6/20 30 Day Shred



  • Just finished day 2. O.M.G. It was tough! I barely made it through the first circuit, which is the hardest in my opinion. My inner thighs are the most sore today. For all those people that think they are too sore to do it today, I encourage you to stick with it. By the end of it you'll feel much better. Plus I feel so goooood, like I could totally kick someone's *kitten*. ha!

    On a side note, I'm supposed to go on a 8 mile bike ride tonight...I'm praying for rain. :laugh:

    Great work everyone!

    Ps. According to my HRM, I burned 203 calories.

    Im doing day 2 this afternoon. I can already feel and hear my legs screaming. LOL
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    I just did day 1 this morning, wow, kicked my butt... shows how out of it I've been, but it felt great.. I think I was sweating after about a minute into it... Good job everyone, lets keep pushing to complete it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    The sweating is intense, I am dripping by the end.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Yay, I found this thread! I, too, am starting the 30 day shred! So excited to have found some people to start it with.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    DAY 2/level 1 done!! I switched to 4lbs weights, but had to go back to 3 lb weights for the side leg lunge things!! Definitely felt more of a burn and grinding my teeth using the slightly heavier weights!! LOVE!
    Felt like terminator struggling through, it will be worth it!!
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    PS Still cant do push ups. Absolutely pathetic attempt by me at them. Am glad nobody was watching :)
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    day 2 down after much procrastination. I was scared it would be harder with the muscle soarness I had today. Really the hard part was just getting started, but once I did I found the workout to be easier. I guess because I knew what to expect.
    To those of you who haven't today getting started is the hard part. You can do it!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Starting today! I can't do the push ups because of my wrists so I substitute jumping jacks instead.

    Hopefully I can stick with it!
  • hufferin
    hufferin Posts: 1
    I have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I love it! I used it last year for about two months and I lost 25 lbs. I'm starting it up again today. Good luck everyone!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member

    On a side note, I'm supposed to go on a 8 mile bike ride tonight...I'm praying for rain. :laugh:

    So did you end up doing the bike ride? I did an incline treadmill walk for 45 mins this morning and will be doing Day 2 when the b/f gets homes and after dinner. :)
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member

    On a side note, I'm supposed to go on a 8 mile bike ride tonight...I'm praying for rain. :laugh:

    So did you end up doing the bike ride? I did an incline treadmill walk for 45 mins this morning and will be doing Day 2 when the b/f gets homes and after dinner. :)

    Nope, it rained, thank goodness. I'm getting more sore by the hour. Anyone else find it difficult to sit down on the toilet? No? Me either. lol
  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    I have been doing the shred for like 15 days but I will join also. :)
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member

    On a side note, I'm supposed to go on a 8 mile bike ride tonight...I'm praying for rain. :laugh:

    So did you end up doing the bike ride? I did an incline treadmill walk for 45 mins this morning and will be doing Day 2 when the b/f gets homes and after dinner. :)

    Nope, it rained, thank goodness. I'm getting more sore by the hour. Anyone else find it difficult to sit down on the toilet? No? Me either. lol

    Yeah my inner thighs and bum are killing! Hurts to walk down the stairs and sit on the toilet :blushing:
  • I'm in as well! I'll go ahead and start tomorrow, since I've already done a good amount of exercise today.

    I remember the last time I tried, after D1 I couldn't even sit down and stand up without massive amounts of pain. Totally gonna need the support :laugh:
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    I would love to join Im on Level 1 Day 7, Im doing so much better now. I was so sore in the beginning it made me grumpy I just hurt all over ...I have my before pics can't wait till the after. Wish everyone the best of luck we can do this!!!!

  • On a side note, I'm supposed to go on a 8 mile bike ride tonight...I'm praying for rain. :laugh:

    So did you end up doing the bike ride? I did an incline treadmill walk for 45 mins this morning and will be doing Day 2 when the b/f gets homes and after dinner. :)

    Nope, it rained, thank goodness. I'm getting more sore by the hour. Anyone else find it difficult to sit down on the toilet? No? Me either. lol

    Good job on pushing through your soreness! This is something that helped me when I was sore like that whishing there was handicap rails in my bathroom so i could ease onto the toilet lol I figured out what muscle it was in my case my quad and googled stretching exercises this was in the middle of the night by the way because i could not sleep at all! Never felt soo good in my whole life lol So definitely stretching!

    As a general rule most workout DVDs NEVER give you enough time to stretch after a workout! So I always make sure to do some other stretches targeted at specific muscles just so I am not as sore the next day!! Hope this helps!! And great job everyone!!!
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    I'm so excited! I started 30 Day Shred yesterday and then I just found this group! So count me in!!

    It looks like we are doing 30 days straight? No breaks? I'm asking because I also started Couch to 5k this week (I didn't feel that 30DS was giving me enough cardio...) and my SO is a bit concerned that I'm not giving myself a break.

    To be fair, I haven't been so committed to working out before and I think the sudden "oomph" is freaking him out a little. :laugh:

    I was really lacking the energy to do Day 2, but I decided to hit the forums while sipping some coffee... and you all have inspired me to get on it!

    I'm so glad I found everyone :heart:
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 is DONE! The boyfriend didn't do it today - claimed to be to sore. :laugh: I didn't figure he's last. Again, I used 5lbs weights for the strength part. The most sore part of my body today is my calves! Of course that could be that I also did 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning doing hill work. :noway:

    Again, my plan for this is to do 10 days at level 1, 10 days at level 2 and 10 days at level 3 without any break in days. We'll see if that happens! :happy:

    I meant to list out my starting stats yesterday but they were in the back and I didn't feel like finding them. :blushing: I took these measurements yesterday before I did Day 1.

    SW: 212
    Bust: 41"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"
    Arm: 15"
    Thigh: 26"

    I plan on measuring again on day 10. We'll see what kind of progress is made 1/3 way thru!

    Keep up the GREAT work everyone! We can totally do this! :bigsmile: One day at a time.
  • gumdrops32
    gumdrops32 Posts: 10 Member
    just got the DVD today, can't wait to start the challenge tomorrow!
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    I had a read through everyone's posts while I was having an internal debate on whether I could be a$$ed getting shredded today. I'm happy to say you all inspired me to get up and turn on the DVD. Thanks!

    Level 1, day 3 is now all done and I'm feeling great, but very sore.

    These sessions would be much easier if my cat wasn't trying to 'help' all the time. Having a cat fight your head while you're trying to do push-ups is not ideal.
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    I bought this yesterday and just did my first workout... OMG it was a killer.

    I found some old weights in the shed so used those started off with 2lb but had to lower them to 1lb half way through as i was really struggling -- having never used weights beffore but figured id try to work up to more!
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