

  • CheriGee2
    CheriGee2 Posts: 24 Member
    Love the garden fairies. Am thinking it would be fun to do something like this in the yard this summer. Don't know if the canine kids would leave it alone. But, it was amazing to look at today.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Joyce, I’m glad Charlie made it through the stress test okay. That cat sounds like it has a death wish? I’d probably hurt my back trying not to sit on it if I figured out it was there.

    Katla, what did you have for lunch to eat your whole day’s allotment? I hope it was yummy!

    Heather, I missed the part about the house being your ex’s. Now I understand. (later) cool on finding an alternative get away between your birthdays.

    Mary, that is a wonderful walk with your back problems. That is the one thing that probably bothers mine the most. Keep up the good work.

    Lisa, great going on the run and the writing. You will get back into your groove soon.

    Kay, I am just so impressed with your workouts!!! You will be in smaller clothes in no time. Way to go!!!

    Janetr, so sorry for your news on both counts. Sending prayers and good thoughts. ((((Hugs))))

    Gloria, I’m glad the move is behind you even though all the work is not. As long as you have clothes to wear and can cook what you need, you can slow down and take it easy. The boxes will all wait until you get to them. I know moving is exhausting even for the young so my heart goes out to you. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, I just keep thinking how nice it is that your DH supports you in the riding adventure. Mine supports me in my annual cruises even though he doesn’t want to go on one. We are very lucky. t4516.gif

    Allie, stay safe on those roads.

    Penny, woo hoo and a Happy Dance for you getting to that lower weight. Keep it up, my friend.

    Lisa, your writing gig sounds like a great deal. Glad you are enjoying it.

    Nubian, welcome. Please tell us a little about yourself and sign all your posts with the name you want to be called.

    Margaret, so glad you are recovering from your fall.

    Sylvia, I’m the same way with strong perfume. It drives me crazy. I used to work with a lady that would lather on the perfume rather than bathe and I always think of that.
    dnicoson, welcome. This is a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called, to make it easier to respond to you. Come often and join right in.

    Joyce, I’ve been busy packing and just haven’t found time to catch up today. It is tomorrow!!!! Yes, I’m excited and ready. Sorry your back is bothering you. Please be better.

    Irish Terri, your drawers look fantastic!!!

    Pip. Your yard looks wonderful with the fence!!
    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I think our rain has finally stopped after about 3 full days. I’m sorry for all of you with terrible weather and back breaking work shoveling snow. Just be careful, ladies. I’ve been packing today and had to really rush through the last page of posts to get finished. I like to take one bag plus my carry on, make up and computer bag but didn’t make it this time. I had to pack a second small bag to get everything in. Oh well. I will probably have time to check in tomorrow morning since we won’t leave until a bit later. I will think of you all as I eat things that I don’t normally eat but I will stay within reason. Only 1 days, but who’s counting? t57009.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. You ladies are great! rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    edited February 2016
    Dinner plans with my daughter fell through tonight going to try again tomorrow. Just doing laundry. Yippee. What an exciting Friday night.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • mbrown862015
    mbrown862015 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Evening
    DJ- I hope you enjoy the cruise.
    Janet OKC- my prayers for you and your family. Sorry that you are not doing so well, put glad to hear your are back to planning food and getting back to exercise. Hang tight, it will get better.
    Gloria- congratulations on your move. I moved about 4 months ago, not all of my boxes have been unpacked and I am still wondering if some of my items were packed or donated.
    Penny- congratulations on the weight loss.
    Nubian101 and Dnicoson- Welcome
    Irish Terri- the drawers are very organized.

    My exercise today was working around the house, I am deep cleaning the Kitchen. Need to get rid of those items that are not conducive to my weight loss program. Out of sight - Out of mind is not working with the food temptations. For some reason, I also seem to remember the food is there.
    It is to cold to work outside, but I did get a chance to work on plans for our garden.
    Wishing everyone a Good night,
    Eastern Oregon
  • CheriGee2
    CheriGee2 Posts: 24 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    CheriGee2 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    CheriGee2~ I have the pledge on a chalkboard in my kitchen and say it every morning before I start the day. It definitely keeps me in the moment, just looking forward. Hope you have a great weigh-in! My meetings are on Wednesdays at 8:30am (I help move tables etc.) then it starts officially at 9:45 until about 11 or so. We do alot of socializing, so we need all that time to get caught up in everybody's business! I lost 1 lb this week.

