fit for october challenge



  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    I would love to join as sisters wedding is October 1st and I would LOVE to be back in my pre-baby favorite jeans. I have decided to stop looking at the scale because I have put on a lot of muscle so I do not think the numbers will be as accurate. I am just going to go by inches (and maybe a once a week scale session) to see if I am having progress...but mainly the way my pants fit.

    I know this sounds terrible but have some terrific meals planned for this evening and tomorrow morning breakfast...but after that it is ON...I will measure/weigh on Monday for my "start" weight and then do it I guess every weekend?

    I am really good on working out but I have been terrible lately on my eating so that will be my biggest challenge - and some good motivation will probably go a long way.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I would love to join as sisters wedding is October 1st and I would LOVE to be back in my pre-baby favorite jeans. I have decided to stop looking at the scale because I have put on a lot of muscle so I do not think the numbers will be as accurate. I am just going to go by inches (and maybe a once a week scale session) to see if I am having progress...but mainly the way my pants fit.

    I know this sounds terrible but have some terrific meals planned for this evening and tomorrow morning breakfast...but after that it is ON...I will measure/weigh on Monday for my "start" weight and then do it I guess every weekend?

    I am really good on working out but I have been terrible lately on my eating so that will be my biggest challenge - and some good motivation will probably go a long way.

    welcome aboard

    i like the way my clothes are starting to fit its alot more motivating than what my scales are saying not got up the courage for my jeans just yet but i will i may wait for my birthday july 2nd and then get them out and pray they fit so i can look good on my bday

    let me know your target when you weigh or even just the target jeans size/inch loss whichever you prefer its mostly about motivating each other to reach where we want to be and celebrating our victories good luck all of us
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone

    why does the weekend end too soon? its very unfair when the week lasts too long lol
    what plans do you all have for today? i am planning my usual exercise i wa sgoing to go swimming but hubby has to work so no one to watch little kids pity as i love swimming its very relaxing. i need to cook but my oldest daughter has cleaned up for me swept an dmopped while i slept i am thinking she is probably after something but it was a great surprise bless her.

    hope your day goes to plan have fun
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    good morning everyone

    why does the weekend end too soon? its very unfair when the week lasts too long lol
    what plans do you all have for today? i am planning my usual exercise i wa sgoing to go swimming but hubby has to work so no one to watch little kids pity as i love swimming its very relaxing. i need to cook but my oldest daughter has cleaned up for me swept an dmopped while i slept i am thinking she is probably after something but it was a great surprise bless her.

    hope your day goes to plan have fun

    Good morning! I totally agree, weekends go way too fast! I'm about to do my workout for the day. Then I'm doing some homework (I'm in grad school), and going over to my parents' house for a Father's Day cookout. Enjoy what's left of the weekend!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i have done nothing so far my calf is throbbing still :( so im trying just take it easy keep having a slow walk around my house but avoiding trampoline and jogging for today its kinda frustrating as i was just in the routine of exerciseing daily hoping it wont affect my weigh in tomorrow i only lost 0.2lbs last week wa shoping for abit more this week but i will be happy to just maintain if not

    hope you have a great fathers day cook out save me somthing healthy and veggie lol
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    aarrgh the batteries in my balance board are dead lol but never mind spent an hour shifting furniture round today in bedrooms, and have done 20 mins on zumba not walked today cos kids are shattered after yesterdays walk and just want to play with friends so going to do another 20 mins zumba and a free jog when they in bed
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    22lb to go to get to 14 st 7 as i hit my 4 stone mark from starting today lets see how it goes
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    22lb to go to get to 14 st 7 as i hit my 4 stone mark from starting today lets see how it goes

    brilliant way to go you
    im hoping for the scale sto at least stay the same this week a loss is a major bonus seen as i havent bene able to exercise properly with my calf
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning id say happy monday but lets face it its the least favourite day of the week lol its that start of early up school run come home mad clean school run home more tidying school run again and then the ttime rush of feed the kids sort there stuff for tomorrow and get babies bathed and ready for bed and in between try to fit in exercise and meal planning lol i love my kids but they make dieting hard work

    this week well i maintained my weight id have loved a loss but seen as i havent been able exercise for 3 days with my calf ill take it the plus side is its only twinging alittle now so hopefully i can get back on track today and tomorrow.

