Ketosis Diet

jaistrong00 Posts: 3 Member
edited March 2016 in Food and Nutrition
A ketosis diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low to no carb diet. I just recently started this diet as well as intermittent fasting (which I've done in the past and have had good results that stayed off!)! I know so many people will probably give me flak for this but since Monday (3/21) I've lost 7 pounds! Most was probably water weight but possibly not! I've also started doing 30 minutes on my elliptical - I don't track speed, distance, or calories burned. I work on the 3rd floor and have only taken the stairs all week.

I want to know if there are any people on here that have tried this diet and if it has worked for you! If you're interested in doing this diet with me add me or msg me and we can talk about it together. I've done a lot of research on this and so far so good! I've had great results and energy!


  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm doing <50 carbs right now, started on almost the same day you did, and have lost 6 pounds since then, probably mostly water weight like you said. But now, time to start burning and losing fat! Let's become fat burning machines! I'm starting keto next month, and we're doing a challenge in the low carb group if you want to join us. There are quite a few people in the group who have overcome morbid obesity, serious health problems, etc, who are having long term success.
  • Lukio1981
    Lukio1981 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I am trying to work towards it.. Got as low as 50ish carbs ( I think..hafta check ) Awesome results! Very difficult though as I just switched from Bulking
  • jaistrong00
    jaistrong00 Posts: 3 Member
    Low carb dieting can be super hard especially coming from eating what you want or even from another diet! Really counting carbs is an eye opener. I've set my nutrition goal to 5% carbs which is about 13 grams I think 70% fat and 25% protein. They say for the keto diet you want 25 grams or less of carbs but I'm aiming for optimal ketosis. They reason you don't want too much protein is because it will turn into glucose and will stop ketosis. Ketosis is when your body actually starts using fat as energy instead of using the sugar from carbs!!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Good for you! :)
  • glow_worm_eyes
    glow_worm_eyes Posts: 34 Member
    I'm trying this too! I'm only eating vegetables now but still need to lower my carbs a bit. I'm also reading "eat fat get thin" on the nyt best seller list now.
    Add me!
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm intrigued by this way of eating, but I'm not sure I could do it. Fruit is such an important part of my diet. I eat apples and bananas every day. It's hard to fit those in with such a low amount of carbs. Plus if you don't do it forever, how does it affect your weight when you stop and get out of ketosis?
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Yeah, most of those 7 pounds is water weight, that's normal. If it worked that well for losing fat I'd be doing it too even though I hated it when I tried back in the day. But you can't fool physics and your body just isn't going to lose 24500 kcal worth of energy for no particular reason.

    Also your body will use bodyfat for energy if you're in a deficit regardless if it's in keto or not.
    Also also, at 25 grams of carbs or less please pay attention to your vegetable intake, good nutrition is important.
  • jaistrong00
    jaistrong00 Posts: 3 Member
    Cutting out fruits is really hard for me too! That's where I got most of my sweet cravings out of the way with. But there are alternatives to every diet. The keto diet is a life style change just like with any diet, if you were to get off it and start eating poorly I'm sure you would gain the weight back, if you got off it and continued a healthy diet you body would just switch from burning the fat for energy to burning the sugars and carbs for energy.

    Steven, there is no doubt in my mind that most of it was water weight but this diet has been around since before the 1920s for overweight and diabetic people. Just like with any diet I would suggest people do their research and learn what is best for them. I myself will always take nutrition into consideration and never just eat a pound of bacon for breakfast lunch and dinner because I know it's no carbs and high fats ;) lol. So with anyone considering this diet, make sure to do extensive research on the foods you can and cannot eat and how to incorporate good nutritional value into the high fat low carb diet!
  • chelsea7162
    chelsea7162 Posts: 97 Member
    I did keto a few years back to drop 30lbs. It worked for sure but it's important to limit your saturated fat intake on this diet. I loaded up on spinach salads with olive oil vinaigrettes I made with very low carb counts and at the time I was an ovo vegetarian so I ate lots of eggs and used unsweetened soy milk in my coffee. I aimed for 50%+ of my carbs to be from vegetables and made sure I consumed lots of sodium. Leafy greens are important so eat them with every meal. If you want fruit eat berries, they're lower in carbs than other fruits and still tasty. Don't use coconut oil for everything you cook in oil, aim for olive oil for non cooked foods and avocado oil for cooked foods. I now switched over to a high carb low fat lifestyle as keto never fully agreed with my stomach even after I did it for 6 months but low fat foods feel better in my body. You can lose weight either way, just do what makes you feel best.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    FYI when I was actively low-carbing, it was kinda fun to test actual ketones level. There are several options but I cut Ketostix in half.

