Why are some people afraid to leave their FOOD diary open?



  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I leave it open because if I didn't, it'd mean that I'm not fully honest with myself and have something to hide.

    I'm interested in reading why others do it differently.

    Edit: I see a lot of people closing it to avoid unsolicited advice/criticism. That would drive me up the wall as well...
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    Wow, I didn't realize you could change the settings on the thing.
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    On that same note, why do some people keep their profile "friends only". It's kind of hard to find people who have similar goals or demographics if you can't read their profile. And some of them are on here preaching "open diary" when their own is closed. Just saying...
  • ktmcqueen
    ktmcqueen Posts: 81
    sorry that it makes ppl mad but i leave mine private b/c I have a personal issue with being judged. it's one of my biggest fears so I feel better leaving it private.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Just a matter of personal choice. I keep it private because it is my diary. If I make something really yummy and low cal I share it with my friends. I also share how to change up some recipes. Other than that I guess my reasons for it is just because I am more of a private person.

    Yep...it's people's own business. No one else needs to see it if that person doesn't want to share. To each their own :)
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I had mine closed to start with and then I remembered what someone once told me about life in general. "Think before you act, if it is not something you want printed on the front page of the newspaper in the morning, don't do it now." I am taking that stand with my food diary, it's open because whether or not you agree with it, everyone is different and it is working for me right now.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    comes from my disordely eating, I don't like showing what I eat if I go overboard (binge), I feel self conscious about that...but I use it as a tool for myself.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    Flat out, it's really no one's business what I'm eating, unless I make it their business. So, no offense,

    i like it
    nuff said.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    OP you do know you diary is not open right?
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    says the numerous people with closed diaries on this post...

    And those are the ones she wanted to know about... so I'm not sure what the point is here.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    mine is open, have at it. i only count calories so there's nothing to see. it's rather boring actually. probably what works for one doesn't work for another, food wise.

    Uh, no it's not.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm naturally a little more private and I only let things go when I'm good and ready.

    I've made some healthier choices(got rid of soda, largely) and I'm eating smaller sizes, except for dinner. However, I don't follow NEARLY all of the rules I've seen posted on here. Seriously, by some people's measurements, my body type should be way different. Except it's not. Admittedly, there still are many things I know I could be doing better. Little steps at a time.

    However, I'm mostly not looking for anyone's advice anymore. At least not advice that you need to look at my diary for.

    Flat out, it's really no one's business what I'm eating, unless I make it their business. So, no offense,
    ^^^ What she said.

  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I don't understand why some people are afraid to leave their food diary open. I, for one, would love to see what the bigger losers are eating that may help me change my ways. I don't care how many calories you eat OR don't eat in a day. That part is your business. I just want to see maybe what I am doing wrong, if anything.

    Are they afraid of criticism? Understood, but you can choose to ignore the criticism.

    Sorry....just my little rant.

    I'm off my soapbox now and back in my corner. ; )

    Here's why and sorry for being blunt. You post about not seeing other peoples diary but yours is private!

    I have seen people post - stop putting junk in your body to someone they are friends with and when I look at their diary they had good humor ice cream that day! Ummmm.. practice what you preach!

    We have the right to choose.
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    to the OP - if you're complaining about others diaries not being public, why isn't yours?

  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    I don't have my food diary open because I don't want to hear about how I eat too much, I eat the same things everyday, etc. I've been criticized because I am a VERY picky eater who tends to eat the same ole things all the time. Plus, I tend to eat A LOT more than most people on this site.

    I've gotten a lot of pretty rude and judgemental comments about my food diary when I allowed people access to it.

    Am I embarrassed about what I eat? Nope. It works for me and honestly, that is what I care about. I don't tell other people what they should or shouldn't eat - and it seems people don't remember that same respect.

    And honestly? I use my food diary for my own needs - so I can go back and look at what I've eaten if I happen to see a big increase or decrease on the scale.

    ......and this is why I haven't bothered to figure out how to change the default. You'd see a lot of the same stuff on mine most days, and YES I know I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I think mine is open to my friends. It was closed but not by choice. When I noticed it was closed I opened it. Cuz I want opinions and critism. It helps to keep me accountable. Plus when I need ideas people can see what I'm doing and how to help me.
    Alot of people don't realize theirs is closed. Plus if they don't have supportive friends. I could see why they would keep it closed. Just personal preference, I guess. :)
  • kklemencic
    kklemencic Posts: 45
    Mine is not open to viewing, I don't care what others think good or bad concerning my diary I care what I think. I am accountable to me and only I can make the changes I know need to be made. It is hard enough making some of the the changes I have had to make let alone doing it publicly. If I cheat I only cheat myself. Everyone is different, some have it open some don't and that is what is great about this site it is flexible to what we want or need for our goals.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Mine is open, look away. If people have comments about it - I'll hear them out and if they make sense I'll take it into consideration. If they're just ranting about their own shortcomings, I'm not even going to pay attention. I leave mine public because I'm not hiding anything. You can clearly SEE ME, if you have half a brain you can figure out what I'm eatting. YES, I eat. Guess what?! I poop too LOL
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    If all of you are self conscious about strangers on the boards making nasty comments, why don't you just make your diary available to friends only? That's what I do. I know my friends will give me great feedback. And honestly, if someone is negative and nasty, you don't want them as a friend anyway, do you?