interesting Points regarding Diet Pop from my trainer



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I used to be completely addicted to diet coke and had horrible IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with horrendous tummy cramps and really sharp pain when I had a bowel movement. It was just terrible. I also never slept well and always woke up lethargic and with no energy until very late in the day. I switched to regular coke (before I started losing weight) and every single bowel symptom was gone within a couple of weeks. I am convinced aspertame was the cause of it. I quit cokes altogether a few months later when I decided to get healthy and the sleep issues were cured as well as the bloating and lethargy.

    I had no idea until I quit drinking sodas how horrible they made me feel. I don't know if they actually have anything to do with weight gain (I feel like quitting sodas did help me drop a lot of bloaty water weight, but that is personal and not scientific), but I don't buy that aspartame is a healthy thing to have in the body at all.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Gottta love the soda topic on MFP. =0) I dont drink it but I love to hear all of the opinions and thoughts.
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member

    ^^This. It would take me an hour, that I don't have, to correct all that and it reminds me why I rarely post here.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    This article is this guys opinion, none of it is fact. I would like to see real, scientific journal articles from a real medical journal. Many 'trainers' call themselves nutritionists, when they are not, in fact nutritionists or dietitians. I know plenty of people who drink diet drinks who are not overweight or obese. Excess calories and sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain. Diet drinks have ZERO calories, therefore, will not cause weight gain. Now, what if those who are drinking diet colas rationalize by saying "i saved 300 kcal by drinking diet instead of regular, I deserve the Big Mac and fries"? Is it the diet cola that caused weight gain? Or the Big Mac and fries? Am I saying diet cola is good for you? Absolutely not. Especially when it replaces healthier options like water and milk. Does it cause weight gain. Absolutely not. Be smart. Moderation is key.

    just because someone is a personal trainer does not mean you should take their advice. I know a trainer who is type 1 diabetic, bodybuilds does steroids and is now dying from heart complications caused by poor management of the diabetes and the use of steroids. Not someone I would look to to tell me how to live.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    The evidence against "chemical" sweeteners is out there - but it's harder to find. The companies using them have billions of dollars of advertising revenue on their side and can effectively wage a convincing arguement that their products are in our best interests. It doesn't take a lot to convince the general public that "this" diet soda or "that" diet food is better for us than something sweetened naturally. And as a great deal of the population has a 'quick fix' mentality - we buy into it. "Oh, I can eat/drink this and lose weight"! "It's zero calories, therefore it's good for me"!

    Ultimately, what we choose to put in our own bodies is up to us alone. Me? I prefer natural over synthetic ANY day.
  • cath1024
    cath1024 Posts: 79 Member
    just because someone is a personal trainer does not mean you should take their advice. I know a trainer who is type 1 diabetic, bodybuilds does steroids and is now dying from heart complications caused by poor management of the diabetes and the use of steroids. Not someone I would look to to tell me how to live.

    I wouldnt take advice from the personal trainer you are talking about either - but some do more more then others and know more then the average person also.

    I don't drink diet pop but once in awhile - maybe once a month i will have a reg gingerale or some coke in my rum.

    No one is telling anyone to stop drinking pop or stop using artificial sweeteners - this is just someones opinions whether you want to agree or not is totally upto you - no one is telling you yes this is the true facts and to stop drinking pop now - the choice is yours and yours only.

    So funny how there are always the ones who have to disagree on everything!
  • SenorToenails
    SenorToenails Posts: 23 Member
    #3. Healthy sugar replacements: Natural honey, 100% pure maple syrup

    hahaha, ok...replace sugar with...sugar?
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    #3. Healthy sugar replacements: Natural honey, 100% pure maple syrup

    hahaha, ok...replace sugar with...sugar?

    Honey and PURE maple syrup are natural and unrefined sugars and are good for you to use to replace REFINED sugar with. Its in all of the clean eating books.
  • luelue1971
    luelue1971 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to drink nothing but Diet Dr Pepper. It seemed impossible for me to eat within my calorie range. I cut out all of them except for the occasional one. Now if I drink even one artificially sweetened drink I having cravings so bad that I just can't seem to control my eating.

    I don't have "scientific proof" but I know for a fact what the artificial sweeteners do to me. I really don't expect to see any kind of proof due to the fact that the companies that manufacture these sweeteners have millions and millions of dollars to stop it.

