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Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in again!! These challenges really help!

    CW: 147.8
    GW: 136

    NSV1: fit into a size 8 comfortably
    NSV2: be able to run a full 5k, not walking for part of it
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I am very glad I found this challenge today!! I had a very bad weekend! I am in desperate need of some new motivation!! This sounds like a good place to start over!

    GW-205 by July 25
    GW-188 by Sept 5
    My other goal is to stick to my calorie goal especially during my TOM!!!
  • I'd like to join!

    September 5th is 2 days after my 28th birthday! Meaning I could look way better in the pix if I stick with this!

    CW: 250.4
    GW: 230.0

    NSV: workout 5 days a week
    NSV: stay on track and log calories honestly.
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hi F4Fers,

    Let's get this started! Sick this past weekend, but ready to start tomorrow...


    NSV #1: be able to kick the sugar and bingeing for good
    NSV #2: prove to myself I can eat healthy and continue to excercise after I reach my goal weight
    NSV #3: feel good and ready to get up and exercise early in the morning again

    Also, can anyone that has their CW, GW etc. listed at the bottom in green tell me how I can do that? Thanks!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Oh I forgot to list one of my goals....I'd really like to get the courage to go to some of the classes offered at my gym. I'm really intimidated by them but i need to just bite the bullet and go :ohwell:
    You can do it--remember--there was a 1st time for everyone in there, most people don't care how well (or not so much) other people are doing (they're too busy trying to keep up!) and I bet you'll surprise yourself with how well you'll do! Go, go, go!!!!
    Then let us know how it went!
  • stuua
    stuua Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to MFP and am excited to try a challenge.

    CW: 226
    GW: 200

    NSV #1: work out at least 5 days a week
    NSV #2: Don't blow the weeks hard work on the weekends...no matter how fun it is! :)
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Day 1 SW 155 (I won't be weighing in each week and the numbers--whatever they are --seem to trigger binges)

    This week's NSV #1- Meet the water challenge (the weights I already do)
    #3-Stay current with this challenge group

    Long Term NSV #1-Weigh in on the last day--goal (hope, wish, dream, desire) 148--If I could break past the 150's I would be delirious!!!
    #2-Complete this challenge (which will be more of an accomplishment than losing weight)

    I know I can do this--I know we can all do this!!!
  • Hello all :) Definitely would love to join this challenge! I lost a lost 30 lbs when I was 18 and have maintained it for the last 7 years. This year I have gained 9 pounds and I want to GET IT OFF before its too late and I fall back into being overweight. Even when I lost the 30 lbs, I never reached my final goal of 105 pounds. So this time, I AM DOING IT. I am 5'0 tall and a healthy low-normal weight is around 100-105 so that is what I would like to achieve :) I apparently am growing out of my young girl metabolism because this weight came on pretty easy and has not been easy to come off! I wish everyone luck whether your weight loss goal is big or small! Can't wait to read about everyone's success.


    1. To stop being so obsessed with weighing myself
    2. To drink more water
    3. To eat more foods that I enjoy in small portions, rather than eating an abundance of really healthy food and never feeling emotionally satisfied (really need to work on portion control)

    :) Good luck all!

  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    A little advice I got from my brother (who has never needed to diet a day in his life but was an exercise science major and a phyiscal trainer) that I thought was wonderful advice about dieting and was really suprised I hadn't heard it before. He wrote me a lifting regiment for six weeks but the dieting plan attached said something along the lines of making sure you eat a well balanced, healthy diet to feed your exercise and recharge your body BUT the good advice was that no more than 10% of your meals should be cheat meals. I like this idea because that way you don't blow it all in one day and can make up for your "cheat" with the rest of your day or throughout the week. If you stick to a 1400 calorie diet most days but then consume 3000 calories one day it is likely you will have blown your entire week but if you spread out the cheating it teaches both moderation and lifestyle change and allows you to not feel deprived more frequently than hoarding it all up for that one day a week and then having to deal with the guilt later. Just a though, I loved the idea. It is sort of what i do anyway, I almost always have a little something sweet be it one 16 calorie cadbury mini egg or two double stuff oreos or a skinny cow ice cream bar but I purposely save calories so I can do that and it helps me not over indulge with everything else.
  • MissAdie8
    MissAdie8 Posts: 1
    CW - 202

    I need to stick with this! i had a baby in December, and am at my absolute highest weight ever. My goal is to go to eat better. It's so easy to just grab crappy food because you are busy! The baby weight has got to go!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Yah for all the excited people here:) This is going to be a great challenge!

