

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    A new month, new goals:
    • Run 80 miles this month
    • Lose 4 pounds
    • 8 cups water daily
    • Reduce consumption of Diet soda to one per day (Diet Dr. Pepper addict here)
    • Track track track
    • strength train a minimum of twice weekly (my trainer will love that one)
    • Survive spring break - taking care of six grandchildren that week!

    Mary - no today isn't my birthday. My sister was born on the 29th so she only has a "real" birthday once every four years and so on those birthdays I let her claim to be only the reduced number of years... this year she was "15", but actually she is 60. My birthday is in August.

    I didn't get in my mileage last month due to some injury and visitors. I'm part of a team that is running 2016 miles in 2016. We did 2800 miles last year so I don't worry about this year's goal. My part is minor compared to the other runners. I am committed to 600 miles this year. A big step for me as last year I only ran a bit over 400. So I'd better get with it and make up some miles this month from last month. Funny thing is, I don't really like running.... ;)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! And it's a much better morning, too! The flu bug seems to have found other accommodations.

    My goals for March:

    Get back on track!!!!!
    Get back to logging my food.
    Find some way to exercise every day.
    Stop complaining so much.
    Read and post every day.
    Lose 4 pounds this month.

  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Barbie - thanks for getting us going again!

    Well, here I am again! Looking back at my goals for February, I made some and some I didn't!
    1. Walk every day at lunch - almost every day! And I walked more on the weekends, taking the puppy out.
    2. Lose 4 pounds - I was up and down all month and ended up losing 1 pound. Better than nothing!
    3. Track - yes
    4. Plan - kinda, sorta most of the time
    5. Stretch - most days, yes!
    6. Me time - not really, too many irons in the fire!

    When I look at the list, I don't feel too bad. The weather has taken a turn for the better and sunshine makes everybody feel better, including me!

    I'm going to continue with last month's goals and add these for March:
    • Work out with Leslie Sansone DVD 1x per week
    • Declutter 2 bedrooms and ready them for painting.
    • Get rid of some junk!!!!

    It's a beautiful day today with lots of sun and blue skies. Supposed to be a high of 70! I see a lunchtime walk in my future!

    Donna in almost heaven, West Virginia

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Happy Tuesday and the first of March. Today is DH's birthday and tomorrow is mine. We had a great trip and enjoyed time with family. I see this morning I have almost 450 posts to catch up with. Will do the best I can to read and keep up with everyone. Weigh in this morning I was down just over 2 pounds which made me happy. Came back to work today and things are mading. Not sure that is even a word, the lady who walked out last week and broke HIPPA, got a 4 days off without pay. What a joke. I have seen people fired for less. So doing my best to not stress out about it.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
    I forgot it was the first of the month and posted this on last month. So moved it here and still reading, We are such a busy group. Love you guys.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks, Barbie!
    Feeling a bit blue because in a moment of hurt (actually it was at least a week) I actually gave in and sent a note that will not help my cause. Some days it is hard to believe my body carried two such different children. What do you do when it is so apparent that talking would help but the other person is too afraid to even start?
    So month after month of staying quiet probably derailed by one brief acknowledgement of pain...oh well. I never said I was Superwoman.
    All I want to do in March is have the scale go down and my mood go up...is that a good enough goal?

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks, Barbie!
    Feeling a bit blue because in a moment of hurt (actually it was at least a week) I actually gave in and sent a note that will not help my cause. Some days it is hard to believe my body carried two such different children. What do you do when it is so apparent that talking would help but the other person is too afraid to even start?
    So month after month of staying quiet probably derailed by one brief acknowledgement of pain...oh well. I never said I was Superwoman.
    All I want to do in March is have the scale go down and my mood go up...is that a good enough goal?

    I have found that "being happy" is an attainable goal but we have to plan for it, purposely do things that make us happier, and notice it when we feel it. When bad things happen in our lives, little happy moments help to get us through. I wish you best luck. (((HUGS)))

    Katla in beautiful and overcast NW Oregon
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks, Katla! :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Swimming-40 minutes freestyle

    Finally my sister-in-law and friend are able to swim again. Will try to get that in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It really stretches out my muscles after weight training. I needed it especially after swinging the kettle bell 500 times today! The hot tub was exceptionally relaxing!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    February Goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5 and do full body workout. Check
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week check
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days at least 25 minutes and increase weight of Kettlebell from 30lbs to 35lbs check only for one workout though
    4. 8 hour diet window check
    5. 8 power foods most of the time
    6. 8 cups of water fail-need to focus on this
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods check
    8. Lose 5 lbs fail I can see improved muscle tone
    9. Do the 5:2 fasting method. Fail
    10. Train puppy 3xday check
    11. Incorporate EM2WL into my program I increased my calories to 1750 a day working on

    Word - prioritize, I am important!

    Quote- I -Know- I -Can

    March Goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3.10,000 Kettle bell swing Challenge
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9 Train puppy 3xday

    Word - prioritize, I am important!

