40+, WITH 40+ TO LOSE!



  • macbblue
    macbblue Posts: 19 Member
    Can I join in? I'll be 44 next month and just getting started back on MFP after falling off the wagon multiple times. I have 80+ pounds that need to come off for once and for all. I could use some motivational and accountability buddies!
  • gidget1988
    gidget1988 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! Would love to join in with this group! I'm 45 years old and will be 46 in March...Need to lose 40-45 pounds.
    I've done several different programs and fitness routines, but just can't seem to find what works for me.
    I just started Nutrisystem for the first time and I am on day 6.
    I am also training for a half-marathon (at a very slow pace) and using the 21 Day Fix and Extreme workout programs.
    Really need to stay accountable and would love the support and motivation!
    Feel free to add me!!
  • eastin6
    eastin6 Posts: 3 Member
    Sparkymel wrote: »
    40+, with 40+ to lose? Me too! I am a 42 year old, single Mom. If I am being honest, I have around 70lbs to lose. This struggle is real and hard! Growing up, I was an average size and very healthy kid. In my 20's, I was obsessed with health and fitness. In my 30's, I started the yo-yo adventure and never stopped! I had my son at 37 years old and weigh more now, than when he was born.

    At 42, I am just over it! I am tired of feeling tired, insecure and unhappy in my own skin. I don't want to completely fall 'Off the wagon', just because I had bad day of eating anymore. I am realizing that we're all human and we will all make mistakes on this journey. This journey is full of rocks and bumps, but I want to stop detouring. I am ready to be healthy and strong and feel like myself again. I want to live a long and healthy life, with my son. I am ready to stop yo-yo'ing and focus on living healthy. I have been logging my food daily, for a week now. So far so good.

    We all have a different story. What's your story?What motivates you and keeps you going? What are you doing to reach your goals and how are you overcoming the struggles?

  • eastin6
    eastin6 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also 42 with 50 # to lose. I can so relate to how you feel. I am trying to get back on track and stay more focused. I am a home hospice nurse and spend a lot of time traveling throughout the day and then seem to travel in the evenings to my daughters sports events. I hope to find more time for myself and commit a healthier lifestyle. I also have a thyroid condition and struggle with low metabolism.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    edited February 2016
    Just over 2 months since I rejoined the gym (after losing my job). Fortunately I've had lots of time to go to the gym. Down from 248 on Dec 5th to 227.4 this morning...

    Don't know where my final weight will be...I am gaining muscle and strength...while my stomach and butt have gotten smaller....thinking it will be in the 200-205 range....

    44 this year fwiw...
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    @eastin6 I am going back to school, to be an RN. Lots of friends in nursing. It is definately on if the busiest professions. Packing small snacks, to have throughout the day definately helps. Welcome to the group.
  • eastin6
    eastin6 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck @Sparkymel. I love being a nurse. I went back about 5 years ago. I know I do much better when I plan out meals and pack healthy options.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    gailm68 wrote: »
    Hi 48 had gastric bypass 2004 lost 130 pounds and have kept it off still need to lose about 70 pounds. Was wondering if anyone else here has had gastric bypass. I have 6 children 6- 29 yrs old three still at home have 3 grandchildren.

    Hi Gail, I'm Louise. I so relate to your post! I had surgery 2008; max lost 130, have kept off 100 with fluctuations. I never got to goal and somehow I always seem to panic at getting to and/under 200#