    hope you have a great start to the week looking forward to some great victories from us all this week the sun is shining i have a really good feeling that this will be the week we will see some good things happen :)
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    I want in! My birthday is Oct 10th, so 20 lbs by then would be AMAZING! Birthday 22! =]
  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    Im gonna join.I'm looking at 30 pound loss by October.preferably by september
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I'd love to try this out with you all. Theres a lot of birthdays around that time and I have been a bit lazy with my food diary. Hopefully this will give me the motivation to keep myself on track and have a body I'm happy with for my birthday!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    welcome aboard

    bethany id love to be 20lbs lighter too at the minut ethe weight isnt shifting but the inches are which is good just doesnt sound as great when i say well only this small amount weight has gone but 9inches off my tummy lol

    hiimshadoe 30lbs loss sounds great and hopefully we can all reach our goals im fed up of being in the overweight catagory and my kids running rings round me when we go out

    cdpm birthdays are a great motivater no one likes looking tubby on a special day hence my starting to diet again my bday is july 2nd and i didnt want to be in a size 16 ive dropped to a 12 but id love to lose the excess weight and tone up how much do you want to lose or is it just a dress size or 2 and the weight is a bonus
  • Chilliaddict
    Chilliaddict Posts: 57 Member
    I'm in if it's still open. I start my third year at university in october and it will be a few weeks before my birthday so i want to get into shape and look good in my birthday dress. Count me in :)
  • wannabemini
    yes i want to get fit for halloween
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    getting fit for october is starting today (for me)

    todays weight/measurements:
    weight = 148.2
    waist = 27"
    hips = 37"
    rthigh = 22"
    lthigh = 22"

    my goal weight/measurements...OR if I fit into my favorite pre-pregnancy jeans before I hit my goal
    weight = 138
    waist = 26"
    hips = (i don't care)
    rthigh = 20"
    lthigh = 20"

    i am hoping with some good eating along with my excercise that i will finally be able to do this. My twins just turned 2 and i still can't fit into half of my jeans and my engagement ring is too small (at least i can wear the wedding band) so here we go

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    yes the group is open and unless we get like a million people im hoping to keep it open alot of people will change goals or time so we will see a rise and fall in people but we all have the same goals to lose weight and get in shape

    i will add all new people to chart i have and hopefully keep track fingers crossed

    chilliaddict looking good for bday dress is good incentive i am really wanting to look good in my jeans and tops as well i really really really want to look fit n fab when i go away just me and hubby

    wannabemini looking good for halloween is a great one all the parties and sweets/candys/chocolates ill need be skinny to not feel so bad about the trick or treat stuff i will eat lol

    mabrywynn you have some very good goals and they should be very easy to acheive says me thats been trying to lose these last 20lbs or so for over a year but this time im determined it went on so it has to come off kids just ruin our figures good job we love them
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ok these are our goals good luck all of us in reaching them

    Person Goal
    Daytimedreamer Reach 14st 7lbs (203lbs)
    Bethmakesmusic Fit in dress hubby bought 
    DancinSMartipan wear a sexy outfit on Halloween
    Cdpm look good for bday
    Chilliaddict look good bday dress
    Wannabemini fit for Halloween
    KatheryneH13 7-10lbs loss monthly cycle everyday
    Mabrywynn lose 10lbs
    Gembo82 lose 14lbs
    Monkeysmum 20lbs loss 1hr exercise daily
    Storyt17 20lbs loss
    Tracey2710 20lbs loss
    Cathyg18 20lbs loss
    Christinichka more than 20lbs loss
    Timeforamajorchange 30lbs loss average 1.5lbs week
    Sarahliz24 30lbs loss faster marathon time
    Hiimshadoe lose 30lbs
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Woohoo! We can do it!! Thanks Monkeysmum for organizing this awesome group of losers!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Woohoo! We can do it!! Thanks Monkeysmum for organizing this awesome group of losers!

    :) thankyou guys really for keeping me motivated.

    happy tuesday all

    today is my treat day me and a friend go to mcdonalds for an egg mcmuffin and coffee i give the hashbrown from meal to my little one so i dont feel so bad it averages 390cals we`ve done it every tuesday for about 2years and i love that even on a diet i can still do it and not feel guilty. i also plan on 1hr exercise this afternoon jogging on trampoline thats on top of the 45mins walking around supermarket as we shop i also have to clean and organise a packed lunch for my 8year old its her school trip to scarbrough im hoping the rain holds off as they want to take the kids on beach and let them paddle in the sea busy day and im not even doing much just loads little things in small amounts time lol

    hope you all have a great day