April 2016 Running Challenge



  • kgj4105
    kgj4105 Posts: 41 Member
    Temp dropped like crazy over the last 48 hours where I am... went from 60's Friday morning to 25 with a nice layer of white frozen h2o on the ground when I woke up today (not a fan, mother nature, not a fan at all :/ ). So this evening I made myself a nice hot bowl of tortellini soup, which was absolutely fantastic and I wondered why the heck it had been so long since I'd had tortellini, and then I sat down on the sofa and watched the snow fall and thought about the maths homework I really should do in preparation for an exam on Friday... and then I changed into my cold weather gear and did 3.7 miles. Spent a bit of the run trying to push myself this time, versus simply settling into an easy(ish) pace as I usually do. If you'd told me two months ago that I would one day go for a run in the cold as means of procrastination, I'd have laughed in your face and settled into a warm bed with extra blankets and netflix.

    1/4 - 0mi
    2/4 - 5.47mi
    3/4 - 3.73mi

    total to date - 9.20/50mi
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @nicolemarie999 Quite a few people race! We're also in peak spring race season, so there is bound to a big influx of race posts probably through May. If you're inspired to register for one, we wanna hear all about it!

    @kgj4105 Haha, the way running changes us! (Also side note, I always have to do a doubletake with your screen name, because my initials are kjg so I keep seeing your name and being like, "Huh, me, what? Oh, nope." Even though my username doesn't even have my initials :D )
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Thank you @MNLittleFinn . Looks like this will be a busy thread and very positive. Nice to see so many runners encouraging each other. I will try to check in regularly and get to know everyone.
    Do most people on this thread race? It seems like it. I havent raced in a long time, maybe I will be inspired :smile:
    There are a lot of racers, but also a lot of people who just like to run. I'm kind of both, I just like to run, but I entered in an 8K this coming June, and a half marathon in September.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited April 2016
    All the PR's are amazing!! Congratulations everyone!

    4/1 - Rest day
    4/2 - 8.12 includes cool down. City Park.
    4/3 - 5.52 Recovery run. Includes cool down. Legs feel heavy and tired but that's to be expected. Otherwise it was a very enjoyable run.

    04/24 Graffiti Run with grandkids - "Memaw's Mini Posse" is our team name!
    04/30 Greenland Trail Race...8 mile
    05/15 Colfax Marathon (Half)
    08/07 Tri for the Cure Sprint Triathlon
    09/05 Labor Day Mini Marathon (Half)
    10/16 Rock-n-Roll Denver Half

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I'm on my phone so it's hard to tag each person. So all I can say is some awesome races were run this weekend. You are all rock stars! Congrats on all the PRS.

    I'm definitely going to set my alarm for oak barrel next year @Stoshew71. Sorry Jennifer decided not to run today, such a beautiful day. I would have loved to see her.

  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    No time to catch up at the moment. I didn't end up running this weekend. One of the neighbor's dogs killed our dachshund, Maggie, yesterday morning. I had left her out in our fence with our two big dogs and there was a place under the fence that a recent rain had eroded out. She liked being outside, so, as usual, she was reluctant to come in after i let her out that morning. We went to the store, and it happened while we were gone. I feel horrible, guilty, sad. She was such a sweet little dog...

    Hopefully I'll get back on track this week. I drank heavily last night and was in no shape for running today...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    No time to catch up at the moment. I didn't end up running this weekend. One of the neighbor's dogs killed our dachshund, Maggie, yesterday morning. I had left her out in our fence with our two big dogs and there was a place under the fence that a recent rain had eroded out. She liked being outside, so, as usual, she was reluctant to come in after i let her out that morning. We went to the store, and it happened while we were gone. I feel horrible, guilty, sad. She was such a sweet little dog...

    Hopefully I'll get back on track this week. I drank heavily last night and was in no shape for running today...

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I've lost a few pets and always feel responsible.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    I can't remember if I've joined one of these challenges before, but I'm going to try it now.
    Mainly a walker, but I want to get back into Couch to 5K again.
    I have a 14km race in June that I participate in every year, but I usually just walk it. I figure my walk time's as good as it's going to get, so time to start running jogging, at least a little if I want my time to be below the 2 hour mark.

    I'm aiming for consistency more than a set distance. I will aim for the relatively low 30km (~18mi), but I also want to try get out and move more. For that, I am aiming for 20 times across April.

    1) Mon 4 April 3.32km


  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @ceciliaslater So sorry about your dachshund :( I have an almost 15 year old dachshund and he's family to us.

    @SunnyDuckling Welcome and good luck with your goals!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited April 2016
    Congratulations to all of you with races well run! I'm so impressed by all the fabulous reports and PRs!

    @skippygirlsmom I'm so glad to hear you've figured out what's up with Skip. I hope she's feeling much better soon. I sympathize with her not wanting to take her iron--I'm due to see my doctor in a couple of weeks and I'm fully expecting to get a lecture about my bloodwork. I've sort of fallen off the whole supplement bandwagon and need to get back on it.

