Friends who dance! Is lifting a must?



  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member

    Oh that is too bad :( have you tried aquafit? I use to teach it...dancing in the water :)

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I really enjoyed aquafit, but when our gym sold, the new owners stopped doing it. I just got the local community pool schedule today and I'm hoping they have something like it. :) [/quote]

    Oh I hope they will. I like to swim as well :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited February 2016
    cicamica77 wrote: »
    ...must I lift?

    Not if you don't want to. The exercise police aren't going to come round and kick the doors in.

    It can have benefits but the are other options for resistance training that are more enjoyable.
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    I love to dance, i dance every Friday night, square dance, line dance, fast dance, slow dance and clog, its a lot of fun!
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    cicamica77 wrote: »
    ...must I lift?

    Not if you don't want to. The exercise police aren't going to come round and kick the doors in.

    It can have benefits but the are other options for resistance training that are more enjoyable.

    Lmao thanks! Some of my friends on here r the exercise police which is great
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    I love to dance, i dance every Friday night, square dance, line dance, fast dance, slow dance and clog, its a lot of fun!

    Yes!!! It is!!! I looove to dance!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    professional bellydancer- I lift to help with my dance- and my dance helps with my lift.

    The two dove tail quite nicely.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    @JoRocka lifts and is a professional dancer. Perhaps she can give you some insight as well.

    HEYYOOOO nice shout out lol :) thanks!!!

    And like I mentioned- yes I find the two VERY helpful- I have way more body awareness and what muscles I need to be working in my dance classes then my dance mats- the visualization of how to move your body through space and engaging muscles come much more easily to me then it does to those who don't lift.

    Conversely- I have pretty good body awareness for my lifting- and that is very helpful.
  • kelloua
    kelloua Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you would like something somewhat dance inspired that incorporates strength work? I did yoga and pilates for awhile and recently switched to doing the Bar Method and have become absolutely obsessed. I think the weight work is integrated in so that it doesn't become boring. There is a lot of body weight work and some light dumbbell work but I've seen great results while losing weight. It seems to be reshaping my body in a noticeable way and I've found I REALLY enjoy the workout.
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    Amanda92TX wrote: »
    I love to dance, i dance every Friday night, square dance, line dance, fast dance, slow dance and clog, its a lot of fun!

    Yes!!! It is!!! I looove to dance!

    Dancing has so many benefits, physically and mentally!

    Yay! Thanks for the fr!
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    @JoRocka lifts and is a professional dancer. Perhaps she can give you some insight as well.

    HEYYOOOO nice shout out lol :) thanks!!!

    And like I mentioned- yes I find the two VERY helpful- I have way more body awareness and what muscles I need to be working in my dance classes then my dance mats- the visualization of how to move your body through space and engaging muscles come much more easily to me then it does to those who don't lift.

    Conversely- I have pretty good body awareness for my lifting- and that is very helpful.

    Very helpful! Thank you :)
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    kelloua wrote: »
    Maybe you would like something somewhat dance inspired that incorporates strength work? I did yoga and pilates for awhile and recently switched to doing the Bar Method and have become absolutely obsessed. I think the weight work is integrated in so that it doesn't become boring. There is a lot of body weight work and some light dumbbell work but I've seen great results while losing weight. It seems to be reshaping my body in a noticeable way and I've found I REALLY enjoy the workout.

    Thanks! I will look that up :)
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    i dance around the house as well as walk my stairs and do dancing videos and walking videos besdies the dancing on Friday nights, not a professional just an amateur, i have a following on Friday nights lol, gotta lead the pack and if i dont cuz im busy talking they come get me. messing/screwing up is part of the fun :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Dancing doesn't increase one's strength nor does it enhance the muscle you already have. That's where lifting comes in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I hate lifting too, would rather be dancing, and I lift anyway. It's for my knees, my back, and my bones.
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    i dance around the house as well as walk my stairs and do dancing videos and walking videos besdies the dancing on Friday nights, not a professional just an amateur, i have a following on Friday nights lol, gotta lead the pack and if i dont cuz im busy talking they come get me. messing/screwing up is part of the fun :)

    That is awesome!!!!
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Dancing doesn't increase one's strength nor does it enhance the muscle you already have. That's where lifting comes in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    started lifting again, new program, feeling good. Thanks for your response!
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I hate lifting too, would rather be dancing, and I lift anyway. It's for my knees, my back, and my bones.

    I started a new program. Does not seem boring now :)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I do pole dancing. I get my body weight and cardio in all at once. I would probably lose the weight quicker if I lifted, but my money goes to pole. I don't make enough money to go to pole and go to a gym. Pole is life. But I do believe that both strength training and cardio are important. I wouldn't ignore one. Even if you replace 1 or 2 of your dance classes a week with some form of strength training is better than no strength training.
  • Stanley1903
    Stanley1903 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been dancing my whole life (since I was 2). I was mostly lean mass when in my best shape using only dance, walking, and very small weights/body weight exercises. I find body weight way more interesting than lifting weights (like planking, power yoga, partnered ab exercises, barre work of various sorts, etc.). Some of that is incorporated into classes I go to. I need to add more, but in my limited experience, you can get lean and toned without lifting heavy. It just won't be as dramatic, and you won't be able to build huge, dramatic muscles without lifting heavy (unless you put in TONS of time/reps).