    Fats and saturated fats are good for you, unless you are missing a gall bladder. Then maybe.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited March 2016
    I tried it and it was too hard to follow (failed).
    Now I'm on a whole foods, plant based diet, and love it. High in good carbs with lots of fiber.
    Know that there are always options.
    It's all about staying within your calories.
    Does not matter what diet you choose.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I've been on a ketogenic diet for about 9-10 months. I've found that the diet was very helpful for weight loss. i lost close to 40 lbs in 4 months to get to within pounds of my goal weight without a large caloric defict. It also helped me feel better, added energy, improved cognition, improved insulin resistance and reactive hypoglycemia. For some people, a ketogenic diet really works wonders, and I am luckily one of those people.

    You probably did lose some water weight because carbs causes people to retain water. As a general rule it is only 2-4 pounds though. Not much. Because you are losing water be aware that your electrolytes may be thrown out of balance. Most people on a ketogenic diet need at least 3000-5000 mg of sodium per day. Drink boullion or a teaspoon of salt in your water, salt your foods, or supplement with salt tablets. If you get fatigued, brain fog, muscle aches or spasms, or headaches or nausea, it means your electrolytes are off. You may need extra potassium and magnesium if symptoms persist for a while.

    Most people don't need to worry about satrated fats. They are healthy fats. Just avoid your trans fats and try to limit vegetable oils and you will have a healthy fat basis for your diet. It sounds like you are well on your way. :)

    Not many people on the main forums do keto, or know much about it. Consider joining the Low Carber Daily group to find more ketofiles and support.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have been on Keto ~10 weeks, and doing 16:8 fasting ~3 weeks. I worked my way into this way of eating over months, slowly weening myself off of processed and refined foods, sugars, bad oils, plus adding more and more fresh whole veggies, good fats, and exercising. At around four months range I then started to drop the carbs, reduce the fruit a bit, and finally decided to try low carb/high fat - which I now love! Gave up wheat and all grains 100 too. I don't do super low carb as I want plenty of veggies and a bit of fruit with my yogurt, but that doesn't keep me from achieving optimal Ketosis range.

    Adding the 16:8 three weeks ago while eating the same foods seems to have an added weight loss benefit. It is way too early for results but so far I'm losing about ~1/2 a pound per week more now. I really like the 16:8 as I enjoy having two larger meals instead of three smaller ones. After 6 months of trying to get healthy, I feel like I have found the right zone for me. I've lost 65 pounds in total over 6 months, with 32 of it since starting Keto 10 weeks ago.
  • PearBlossom9
    PearBlossom9 Posts: 136 Member
    Keto going on 3 months! Almost 40 pounds gone. Very happy eating this way!
  • Lilly53
    Lilly53 Posts: 1 Member
    I heard about keto about 2 months ago. I slowly eased into this... every other day and now Monday through Friday. Slowly as it is very difficult to cut carbs that much that fast. I've had very good results so far. Maybe 7 lbs lost but I really want to do this. I need help with recipes and friends who are going through this.
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    To be truthful I had never heard of this diet before I came on here but on my doctor's advise due to severe allergies I was told to eat only natural foods which I have been doing for the last two weeks. I don't eat chicken or red meat but I do eat fish and eggs and only use olive oil in cooking and unsweetened soya milk. I can tolerate fat free greek yoghurt which I enjoy with berries for breakfast and I also eat plenty of green vegetables with my evening meal. If any of you lovely people have any recipes you would like to share I would be very grateful, also feel free to add me as a friend.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Have any of you on this diet seen a doctor before starting and during? I only ask because having been in ketosis during pregnancy due to hyperemesis (severe sickness) I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to poison their body with ketones or risk the possible life-long effects of that poisoning (I haven't got a gallbladder now and actually have to severely limit fats) unless it was prescribed for something even worse (such as intractable epilepsy).
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    Long term (5+ years) effects of "poisoning" myself seem rather stellar...all labs within normal limits or better with the exception of Blood Urea Nitrogen & Vitamin D, which are hardly purely keto induced. Just some minor tweaks increasing water intake & lowering protein. Biggest actual concern is nephrolithiasis & electrolyte abnormalities, stunted growth...not for pediatrics.

    You are poisoning yourself so to speak if doing keto with hyperemesis & even moreso without a gallbladder. Steatosis sounds quite unpleasant
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    Long term (5+ years) effects of "poisoning" myself seem rather stellar...all labs within normal limits or better with the exception of Blood Urea Nitrogen & Vitamin D, which are hardly purely keto induced. Just some minor tweaks increasing water intake & lowering protein. Biggest actual concern is nephrolithiasis & electrolyte abnormalities, stunted growth...not for pediatrics.

    You are poisoning yourself so to speak if doing keto with hyperemesis & even moreso without a gallbladder. Steatosis sounds quite unpleasant

    Think you misunderstood me. My body went in to ketosis because of the hyperemesis, there's no way I would want to deliberately put myself in that state, and the gallstones were a direct result of the combination of rapid weight loss and ketosis. There's no way I can even think about going on the keto diet, even if I didn't hate how ketosis makes me feel (don't forget ketones are actually the potentially toxic result of your body burning it's fat stores), I cannot tolerate a high fat diet, the results are more than a little dramatic and very unpleasant.