    I hope we can connect!
  • janewelshsoriente
    janewelshsoriente Posts: 23 Member
    Hi - I am totally in the same boat as everyone on this thread. I am 46 years old with 3 grown up girls and 2 very young grandchildren! I have been going to Slimming World for the last 2 years and have lost a total of 60lbs. the majority of that was lost in the first year and then for a whole year I lost just half a stone (7lbs) and struggled even though I never went off plan. I am now convinced that I have to be a bit more rigid with my portion sizes so I have come to this site to keep a check on my calorie intake. Have only done 2 days so far and am surprised by just how much more I am eating calorie wise. It would be fab if you all could add me so that we can be motivators for each other. I need to lose at least another 40lbs, and after the previous year, it is seeming like a mile away. I am going on my first holiday abroad since I was 15 years old in June and would dearly love to be at least 20lbs lighter by them so I don't feel like a complete flab. Good luck with your journeys. xx
  • PhillyDDT
    PhillyDDT Posts: 25 Member
  • yoursingingrealtor
    I have about 40-45 lbs to lose as well. I just can't seem to stay on task.
  • janewelshsoriente
    janewelshsoriente Posts: 23 Member
    Gonna give it a damn good try!!! lol x
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    I have about 40-45 lbs to lose as well. I just can't seem to stay on task.

    Snap. My diet good for a few days. Then I fall off it. My problem it takes so long to get the weight off. I loose my motivation
  • VansBel374
    VansBel374 Posts: 23 Member
    I'll be 42 next month and need to lose about 70 pounds, so I'd love to join this group as well! Feel free to add me, anyone.
  • cherylann11
    cherylann11 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi ladies, im Cheryl and im 43 and i would love to lose about 40lbs, Sign me up!! Ive spent the last 20 years working hard and looking after my family, and like many of us i didnt make time to look after myself. Ive recently been diagnosed with diabetes & high blood pressure so its time to take action. Ive been logging on mfp almost a week now
  • afalls11
    afalls11 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello to All~ I'm so ready to lose about 40-50 pounds. It's been a long time coming with every excuse I could find. My changing point just happened this past January with the passing of my dad. He had congestive heart failure and lived a very good life. I want to have a long healthy life with my beautiful family. I have a wonderful husband, and 2 awesome and amazing kids, 15 and 12. I spend a lot of time in the gym, but that is because both of my kids play almost year round basketball. So my goal is trying to get moving more and be mindful of what I eat. I have a job that will have me traveling and I'm nervous about that when the time comes. I want to be ready when that happens and make good choices while on the road. I was at my healthy weight in 2009 and that is my motivation to get back to that. I look forward to the motivation everyone on MFP can provide.
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    hi! please cross your fingers everyone that I won't start eating tonight like there is no tomorrow... I have done that for the last few days. I am ashamed and I lye to myself about it (it can't make that much of a difference... things like that) to the extend that I get angry at the scales for showing a higher number (yeah, because they told me to have cheese after sugary yoghurt and bread and fruit and more cheese...).
    how do I get to the point again where I can simply stop after dinner? what are your secrets? is it brushing teeth after dinner? going to bed? help!!!
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 416 Member
    buxbert, I have a cup of tea or brush my teeth. Or distract myself, have a bath. Evening snacking was one of my huge downfalls and since I stopped it I feel much better.
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    sorauren wrote: »
    buxbert, I have a cup of tea or brush my teeth. Or distract myself, have a bath. Evening snacking was one of my huge downfalls and since I stopped it I feel much better.
    thanks, I will try brushing my teeth tonight (I have tea in the evening anyway...) Let's see how that works! maybe it would also help me in getting more sleep...

  • Angelenam1967
    Angelenam1967 Posts: 7 Member
    afalls11 wrote: »
    Hello to All~ I'm so ready to lose about 40-50 pounds. It's been a long time coming with every excuse I could find. My changing point just happened this past January with the passing of my dad. He had congestive heart failure and lived a very good life. I want to have a long healthy life with my beautiful family. I have a wonderful husband, and 2 awesome and amazing kids, 15 and 12. I spend a lot of time in the gym, but that is because both of my kids play almost year round basketball. So my goal is trying to get moving more and be mindful of what I eat. I have a job that will have me traveling and I'm nervous about that when the time comes. I want to be ready when that happens and make good choices while on the road. I was at my healthy weight in 2009 and that is my motivation to get back to that. I look forward to the motivation everyone on MFP can provide.

    Keep up that positive attitude, keep your goal in site, put some positive qoutes around your home on mirrors, fridge etc. First thing to do is want it, you do, now start moving. Good luck and welcome to MFP