New Couch to 5K (C25k) - Challenge Starting May 2



  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Week 9 day 1 finished! 30 minute run felt great!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys,

    ok, so I had to give up a few weeks ago due to a bad leg and then holidays. I was on week five of the program, about to go into week six. Tonight it's back on! I've had three weeks off so don't know how far I'll go, but anything's better than nothing and I hope to get back on track asap. Well done to everyone who's succeeding so far!
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    ok completed wk2 run3 this morning, not looking forward to wk3 run1 as i have no idea how im gonna run for 3mins non stop??? push myself hard i suppose!!! but im amazed at how running can make u feel pretty good and set up for the day!!! lol :bigsmile:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    Week 9 day 1 finished! 30 minute run felt great!

    WOW well done, so cant wait to be able to run for 30mins non stop, but jst cant see it happening!! but well done again only 2 more days and ur complete!! nice one!! :flowerforyou:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    Week 9 day 1 finished! 30 minute run felt great!

    WOW well done, so cant wait to be able to run for 30mins non stop, but jst cant see it happening!! but well done again only 2 more days and ur complete!! nice one!! :flowerforyou:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    started wk3 run1 this morning and wow it was hard but managed to push myself to keep going as alot of it was up hill!! still cant believe i ran 3mins non stop........whoop whoop!! :bigsmile:
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Wk 9 day 2 finished. Only one more day and I'll be a C25K graduate! If I can do it, anyone can!
  • anijh
    anijh Posts: 16
    I just found this thread but I'm doing C25k too. I completed W3D1 this morning.
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    Is anyone who is finishing this week interested in starting the Bridge to 10K in the next week or two? I'd like to work up to a 10K and then start a half-marathon training program to complete by the Indianapolis Marathon in October. I guess I really did get addicted!
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    I did it! Wk 9 day 3 complete! I'm officially a C25K graduate!
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to continue with One Hour Runner next week.
    I still can't believe I actually did it!
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished w3D1 and it was though on the first 3 minute run but a little easier on the second. This is my second time doing c25k. I stopped in the beginning of may at the end of week 4.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Is anyone who is finishing this week interested in starting the Bridge to 10K in the next week or two? I'd like to work up to a 10K and then start a half-marathon training program to complete by the Indianapolis Marathon in October. I guess I really did get addicted!

    A fellow Indiana girl. :happy: I finished W6D1 tonight and just found this thread. My hope is to do the Bridge to 10K next, but I am a few weeks behind you. I chickened out on the mini in October and signed-up for the one in May.
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    yay wk3 run2 done, and in the pissing down a rain!! so pleased with myself for doing it regardless, plus my gorgeous o/h got me a clear eco poncho from work because he knew it was gonna be raining, how sweet is that??? anyway feel sssooo much better for doing it as it has loosened me up from my bootcamp the other nite!!!

    Hope ur all doing well!!! :bigsmile:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    Wk 9 day 2 finished. Only one more day and I'll be a C25K graduate! If I can do it, anyone can!

    Wow well done u have really inspired me to carry on as this app must really work, cos a few people r almost finished and nearly running for 30 mins non stop!!! i cant wait now!!! :blushing:
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100

    Wow well done u have really inspired me to carry on as this app must really work, cos a few people r almost finished and nearly running for 30 mins non stop!!! i cant wait now!!! :blushing:

    You really can do it, just make sure that you listen to your body. Who knows, when you get done with C25k you may be addicted!
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    I did c25k a couple years ago and loved it, and after putting the weight back on and then having a baby, I'm ready to lose the weight once and for all and start the program over again. I did w1d1 two days ago and am going to do w1d2 tonight. I can't wait, I always feel so accomplished. I finished the program last time at 225 lbs, so I know I can do it again :) I love it.
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Wow well done u have really inspired me to carry on as this app must really work, cos a few people r almost finished and nearly running for 30 mins non stop!!! i cant wait now!!! :blushing:

    Thanks! I'm starting Hal Higdon's novice training plan for 5K tomorrow. Wish me luck! Training/5-Knovice.htm
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member

    Wow well done u have really inspired me to carry on as this app must really work, cos a few people r almost finished and nearly running for 30 mins non stop!!! i cant wait now!!! :blushing:

    You really can do it, just make sure that you listen to your body. Who knows, when you get done with C25k you may be addicted!

    I already am addicted im planing on doing the bridge to 10k that everyones talking about!! jst completed wk3 run3 this morning and start wk4 tomoz!!! really loving it right now!!!:bigsmile: :blushing:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    sorry that didnt make any sense, i have completed wk3 run3 on C25K and when i have completed this challenge i shall set myself another by doing the bridge to 10k, as am loving the running already!!! lol there that makes a bit more sense!!! lmao :blushing:
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    WOW started wk4 run1 this morning and damn that was hard but so pleased with myself that i ran for 5mins nonstop!!! ive really surprised myself, same again tomoz i think!!! lol :bigsmile: