Couch To 5K Starting June 6th, Join Please!



  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    W2D3 done!
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm in! On Wk1 day 2, so bit behind, but I'm in - that's the important thing!
  • I asked the same thing earlier...I work my legs pretty hard as I'm trying to build them up...I usually do 3 days but have cut back to 2 days of leg work made my last run easier. I try to run mon, wed & fri and thinking I will do legs on tue & sat to give adequate recovery time. Let me know if anyone else has any advice, cuz I would like to know.
    I have just finished W1 D3. I like to do strength training as well. Any thoughts out there on strength training (legs specifically) while doing the C25K program?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I asked the same thing earlier...I work my legs pretty hard as I'm trying to build them up...I usually do 3 days but have cut back to 2 days of leg work made my last run easier. I try to run mon, wed & fri and thinking I will do legs on tue & sat to give adequate recovery time. Let me know if anyone else has any advice, cuz I would like to know.
    I have just finished W1 D3. I like to do strength training as well. Any thoughts out there on strength training (legs specifically) while doing the C25K program?

    I know that when you are doing strength training you split muscle fibers and that's what the "recovery" is for. It's been a long, long time but, I learned in A&P that you use the muscle fibers differently when you do strength or endurance (running).

    So, you definitely have to recover for strength...endurance not much...overall it looks like you have a good plan breaking it up.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    6/12 Sunday: W1D1
    6/13 Monday: W1D2
    6/14 Tuesday: W1D3
    6/15 Wednesday: W1D4
    6/16 Thursday: SHE RESTED
    6/17 Friday: W1D5
    6/18 Saturday: 30 minutes circuit training, no C25K

    Week 2 tomorrow...wish me lots of luck
  • ertrauma
    ertrauma Posts: 46 Member
    Went to a runner's specialty store to day and bought new running shoes. Had no idea that so much was involved in finding a shoe to fit my feet! I will road test them on Father's Day with W2 D1. And thanks for the input on strength training for legs.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    I am in... a little late but hey :drinker:
  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    w2d2 complete. woot!
    good job everyone, keep up the good work!
  • thebigwindmill
    thebigwindmill Posts: 98 Member
    I jumped to where I left off so w2d2 complete. 2.8 miles in 57 minutes :happy:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    HEY, EVERYONE! I won't have access to the internet until Friday, so hopefully I'll be back on here before next weekend. I'm going to restart - again - and try to get back on track with everything. Keep up the great work and I'll be back soon! I'll check on here occassionally from my phone, so if we reach almost 500 posts, I'll make a new topic and link it here.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I see that there's a few new people since I last checked, so if you want to join in with us, you're more than welcome to our group. :)
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Wk4D2 Complete - It was NOT a fluke! YAY!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    Today is W3D1 for me and I'm very nervous about the 3 min run. I could hardly do 90 seconds last week. I'm not sure if this is going to end well.
  • 1ArmyMom1
    1ArmyMom1 Posts: 94
    Got off track last week... going to start over tonight. :-)
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Beginning W2 this week. On vacation next week, so I may end up starting over since I won't be able to get my workout in. We'll see.

    How's everyone doing!? :]
  • Today is W3D1 for me and I'm very nervous about the 3 min run. I could hardly do 90 seconds last week. I'm not sure if this is going to end well.

    let us know how it goes girl, Im sure you will do fine. I was worried too!

    W3D1 done! warmup/cooldown 2.6, jogs 4.5, walks 3.0..I added 2 mins to it to make it a full 30 mins, total travel was 1.7 miles.
    the 90 secs was intimadating, but I just concentrated on my breathing and let me legs do their thang! it worked.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    W2, Day1 completed

    I was soooo unmotivated (too many martinis yesterday) to get this done and the thought of running for 90 secs was daunting. But, I sucked it up and got it done.

    Thoughts for the day:

    I CAN run for 90 seconds
    The calorie burn is amazing
    My ankles are getting skinny and there's some definition in my calves
    Quit whining about the hills, push thru

    This thread is totally motivating me to FINISH...Warrior Dash, here I come!!!
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    Finished W3D1 today - I still don't run and am slowing down a little bit over my regular pace. I am going to try a different location on Wednesday.

    32 minutes - 2.03 miles
  • numnumnums
    numnumnums Posts: 45 Member
    haven't posted in a while 'cos my computer has been busted, but i've stuck with the prog and finished week 2 today. Yay! The drag part is my foot is starting to hurt again. But I'm going to stick it out. I'm glad its the 2 days off part right now though!
  • Finished W2D2 today. I think. I might have lost track. hmmm....:embarassed:
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