    We really have to be proactive about our own health and use common sense about what we put in our bodies. It's our responsibility.
  • kw2s
    kw2s Posts: 16
    The ADA is in the diabetes buisness, if you no longer have diabetes they are out of buisness. I used to work at ADA processing thier charitable gifts ( from Tour de Cure etc..) and they recieve MILLIONS of dollars from companys like Smuckers, Mars, Coke etc. They also used to hold 'ice cream and pizza parties for thier staff. After working there I have taken everything they say with a grain of salt.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    sorry reg soda is way too sweet for me. Ill stick to my occasional diet soda. and btw....redundancy-300x240.jpg
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    Well as much as i understand where you are coming from, its not necessarily about calories with regards to diet soda's. I have always preferred diet coke. its nothing to do with its calorie value or the fact that its "diet", for me its solely about taste. i think full strength drinks are too sweet - they make my teeth "squeak" and i dont enjoy them. So to the person that said "you never see skinny people drinking diet drinks...."

    Yes you do. I was one of them, and when i get back to my target weight, i will be one again. Its not 'cos it says diet, its 'cos i prefer the taste.

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    just because someone is a personal trainer does not mean you should take their advice. I know a trainer who is type 1 diabetic, bodybuilds does steroids and is now dying from heart complications caused by poor management of the diabetes and the use of steroids. Not someone I would look to to tell me how to live.

    I wouldnt take advice from the personal trainer you are talking about either - but some do more more then others and know more then the average person also.

    I don't drink diet pop but once in awhile - maybe once a month i will have a reg gingerale or some coke in my rum.

    No one is telling anyone to stop drinking pop or stop using artificial sweeteners - this is just someones opinions whether you want to agree or not is totally upto you - no one is telling you yes this is the true facts and to stop drinking pop now - the choice is yours and yours only.

    So funny how there are always the ones who have to disagree on everything!

    You're right--whether or not someone wants to disagree is absolutely up to the individual. Not anyone else. And that disagreement can and should be openly expressed if so desired, if done without rancor or inflammatory language. Preferably without resulting in a label of "disagreeable."

    <insert big smile>

  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    So funny how there are always the ones who have to disagree on everything!

    Meh, I disagree on that

  • Kristinemillar

    The second red flag is the fact that artificial sweeteners were made in a scientific lab by people who configured a chemical substance to taste like sugar. That's disgusting when you actually think about it. Not only should these two facts be alarming alone, but why would you want to put something in your body that is fake, just to save a couple calories? Our bodies are supposed to be the temples that we live through.

    And so are many of the drugs you'll take throughout your life, the plants and animals you'll eat each day... So much scaremongering about food really makes me mad...

    I'll drink diet drinks to my little hearts content... Rather that than sugar filled non diet drinks!!
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    i disagree with the skinny people drinking diet drinks comment im afraid - even when i was a size 8 i drank diet coke - not because it said diet, but because i prefer the taste. regular coke is far too sweet and it makes my teeth "squeak". Ive always preferred diet coke.

    I agree the health benefits are none, but its a little bit rude to assume that only overweight people drink diet drinks.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    The ADA is in the diabetes buisness, if you no longer have diabetes they are out of buisness. I used to work at ADA processing thier charitable gifts ( from Tour de Cure etc..) and they recieve MILLIONS of dollars from companys like Smuckers, Mars, Coke etc. They also used to hold 'ice cream and pizza parties for thier staff. After working there I have taken everything they say with a grain of salt.

    ROFL, okay. And the AACE is in the business of thrashing our endocrine systems? The APA is in the business of keeping people mentally ill, and hospitals are in the business of keeping people sick? How about the CDC? Are they willfully misinforming us in order to perpetuate our ailments? The American Cancer Society--they looking to keep our cancer rates up in order to keep themselves in business?

    What about trainers? They're in business, too--often, they're in the business of handing out medical information without a scrap of qualification, and getting paid a lot for it. What happens to trainers if everyone gets slim and fit? Hmm.

    Again--science trumps pop-nutrition. And conspiracy theories. And, for the record, I used to "process charitable gifts" for St. Jude's, Save the Children, and the American Red Cross. Doesn't make me any sort of insider. Just means I answered phones and tapped in numbers.

  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member

    Here's my take on diet drinks - they make you fat, and keep you fat.

    Wow I must have imagined losing 55 pounds

    ROFL :laugh: