

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm sorry DS & DDIL are moving so far away, too. On the other hand, this is a good assignment for them and ever so much better than what might have been. We will work on enjoying our lives and visit when we can. :ohwell' :flowerforyou:

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yeah my DH is getting a lot of babying coming his way. I went to vote; he did not feel like it, getting in and out of a seating position is not very comfortable. The bag is 'hot'; it rubs him, he can't tell when he needs to empty it. The more he drinks, they more he'll go. I've had catheter when I had a very bad wreck and was bedridden. It's a funny sensation to want to stop it when you just need to let it go -it makes you think if you do, you'll wet yourself.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you for all the support today. It has been a rough one. Feel like I can't let go and move forward. Every time I feel like I make progress it all starts to come crashing down again.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Aw we love our Pip....colorful language and all (((hugs)))
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you for all the support today. It has been a rough one. Feel like I can't let go and move forward. Every time I feel like I make progress it all starts to come crashing down again.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Have you considered professional counseling? I think it could be a real help, and at least a safe place to "unload". Big (((hugs))).

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Did SWSY workout:

    Chair Stand: 8 reps/2 sets
    Standing Leg Curl: 8 reps/2 sets 3 lbs
    Knee Extension: 8 reps/2 sets 3 lbs
    Side Hip Raise: 8 reps/2 sets 3 lbs
    Biceps Curl: 8 reps/2 sets 3 lbs
    Overhead Press: 8 reps/2 sets 3 lbs
    Upward Row: 8 reps/ 2 sets 3 lbs
    Toe Stand: 8 reps/ 2 sets Level 1

    These are very low weights compared to where I originally was but being extremely cautious as to not set off my compressed nerve in my back and other issues. Tomorrow I will do my PT routine sent home with me from my therapist.

    Today was a special day for our extended family on my side. My niece delivered a very healthy baby boy. She is a 30+ year old woman who decided to have a child on her own. She is an accomplished nurse in NICU. He was just over 9 lbs! Ended up with a cesarean section as he was facing up and wouldn't turn for delivery. She has an awesome support system in my brother's family. I now have 7 greats from his 3 daughters and one more on the way! Cannot wait to go to Virginia and see them all when we go to help our daughter look for an apartment there in a month or 2.

    Welcome everyone who is new. This is an awesome group of women! Prayers and blessings to all in need.

    Cheri in rainy turning to snowy NE oHIo
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good morning... I am 53 years young... I was born at 9 pounds, and have ALWAYS been a full figured woman! This past summer I fell and injured my left ankle and right knee... while on crutches my weight bloomed to 206... I am 5 foot 3 inches. I started with Physical therapy for 3 months, then in October a friend referred me to MFP, once I got a handle on my eating, I joined a gym and got a personal trainer. Today I am proud to say that I am down 20 pounds, and exercise at least 3 days a week... I still have another 36 pounds to go till I hit my ideal weight range. I would love join this group, I am always in need of positive influences!
    I am looking for ideas for packing my meals during the days I work. I am a nurse working 3-4 12 hour shifts, 7am to 7pm. I struggle with eating the same foods every day. The choices in our cafeteria are not on the healthy side... salads are getting boring! any ideas my new friends.

    I lived in Japan for years and many people there eat bento boxes for lunch every day. A bento box is a meal that is made up of just a couple of bites of several different foods. For example, 3 bites of salad, one chicken nugget, 2 pieces of brown rice sushi, a couple of bites of a vegetable, and a couple of bits of a noodle dish. If you do a "cook for a week" plan on your day off or save even small bits of leftovers, you can easily put one together. To keep the food separated, use cupcake liners and put several liners in a sealable lunch box. Another easy way to do this (if you don't enjoy cooking), is hit the salad bar and pre-cooked food area of your local food market. Buy your favorites is the smallest amounts possible and divide. By doing this by the time you are "bored" with the taste of the same old lunch you have finished that portion and can move on to the next taste. Good luck!

    I lived in Japan during the 80's 7 years, (two Navy tours). As a dependent, I immersed myself into society, loved it! I miss the life you know... From the "dirty dishes" store, to the neighborhood ramen places. My son called the owner " Ojiisan" (grandfather) and the owner gave us cut fresh fruit (not on the menu). Was part of the housewives group that bought things from the vegetable truck that came by the huge apartment that was across from mine off-base. We would buy organic items then split it up between us. Felt really apart of the society. My son played with their children.
  • Kismesi
    Kismesi Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Just started the 'Matmadness' challenge at my fitness room: meaning being on the mat - working out - every day in March. Hope I will keep up with that. For sure will need support. My goal is to lose weight and get back to healthier lifestyle choices in general. I was happy to see all the different posts - being ina community is a first for me - looking forward to it though!
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Anne - I'm here for you. It's ok to take really tiny, tiny steps and even no steps forward some days. Let yourself feel bad and don't put a time limit on that. If we try to "push" past pain it often just makes it last longer. You have the right to feel bad. Be gentle with yourself and reward yourself for whatever you feel is a positive. Some days, that may just be getting out of bed!
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    DeborahDoyle - I recently purchased some meal prep containers from Amazon, made by HomeNative Limited. I LOVE them! I'm a substitute teacher and work days are my most challenging as far as eating healthy, but these are perfect. They can go in the freezer and the microwave and the food stays separated in the three areas. I make two to four at the beginning of the week and then they're ready to go when I work. Or, if I have leftovers, I just put one together and either pop it into the refrigerator or the freezer. It couldn't be easier and I highly recommend.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Annnnnd, it's a new month! For February I hoped to lose 5 pounds, but only lost 2. That's ok because it is going in the right direction and my exercise was interrupted by my long bout with vertigo. Now that I have a month under my belt, I'm going to adjust to a more realistic (I hope number).

    March Goals:

    Lose 3 pounds
    Lose an inch or more off my waist
    60 minutes/week on the treadmill
    2 cardio videos or more per week
    Stick with the Diary of a Fit Mommy workout plan - strength train 5 days/week

    Today was my fourth consecutive day exercising again and I have that lovely burning in the muscles of my abs and arms. Tomorrow I'll be feeling the lower half exercises I did today.

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member

    Have you considered professional counseling? I think it could be a real help, and at least a safe place to "unload". Big (((hugs))).

    Janetr okc

    I did when I got divorced. I went to make sure I was not doing anything self destructive. My friends say I am doing better than I was with my divorce. I knew it would be rough today with very little sleep last night. Think one of the hardest parts is we have to deal with each other at work so the no contact thing is not really available for me like it was in my divorce.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Made it back from Olive Garden without too much damage. I looked at the lighter fare but ended up with the Tour of Italy. Ate maybe half and salad. Only one breadstick! Tracked every bit of it and still have some calories left. I probably won't eat anything else this evening. That was an accomplishment for me. I may take a little bit of the left overs for lunch tomorrow. And I may not! It's a good feeling to take control of the fork!

    It was good to go out to dinner with my kids. Two sons, my daughter, daughter-in-law, son's gf, and hubby. We were missing oldest son and his wife and grandchildren. Previous commitments...... Maybe next time all of us can go. We don't go out to eat dinner often. It's easier to cook at home for the crowd!

    Kim. As a matter of fact, I do like John Denver!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hello All. Happy March! What a wonderful supportive group! Happy to help anyone in any way I can!
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    DLS1029 wrote: »
    Made it back from Olive Garden without too much damage. I looked at the lighter fare but ended up with the Tour of Italy. Ate maybe half and salad. Only one breadstick! Tracked every bit of it and still have some calories left. I probably won't eat anything else this evening. That was an accomplishment for me. I may take a little bit of the left overs for lunch tomorrow. And I may not! It's a good feeling to take control of the fork!

    It was good to go out to dinner with my kids. Two sons, my daughter, daughter-in-law, son's gf, and hubby. We were missing oldest son and his wife and grandchildren. Previous commitments...... Maybe next time all of us can go. We don't go out to eat dinner often. It's easier to cook at home for the crowd!

    Kim. As a matter of fact, I do like John Denver!

    Glad you enjoyed your dinner and a great evening with family. Can't get much better than that. I agree about cooking at home for the crowd. Miss having everyone around to cook for. Cooking for one is tough for me.

    Once I figured out that I could go out and eat same stuff I use to but eat more reasonable portions I was not so stressed about going out for dinner.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Have you considered professional counseling? I think it could be a real help, and at least a safe place to "unload". Big (((hugs))).

    Janetr okc

    I did when I got divorced. I went to make sure I was not doing anything self destructive. My friends say I am doing better than I was with my divorce. I knew it would be rough today with very little sleep last night. Think one of the hardest parts is we have to deal with each other at work so the no contact thing is not really available for me like it was in my divorce.

    Anne from Wisconsin [/quote]

    Oh, just saw that you work together. Disregard much of my message.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We just had a dinner that we both adored. We mutually invented this meal back in the 70's when we were college students on a tight budget. We stir fry hamburger, butternut squash, mushrooms and peas and serve them over rice. The rice is now short-grain brown rice, the hamburger is 80% lean or better and the mushrooms don't come out of cans. My calorie count was 304 calories. It tasted good and brought back great memories. :heart:
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Tryingtolive1 It is hard to down size your cooking when you've cooked for a crowd. I've seen your posts. Please know that you're in my prayers. I know it may not seem possible, but the sun will shine again. Things will get better. Let your heart heal.

    ((((((Hugs)))))) from Donna in WV