    Lenora~ Your DH sounds like a keeper. I love been tucked in! I shall tell you a secret. Don't laugh now. When I was a small child, really my "first memories", I would rock myself to sleep. It's a hypnotic thing, and yep I still do it, when I am having problems "settling down". And yep, my husband rocks me, (if we are cuddling), its an action I never thought I could ever share been married, let alone my husband condoning it, but he does. I swear by coconut oil and after a bath I use it head to toe. Even put a dab in my eyes! I have yet to "pull" it between my teeth, but have heard sucking it back and forth in between your teeth for a bit, does your gums good. Just don't spit it out into your sink because your sink will clog up. Spit it out into your kitchen trash bin.


    Becca, unfortunately I found your 1 pound. But I lost 6 lbs. last week, which was pretty amazing. Not surprised that gained back a little of that. My first gain this year, and I could have done without that. Was happy to be second biggest winner for last month. I love the support of our TOPS group. Making that commitment each week really helps me. Cheri Gee

    Great Job with the 6 lb loss last week!!!! I always have a little gain after a large loss. Its like putting a 5 lb weight on a balancing scale. It will go up and down before it settles itself. I think our bodies are like that:-) Yep I do like many of our ladies in our group!

    We are doing a contest where we have 4 different groups. Each group is going to a specific destination, like my group is going to Belize. So you have to earn points by, attending meeting, losing, keeping a food journal, exercising, doing a program about birds in your country, or being the featherweight for that week. When you get points you can buy things for the trip, passport, ticket, clothes, guide, guidebook.....so you can hunt for your birds in your country. We even had one ladies neighbor bring a parrot to the meeting. The thing is a lot of the ladies are getting really caught up with learning about birds, so there was not a lot of motivational chatting during the meeting. Don't get me wrong, I like learning about birds, but I need mental tools as well, to get me thru the next week. After about 5 little reports on birds, I put my hand up and said some great sayings that have motivated me.

    Our group also does certificates, (frig art!), for ladies in the blue (lost weight), the top weight buddies, the top featherweight for the month. I have a section in my folder with all my awards, nice to browse thru :-)
    Have a great rest of the week!

    BECCA, YOUR TOPS GROUP SOUNDS SO MOTIVATED. We aren't doing any contests right now, but over the holidays we did have a blow by blow contest with another TOPS group from our town. It was a real motivator as we wagered $$$, each paying in $2. Unfortunately the other group won, but it was a great way to lose weight. I sure look forward to the meetings each week. A group of us usually goes out for a bite to eat after the meeting and we continue on with the chat and discussion. So far this week, I've had good food choices. Made homemade pea and ham soup on Monday and it's been a great go to filler when I don't know what to eat, or want to make anything new. We have great plans for our family to eat during the Super Bowl on Sunday. We're all football fans and looking forward to the game, and especially the commercials. Cheri Gee
  • CheriGee2
    CheriGee2 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2016
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Ladies, for all who are praying women or just sending positive thots. Please send them for my great-nephew (sister's grandson, 27 yo) was drinking heavily last night fell and hit his head. He was later found unresponsive and rushed to hospital. He is on total life support and there appears to be no brain activity. They will take him off of life support in the morning. This family has seen more than their fair share of heartache. They buried their son when he was 29, car accident drinking and driving. It is all so tragic. I can't think straight at the moment.

    Oh, I also had a letter waiting when we arrived home today saying my doctor, the one I just saw before Christmas for shingles, died unexpectedly and I need to find a new doc. :(

    Thanks for your support, prayers and positive thots.