    Quote- I -Know- I -Can
  • DeeBakk
    DeeBakk Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined the site and I am hoping to get some great tips from the ladies of this site. I have 35 lbs to loose for the past few years. I am on thyroid meds for the past 20 years and it is a constant struggle. Definitely am open to many suggestions to help me
  • DeeBakk
    DeeBakk Posts: 2 Member
    Goal - Lose 8 lbs - Walk 6 Days a Week - Weight Train 3 Days a week - Enjoy the Journey
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps and new peeps - holy farts!!!! 2 pgs already????!!!!

    holy farts......bwahahahaha...... THAT put a smile on this gals face!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    "Every meal is a snack,
    and every snack is a meal"

    Becca's quote of the day!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Barbie - I love the workout Hello Kitty you posted for March. I'm going to have to find it and use it as my profile page for Facebook.

    I started the 30-day Paleo Challenge that my Cross Fit Box is coordinating on 2/25. So far, so good. I haven't been hungry and really haven't missed anything except for chewing gum. With the same work outs and the adjusted diet I am down 6.5 lbs. It would be really nice if I continued with those same results for the next 24-days, but am not fooling myself.

    March Goals:
    - 11,000 steps each day
    - Stick to the Paleo Diet
    - Log all foods
    - Attend Cross Fit 3x per week
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) I used to love traveling and often left town several times a month and took longer trips by air several times a year....now, home is my favorite place to be....but we're going away for the weekend on a trip that we've planned for nearly a year. We will see friends we haven't seen in a long time and stay in a nice hotel. I'm trying to get my enthusiasm together for the event. It has been interesting for me to note how my interests have changed.

    :)Mary, I have been trying to think of what sort of challenge to set for myself for this week or this month and my mind was blank until I realized that because of our trip, I can't plan to do the things I normally do....so my challenge for week one for myself will be to walk at least 10,000 steps a day in spite of long drives on two of the days and long days of events that require sitting on the other days. The hotel has a nice fitness center so I'm looking forward to seeing what sorts of things are there that I don't have at home (maybe kettle bells?)
  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Just turned 50 (Feb 28) and pretty new to MFP (20 days). Hoping this group will motivate me on my journey. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so moving is painfully and something I have tried to avoid in the past, but the weight must go, so not moving is not an option. My goal (as simple as it may sound) is to walk 25 more steps each day. Wish me luck!

    Welcome! Love your screen name. Mine should be "soican'tquilt". My grandma tried to teach me, but I was horrible! I think my mama still has the quilt with the horrible mess I made on the back side of it.

    I probably need Crafters Anonymous
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Cheri in Fairlawn, oHIo – You and your DH will be in my prayers that he will be invited to the Virginia Commonwealth University campus, how great would that be to move close to where your daughter and other family will be. Congrats for hanging in there and moving on with resolve now. Way to go.

    Mary I can't imagine swinging a kettle bell as much as you are going to be doing this week/month. I'm impressed. Do you alternate arms, or how does that work and in what range do you swing? What do you mean by “8 hour diet window”?

    Pip you always crack me up. Good for the soul :)

    Marcelynh – I think you forgot one goal on your list for the month. If I remember correctly that would be “DO NOT skip a day reading posts” :) My hat is off to you for running 80 miles in February. Wow.

    Betty – that goal for March sounds good to me. Hang in there and as Barbie says, “stay in the moment”.

    Suzy – 50 lbs is a very ambitious goal. One thing we stress here is not to set yourself up for failure. Good luck on your journey.

    Miriam – I'd love to see you while you are here. You'll have to let me know when is good for you.

    I forgot to mention yesterday that I did 3x8 sets of 11 different weight resistance exercises. Felt a bit sore for a little while afterwards, but stretching and going on with my day loosened the muscles back up and I was good this morning. I walked for 3 miles on the treadmill today in an hour. Went to the eye doctor for a scan of my eyes to see if the macular degeneration has progressed in the past six months. Doctor will look at them and is supposed to call me today with results. I hope she does. Tomorrow morning I go for a mammogram.

    So for March goals, I've come up with just a few basics:
    - weight resistance exercise three days a week
    - cardio (treadmill and/or stationary bike/water aerobics) three day a week
    - rest on the 7th day
    - log all food and drink, I don't drink alcohol so its mainly coffee and water. I have no trouble getting this all in.
    - Enjoy life and "live in the moment". Thanks Barbie for repeating this, I think I'm finally getting it through my head

    I enjoy all of your posts, you are my inspiration and keep me going.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps and new peeps - holy farts!!!! 2 pgs already????!!!!

    holy farts......bwahahahaha...... THAT put a smile on this gals face!

    in case you never knew, I have a very "colorful" vocabulary. I can embarrass any trucker I know. so instead of saying the usual "f" word, fart became it. I am here for your amusement.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- The 10,000 steps would be a great challenge! I know that when I travel I bring my kettle bell with me. Something that you might want to think of is just the bodyweight exercises such as the plank, push-ups, sit ups…

    Janetr - I use the double arm swing we're both hands are holding the horn of the kettle bell. The eight hour diet is a fasting diet. Where you only eat during in eight hour window of time. So you have 16 hours of non-eating time. I eat between the hours of 12 noon and 8 PM. I exercise in the morning prior to eating after 12. Supposedly it improves fat burning mode. It is nice to see that one of your goals is weight resistance! It looks like you have a great plan for March!


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    just got a call from Kirby..
    guess we're gonna put a new roof on the house. more $$ out the window. might as well do that first b4 he starts working on getting the lawn back in shape (he likes a nice green lawn). the guys will be on the roof w/ladders and stuff, so I guess that's a smart thing to do.