Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Welcome Adriana - I really dont have any tips for you, but if you want a really good workout I use the resistance bands for the sculpt, those really made me feel the burn. I didnt like using the weights since I only have 3 lbs weights and then 15lbs.. and with certain excersizes I really couldnt use the 15lbs but didnt have any smaller weights that would make me feel the burn.

    Tena - wow congrats to you!!! THats awesome. I hope you inspire and help out many people with their struggles.

    I did sweat 1-2 last night, I am definitely needing a better workout than that... i really didnt feel like i worked my butt off.. just was slightly winded. I am so used to feeling really sore and tired after working out when doing pilaties. So I think either I will do Taebo Ultimate Bootcamp on the sweat days or maybe one of the P90X
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Mornin', got up and at it this morning. Sculpt I&II. Sticking to the 15lbs and moved my reps to 11. It's amazing the difference it makes! Am also working on upping my push ups. I do the full ones, not the modified and try and stick to his tempo which of course makes it even tougher!

    Jenn: I run. You already know how to run! :smile: What you need to work on is your cardio. Take it slow and easy. Don't even WORRY about what "time" you'll finish your race in. There are loads of "coach to 5K" training schedules on the internet. If you can't come up with one let me know.

    Tena: Congrats on your impending coach status! When you're set up, let me know 'cos I'd like to request you as my coach. I haven't gone on the web site yet 'cos it seems like you put a lot of personal information out there. Is it free?

    Have a great day all.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Thank you Paula I did find a 9 week Couch To 5k training layout. I am not going to start just yet cuz I hate cold and there is too much snow on the ground, can't get my new running shoes wet!
    I will let you know on my progress!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    .......... can't get my new running shoes wet!

    TOO funny! :laugh:

    I remember being at mile 4 of a half marathon and these two chicks ran past me looking WONDERFUL and totally co-ordinated. One of them turns to the other and says "Let's face it, it's ALL about the apparel!" That made me laugh.
  • "Let's face it, it's ALL about the apparel!" That made me laugh.

    :laugh: oh that is too much

    What I did to learn to run, is just started out running 5min straight then walking 5min then run again for 10min and then 10min walk.... just keep going and pushing yourself. Then when i felt I could do more than 10min I would then make a goal while running on the road... like I can make it to the that certain mailbox before I stop... then make your goal farther down the road the next day. It did take me a good two months to get to the point of running 5km non stop and then a month before I attempted 10km. You can do it just stick with it.

    And I will be running with you for the 5k and pushing you all the way, so I know you can do it. hehe THe half marathon, I will have to think about that one. hehe
  • Thank you so much! I'm very exited I get the P90 today and I will be starting tomorrow and tell you guys how it goes.
    I'm a little confuse about the diet on this site. What happens if you don't want to eat too many carbs and you go over the amount of protain? does it matter?
    Wow I wanted to congratulate Huskeymom and Sweettart on your weight lost, is amazing and i'm very motivated by your success.

    I will take pictures of my improvement and post them to help motivate others.
    Good Luck!!!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Got my 30 min run in at lunch time. 3 miles 300+ calories.

    Tomorrow morning is Cardio I & II, may move on from that one next week.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Not only did I do my Scuplt 1-2 this morning this afternoon took the dog for a 15min walk it was WAY too cold my legs were numb. And tonight my friend got me a free week pass to her gym and I did 15mins on the treadmill and 15mins on the bike.

    Tomorrow is day 1 of Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200. Tomorrow night I am going back to the gym for a 1hr to 1.5hr Zumba class, never done that before so wish me luck! Thurs is Sculpt 3-4 and then at night going to do a Bosu class for an hour which again I've never done, fri is Sweat and Abs again plus going to the gym prob just go on the treadmill and Sat is Sculpt and then an hour body blast class at the gym!

    Not sure if anyone noticed but since I"ve been losing weight I changed my ticker because technically that is how much I've lost not the one I had before, that one was just since I've started losing again but to me 36lbs motivates me more then 18lbs.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am sorry, I thought I posted last night but guess I didn't. I did do 1 on 1 Plyo legs and it was an EXCELLENT workout! My legs were just screaming when I finished! It felt sooooo good. Then I went on beachbody and officially became a coach! I am really excited to be able to help, inspire and motivate people. I really love doing it! Tonight I have Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X plus extra ab work. I can't wait!!!

    Jenn: You were a wild woman yesterday! You sure did alot!! Way to go! It made me tired to read everything you did! You are such an amazing woman!!! I did notice your ticker about losing 36 lbs and you should be SUPER proud of yourself!!!

    Sounds like everyone had a great workout yesterday. I would post more but I have to get to work...
    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and excellent workout!

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Cardio 1&2, thighs are sore. Good stuff!