    Janetr OKC

    :'( Janet so sorry to hear about your great-nephew and know your heart must ache for your sister. Hope your shingles doesn't get worse because of the bad news. My hubby has shingles and it's not very nice. Glad you made it home all right.
    Reading ahead, I see that your great-nephew didn't make it, but the Lord will bless your family for making the beautiful decision to donate he organs. Even still, that doesn't make the loss any easier. God bless your family. Cheri Gee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Itisneeded
    Itisneeded Posts: 147 Member
    edited February 2016
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    ok I am channeling you all there are 3 loaves of hot home made bread making my house smell fabulous!!! and I shall not eat them, I shall not eat them, I shall not eat them --- they are for Sunday!!! and tomorrow I need to make 3 more and the same again on Saturday!!!!

    But for the record, I love garlic bread, and bread is calorie heavy, as is the butter on it... but I figured if I roast the garlic and then add 3 heads of roasted garlic to a recipe for one loaf of bread, it is full of garlic flavor, and doesn't need butter... so not a calorie cheap food, but better than bread and butter.

    I shall not eat it.

    Home made bread!!! One of the best things ever especially when it is still warm. Never make it anymore since it is just me and I would eat it all.

    Anne WI

    I just made some for my teenaged kids and they don't like it. They say it tastes yeast, and it's true, I can smell a bit of yeast on it too. Anyway, I'm not throwing it away, so now I'm eating it. That's a lot of calories for each toast.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine - 40min, 55aw, 29spm, 144mhr, 6505meters/4.04mi = 275c
    physical therapy- 41min = 33c

    aw - average watts, power that I'm putting out
    spm - strokes per min
    mhr - maximum heart rate
    c - caleries
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    You dear friends have been so comforting to me thru this horrific ordeal for my family. Thank you for pointing out that there will be many blessed because of it.

    Becca thank you especially for making organ donation real for me. I was cryjng so hard I couldn't read it to my husband. I pray some one will benefit from this in the way you and your husband have. Thank you dear friend.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Nite peeps
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, I did see that dishwasher. The silverware slots are something like what you see in a silver box only silverware slits more on a slant. I didn't notice the price though.

    DJ, have a wonderful time. I would tell you not to think about us for a minute but I know you won't. You better be thinking about us every single moment you are on that cruise!!!!!! :p<3

    Still want those Milk Duds! Joyce, indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce; yep that's the one. Probably costs a lot more (now) than I would pay for it. But it is nice! Our dishwasher is beginning to show its age. But, probably won't get replaced until it 'dies'. I've tried; but, it just won't give up. I don't want to have to hand wash dishes if I can keep from it.

    Trying to 'talk myself down' from giving into a 'manic moment'. Some times I just sit on the fence and watch. Reaction/interaction to antibiotic messes with bipolar meds. Freaky! Starts out slowly, and, then within a week I am ''having a reaction showing signs of having an allergic reaction'. I will start itching ... but, not scratching skin thankfully. Just enough to want to.

    Don't want to give it up to the 'mania' ... just have to remember what my stressor are and avoid them as much as possible. So, sorry for the 'novels' ... maybe they'll get shorter with time. :#

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Janet: Adding my prayers and hugs to all the other ones here. Heart is breaking for your sister and entire family. :'(

    Heather: I’m not a kitchen appliance collector, but have actually dedicated a portion of my precious little counter space to the Instant Pot. It was Sylvia who first turned me onto it. Still learning how to cook with pressure, but so far I love it.

    KatieBug: Love your attitude toward the strength training. Sounds like a pretty tough trainer, but if you smile through it, you’ll continue to grow, improve and be even more courageous.

    DJ: Bon voyage! Hope you get to dance and have non-food fun on the ship. B) I'm grateful my DH lets me take off on trips to see my friends around the country.

    Well, I’m officially a FitBit-ter. DB gave me a Charge HR for my birthday last month, but the vendor sent the wrong size (my wrists are tiny). Walmart made the exchange, so as soon as it’s charged, I’ll start tracking steps the rest of the night, and tomorrow, and forever??? I’m real curious about my sleep, too. :o

    This week I got my vision exam (need a stronger contact lens), haircut, and emissions test on my ’99 Subaru (need a new gas cap). :( Also scheduled dental hygienist and am waiting for call back from my primary care physician. Before this month is over I will get my tax prework done, too. o:)

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills where we are UNITED IN ORANGE. Go BRONCOS. <3<3<3

    February Goals:
    > Practice Reiki every day
    > Eat mindfully
    > Reach out to 3 friends
    > Get physical scheduled
    > Get tax workbook started
    > My word for 2016: Optimism
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Checking in before bed. I have to teach all day tomorrow, and just now finished my PowerPoint. It's a class that teaches adults how to teach other adults in lay servant ministry. The plans were made. I just needed to get it all in PowerPoint, download some YouTube videos for us to sing along, etc. if is done, thank goodness. I really shouldn't procrastinate, but other things needed doing first, you know? Like chopping ten lbs of onions and exercise class!