    @ceciliaslater I am sooo sorry to hear about your poor little dog. That's so sad. :(

    4/1...5.0 @ 12:00 on the TM (4.0 @ 11:15 and 1.0 walking)
    4/2....3.1 @ 11:45 through the neighborhood. My ankle hurt the first mile or so, especially on the uphill bits--downhill isn't too bad
    4/3...Rest day

    I signed up yesterday for a 10K at my local park trail on the 23rd. I will try hard not to be irritated at all those other people running on "my" trail, lol. I'd love to match my 1:09 time from last fall's MCM 10K, but this is much hillier and loose gravel, so I don't know if that's reasonable or not. Can't hurt to try, though!

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Great to hear about all of the PRs and AG awards ( @Stoshew71 @skippygirlsmom @kristinegift )!

    Had some dryer/lower humidity weather today with a reasonable high in the mid 70s, so I ended up doing my 3rd (of 4) pre-marathon 20 mile run this afternoon. Got a neighbor to join me for the first 8, taking them pretty slow, but got to my normal pace for the next 7, then pushed the last 5 to get in a 3-1 run as I felt pretty strong finishing the run closer to my target race pace. I still need to figure out my running taper strategy for the week as I have my ironman 70.3 on Sunday, but I'll see what I can dig up online as I may want to rest/5/10/5/3/rest/race with a bit more swimming in the mix than usual. I'll then do my final 20 once I get to Pittsburgh on the 13th, then start my official marathon taper for the 2.5 weeks leading to the race.

    4/1 - 0.5 mile (pre-lift warm-up)
    4/2 - 6.5 miles (speedwork - 6 x 5 min threshold/1 min rest)
    4/3 - 20 miles (8 super-easy, 7 easy, 5 mid-hard)

    Total: 27 miles
    Goal: 160 miles
    Remaining: 133 miles

    Upcoming races:
    4/10 - Ironman 70.3 Florida
    5/1 - Pittsburgh Marathon
    9/25 - Ironman 70.3 Augusta
    10/9 - Chicago Marathon (lottery TBD)
    11/5 - Ironman Florida
  • LummiBay
    LummiBay Posts: 20 Member
    April is the beginning of the running season for me. Earlier daylight will help me get back on my morning running schedule. I need to lose a few pounds that I put on during the winter. My goal is to run 60 miles this month.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all - I am behind again because I haven't kept up or posted over the weekend. I went out to a concert with friends Friday night and haven't really been online much since then. I did get in a longish run midday on Saturday. It was too hot so I took it slow and tried to keep my HR below 125 for most of the run which was an incredible struggle. Today was a rest day playing on the beach with Hobbes the Vizsla and lots of other Vizsla friends!

  • Ron_Dco
    Ron_Dco Posts: 51 Member
    @Stoshew71 ... Congratulations Stan on the Age Group win and PR. That was a challenge course.
    It was a nice write up. Award and medal are pretty awesome :)
    @skippygirlsmom .. Congratulations on AG 2nd place win. That must be fun running with Iron Man and Captain America :)


  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    edited April 2016


    A harder run today, I pushed myself to go a little bit faster than usual. So far so good :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who had races this weekend and for all the PRs and AG wins - @Stoshew71, @skippygirlsmom, @kristinegift, @AdrianChr92 and anyone else I missed!!!
    @skippygirlsmom - I am so sorry yo had to spend time in the ER but I am glad your Skippygirl is feeling better! Even if she has to miss some races now, there will be plenty in her future!
    @ceciliaslater - Oh NO!! I am so sorry about your puppy! I am sure you are devastated.
    @Elise4270 - love that you did the math to figure out what we all ran as a group!

    Welcome Newbies!!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    April Goal: Run often

    4/1 couldn't
    4/2 4.05
    4/3 3.15

    Total 7.20

    Upcoming races:
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:

  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member


    Oookay, you guys must find this a little funny, but I'm a beginner dragging a couple of health problems around, so I'm quite happy with my single kilometre. ;) I was going to do more, but my knee started acting up a bit, and I've learned to stop right away when that happens.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    pthyay wrote: »


    Oookay, you guys must find this a little funny, but I'm a beginner dragging a couple of health problems around, so I'm quite happy with my single kilometre. ;) I was going to do more, but my knee started acting up a bit, and I've learned to stop right away when that happens.

    Nope, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I find it brilliant that you are getting out there (and that you know when to stop so you don't hurt yourself).
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member

    Running Thoughts:
    Jogging with my kids, it was their first time, so slow and lots of walking. They're both tired but they stuck with it. I'd quite like to try and persuade them to go again at the weekend, it was though a little easy for the elder one and a little too hard for the younger one.

    I'm still counting it on my miles though. :*

    1. 18 runs.............................3
    2. 115km total......................14k
    3. 4 runs a week
    4. quickest 5km of 2016
    5. quickest 10km of 2016
    6. 11 km long run