    Am off to Philly for the weekend, intend to do weights and cardio in a gym there.
  • Tena - Thanks, I really wish I could post my progress pics for you to see the difference.. I am very happy with the results. I just need to really work on tightening up the belly and get rid of some of the thigh and lower back fat. Any suggestions?

    I didnt work out last night since Jenn's bf and my dh and I went to a concert last night and well coming home at 130am was not a time to be working out when I had to go to work today at 8am. eek

    Tonight I am going to do sculpt with 15lb weights and see how I do and force myself to keep up that weight. I did do ab ripper X2 on Monday which really hleped me feel some actual workout and they still kind of feel sore. I really need to find a workout level that i feel was worth the effort and time. I think maybe I will definitely start the P90X program since everyone I have talked to really loves how it makes you feel after.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well everyone I just finished my first day of Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200. I have to say Tony kicked my *kitten* (sorry for the language).

    I have never sweat so much durning a workout video in my life! My whole body right now is jello but its a great feeling!
    The bad thing is that I dont think I even did 100 crunches cuz I was so tired and worn out BUT its only day 1 still have 44 more days to go!

    Have a great workout tonight!

    PS I am also doing an 1.5hr Zumba class tonight..........wish me luck!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Well everyone I just finished my first day of Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200. I have to say Tony kicked my *kitten* (sorry for the language).

    I have never sweat so much durning a workout video in my life! My whole body right now is jello but its a great feeling!
    The bad thing is that I dont think I even did 100 crunches cuz I was so tired and worn out BUT its only day 1 still have 44 more days to go!

    Have a great workout tonight!

    PS I am also doing an 1.5hr Zumba class tonight..........wish me luck!

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! Am excited about switching to Sweat 3-4 next week. We'll be doing it together.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    WOW! You guys are all rockin today! :happy:

    Jenn: I am so SUPER PROUD of you! You stepped it up and did great! I knew you could do it! I just love that jello feeling! I had that last night with that 1 on 1 plyo legs! Like I said before, be patient because you will get better each time you do it. What is "Zumba"???

    Husky: You are doing good! Don't worry about last night, just make that your Rest Day for this week... I had huge progess and melted the belly fat, hips/thighs and back with P90X. That is what got me in the best shape ever. Do you have P90X? If not, you can order from my website on beachbody and I can track it and help with any problems. I am coach there now.

    Paula: Way to go on your workout! Don't you just love that sore feeling? When you know that you worked those muscles good... To me, it is such an awesome feeling! Have fun in Philly but not too much fun. We will miss you!

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I just ordered this on Sunday night and someone told me today, that you have to be in really good shape to do this:grumble: Are they trying to make me quit before I start? I have about 80 pounds that I want to get rid of and right now I think that it would be something that I could try and get better as I went along. What do you think?
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Sara: Which one did you order P90 or P90X. Either one, you just have to modify at the beginning and then you will notice you get better each time you do it. DO NOT let anyone talk you out of doing it though! Tony has the best workouts out there! You will do great. Just do the workouts and make sure you clean up your nutrition and you WILL succeed.

    Any questions, I am here for you...

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Power 90 is a great place to start!

    Trust me Im not in shape and you just have to be patient with yourself and it will come to you.

    I am on day 45 and have lost 11.4lbs but also had xmas, new years and right now on a bit of a plateau but still working out 6 days a week with sundays off which to me is my fav day!

    Even though today I moved up to 3-4 there were parts of 1-2 sweat I couldnt do all of it but oh well Im not perfect and who know once Im done all 90 days I may still not have done all the video of 3-4 but I will be SOO proud of myself that for the first time have actually stuck to a whole fitness program!

    Good luck with Power 90 and we are here for you if you need ANYTHING! Once you start post here with us everyday about how your workouts are or whatever you want!

    Together we will get through this!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Thanks! It was the P90X I believe. I think that person that told me that is jealous that I've decided to lose weight, since I've been going to the gym I haven't had time to sit and talk on the phone all night with her.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well awesome job on getting P90X, Im still on P90 I have a ways to go to get to P90X but Tena has done it and had AMAZING results!

    Tena: Zumba is a high energy latin/salsa dance class.........so excited!
    I think Im more excited abou the Bosu Ball class tomorrow night though!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Sara: If it is P90X, be ready for the ride of your life. I started at 178 on P90X and was not in the best shape. As Tony says "Do your best and forget the rest". Be prepared to be super sore the first week. Heck I am super sore from the workouts I have done the last 2 days! There is no plateau and it took me a long time to be able to do the entire workout without pausing. I still have to pause once in awhile! Are you on beachbody? It is free to use the website and you can log into WOWY with chances of winning daily prizes. If you join beachbody, I would love to assist you in your journey as I am a coach there. Let me know if I can help you in anyway or if you have more questions. One thing that I do regret.... I started my first Round doing the Lean Version. I did lose weight but when I did the Classic Version, the weight just melted off me. So, I do recommend the Classic Version...

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