    Janet, my brother-in-law was also the recipient of a liver transplant. It gave him two more years with his family. And there's a precious little girl in my town with a heart transplant that is thriving. My daughter went to prom with this little girl's father. Every time I see her story on Facebook or in the local paper, I can't help but think how she could have been my granddaughter. I do not believe that God causes tragedy to happen to people, but I do believe that this is one way he uses tragedy for good.

    Pip, the fence looks fantastic.

    Becca, the new TOPS pledge is much more inspiring. I'm glad they changed it.

    Time for my beauty sleep. My schedule is jam packed for the next 8 days. I will try my best to check in.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Rori - "Colorado Foothills where we are UNITED IN ORANGE. Go BRONCOS. <3<3<3"

    I'm right there. I'm a Denver native. I worked for the original owner of the Broncos for 9 years and am a dyed-in-the-wool fan. I hope you enjoy your FitBit Charge HR. I love tracking my sleep as much as my steps :) Has given my insight I think, as to what helps getting additional sleep. I normally average 4.5 hours per night and have gotten it to closer to 5.5 now. Going for at least 6 a night.

    Janetr OKC
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Wow- so many posts in the last few days.

    Janet My heart is breaking for you and your family. However, your grandnephew will live on in the lives of those he saves and that gives such hope.
    Organ donation is such an act of love. It is the greatest form of charity. It is done anonymously - neither the giver nor beneficiary every knows the other. The greatest gifts are those that create a relationship of equals between the donor and the recipient - just as the donor benefits the recipient, so does the recipient, through accepting the donation and living be a benefit to the donor. It is a true donation in that the donation cannot be sold or bought. You have such a special family to think of others during this time of tragedy. We are all blessed to know them through you.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DrKatie - thank you so much. By the way my sister's name, whose grandson passed, is Katy. I'm definitely feeling better with all of you helping me to see how much good, along with the heartache, will come from this tragedy.

    CSSJ09 - What a beautiful sentiment and thank you so much. It truly helps.

    Janetr OKC
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    KJL- cleaning makes me feel less stressed, also.

    Irish Terri- great drawers. Many years ago, I read the book Simplify Your Life by, Elaine St. James. I think that it was the first to describe what is now being referred to as minimalism. I don't think she ever got the credit she deserved. In any case, the book is wonderful. I think that you would really enjoy it. I recommend it to everyone - not just people interested in organizing.

    Heather -Spain should be delightful in October. I have fond memories of it. The Alhambra is a magical place. Take some time and stroll through family neighborhoods in Grenada. Some of them are located around a square and in the evening, there are lots of tables on the pavement in front of the restaurants. Families have dinner outside and one can hop from place to place sampling then join in the paseo after dinner.

    Penny Congratulations on the weight loss. Yippee.
    I know exactly what you mean about people not getting back to you. I am so tired of the "hurry up and wait" aspect of consulting and grants and contracts. The funders give you about 10 days to pull together a team, budget and scope of work to write a response to a request for proposal and then you have to wait to hear for months and months.

    Lisa I would be interested in knowing more about the company you write for. It sounds like something up my alley while waiting for projects to start.

    Allison I agree that you have soooo much to do. Remember to take care of yourself. Thank you for the reminder about living wills/advanced directives.

    Katla Have you considered either an Abetta or Wintec synthetic saddle? They both manufacture very lightweight alternatives to the usual western behemoths. This is the time of year to hit Craigslist for used equestrian gear - cheap, cheap, cheap and plentiful before show season. As far as my experience level, I had a great horse, not that I was a great rider.

    Good night all.