose weight or start shopping in the plus size section
    - Was tired of feeling uncomfortable even if I was just sitting around in pjs
    - Realized my weight was in the obese range. I was in such denial, I thought, "Sure I've gotten a little chubby, but I'm not fat. I avoided the scale like the plague until I finally stepped on one day when I decided to lose weight. Turns out I was more than fat!
    - Others making comments to me like, "We big girls have to stick together," etc.
    - Had completely lost my confidence.
    - I live in a very outdoorsy/active location. I found myself constantly turning down social invitations because I didn't feel like I was physically capable of doing whatever the activity was.

    I lost 30 pounds, but have put back on 10. This time pictures were what really made me take notice that I needed to get back on track. It's amazing the HUGE difference 10 pounds makes.
  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    I little over a year ago, my office did a Biggest Loser competition with a cash prize. I kind of figured "why not?" and gave it a shot. I dropped almost 20 pounds in a couple months and was ecstatic! Then work went a little crazy and kept me travelling for weeks at a time for about 6 months. I got back in the groove in October and have been back at it ever since. My pounds lost has slowed down, but I'm getting visibly smaller which is still pretty awesome. I'm in the middle of this year's Biggest Loser and I'm hoping to kick some major butt!
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    Also a couple of things; a friend took a look at my outfit one morning and said "girl, just cause it fits doesn't mean you need to buy it". She was right, plus size clothing is expensive and it's difficult to find flattering clothes. Also, I want to keep being an active, fun Grandma and my weight was getting in the way. Grandbaby got stuck in climbing apparatus and was scared to come down. Had to go in to get her and.....well, it was not pretty.
  • Clare0116
    Clare0116 Posts: 37 Member
    Shown a Christmas family photo, I was horrified to see what a fat old scruffy lady I had become! With a bmi of 43, I looked like Santa
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    One night I was lying in bed; I rolled onto my side and felt my fat rolls crease into each other. That had never happened before and I was disgusted.
  • MarziDeThrall
    MarziDeThrall Posts: 98 Member
    We had a family gathering at my mom's house and I had to wear my pajama bottoms because nothing else fit me, lol. Sad but true. That's when I knew I had gone too far.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I finally forgave myself for a failure that wasn't even my fault. Then I was able to like myself and want to see myself be healthier.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    This is so embarrassing. All my weight is in my stomach and I look (looked?) pregnant. At my highest weight I told my husband, I can't go on that roller coaster, I won't fit. He insisted that rides are made to accommodate larger people and so I tried, and everyone on the roller coaster waited as I attempted to push the bar down. It didn't go down and I had to get off the ride..

    There's MANY aha moments such as pants not fitting, being embarrassed to look at current photos of myself, but that roller coaster thing just really sucked.
  • Karmc2k
    Karmc2k Posts: 98 Member
    It started to dawn on me that maybe I was going down the wrong path when my belly would hit the copy machine buttons when I was making copies.....hmmm, maybe I should get rid of this?
  • shelbylaraepatschke
    Trying to fit into a wedding dress!
  • blancoms
    blancoms Posts: 165 Member
    I started noticing back fat. I've never had that, aside from the "too tight of a bra" roll. I also bought new jeans that rise higher, around my belly button. I started getting a rash around my belly button, my doctor saw it and told me in was yeast! (from the waist pushing my stomach together) ugh. embarassing. After that appointment I logged on to MFP.

    My daughter has also told me I look pregnant :(