    My starting weight is 146.4 Goal weight is 140.
    NSV's- 1. Tone up my flabby arms
    2. Shed 2 inches off my waistline
    3. Work at getting a flat toned tummy

    Good luck to everyone. This is our 4th challenge I do believe and it's a great group of people to hang out with if you want to lose weight:) Let's get this party started!!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to be a part of this challenge :) I need motivation so badly . And my 35th bday is in October so losing the weight would be wonderful ! I'm kind of embarrassed to write in my current weight but that will just push me to change it !

    My starting weight is 330.8 my goal weight for November 5 is 250 that's a 80 lb weight loss might be a bit high but im aiming for the sky !
    NSV- 1.to completely cut out soda!
    2. go into a restaurant and actually sit at a booth and not be nervous!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    I just about started to cry when i realized i think im the heaviest person in this group... very embarrassing for me but just might be a big wake up call to get me moving...
  • CW:150
    NSV: Tone my body

    This will be perfect to get me going again
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    No judgement here! The starting number isn't important the NSV's and the way you feel on your journey to being fit and healthy is what matters. Keep your chin up girl! You can do this and paying attention and getting support is half the battle. Congrats for taking the first steps and welcome to the challenge. :flowerforyou:
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    I just about started to cry when i realized i think im the heaviest person in this group... very embarrassing for me but just might be a big wake up call to get me moving...

    No judgement here! The starting number isn't important the NSV's and the way you feel on your journey to being fit and healthy is what matters. Keep your chin up girl! You can do this and paying attention and getting support is half the battle. Congrats for taking the first steps and welcome to the challenge.
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Got the 10 glasses in for today....went biking with my girls for about an hour today, however, didn't see the weight portion. Will be sure to add to tomorrow. For my goal of not eating past 9pm...it's 9:46 and I'm holding on....
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    @michelle228--I think you are incredibly brave person--and you are safe and among friends here!! I doubt that any of us care what the others' weights are, we just want to lose our own and support everyone else that is here with us. You can and will do this!!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Current Weight is 196.8

    Goal Weight....180

    NSV would be to run nonstop in a 5k that will be the weekend of the 9/4. Being able to do something that I've never done before. I want to challenge myself to be better and get better each and every day. When I fall, I want to pick myself up again and put my head up high and keep going because I can do this.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Wow...I am SERIOUSLY impressed with all the wonderful response we've gotten for this round of challenges so far!!!
    And welcome BRUCE!! There is just never enough testosterone, so happy to have a dude amongst all of us hens!! LOL

    Hello old friends, and hooray for lots of new friends!! As many have said, this is an AMAZING group of people, and all you newcomers will really enjoy it, I guarantee it!!

    I have decided to embrace the NSV goal in it's purity...I will weigh in, but I am not going to set a goal weight. I, like Tissues and Jessica, need to back the frack away from my scale and focus on other things!

    So I thought and thought about what I REALLY wanted to achieve...and I'm going to do the C25k training program. I have NEVER, in my LIFE, been able to run...even when I was a kid. And I really want to push myself and prove to everyone, even my Mom, that I CAN DO IT!!!
    I think that along the way, I shall add more NSV's for myself, but for now, that's the biggie :bigsmile:

    CW: 193 (stupid TOM messing up my 190...grrrrr)

    Big thanks to Ailene & Olivia for taking charge again :heart:
    Now I must go and drink drink drink my water....

    Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend, I'm big on support! Just let me know you're with F4F...I don't do randoms....:bigsmile:

    Good luck!!