T25 Do it with me!



  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @lisasc0721 only suggestion as far as the knees go is to take it easy! If you push too hard you might end up injuring yourself, and then be setback further than if you just took a little more time to let yourself rest up and heel! But on the other hand ask yourself if your knees are hurting because you're not used to doing so many squats or is it pain? If it's the first...then absolutely push through!

    I had meetings after work yesterday that ran long so I wasn't able to do T25 (or anything for that matter). So I just did Total Body Circuit and then today's workout Ab Intervals to make up for it. I feel like I'm gonna be sore tomorrow! Lol and then I'll have the pleasure of doing Friday's scheduled workout...double duty again, yay! I would do it on Saturday, but I've got back to back stuff so I don't know if I'll have time to get any workout done; so would rather make sure I get it done versus risking waiting until Saturday and can't.

    Week 1 is almost done...it would be awesome to see some results at the end of the week, like lost inches.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    I plan on it after turbo jam!!
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    I made my rest day yesterday instead of Sunday because I was SO sore from the previous workouts - my legs needed a rest. They feel much better today. Today I'll do the Total Body Circuit!
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Got the Total Body Workout done yesterday and then Ab Intervals today! Tomorrow is my double duty day! I still feel like I have a ways to go with all of the moves. I need to work on all areas - strength, speed, endurance... But I am drenched at the end of each workout and know I am doing my best. I haven't exercised regularly for 3-4 years so I need to start somewhere! I am already feeling better physically, though. I need to take some measurements so I can keep track of inches lost!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Can I join? I want to have some peeps that are doing the program as well.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    edited April 2016
    Busy weekend...barely was home. I didn't get my workouts done on Friday and had an event pretty much all day yesterday so I didn't do T25 or anything else over the last two days :/

    I just did my Friday double duty workouts today (cardio & lower focus)! Ughh....definitely was feeling it from not working out the last couple of days. And even though I didn't workout yesterday, there was a ton of walking/running around so my legs were already hurting this morning so it was rough!

    I've eaten bad this weekend and feeling bloated so needless to say I was up 1 lb today (might try weighing later on tonight). I haven't measured yet...maybe I'll see some positives there after doing a week of T25.
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    Started my second week today, legs are still feeling it from lower focus :/
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @Jayz395 I just started my second week too, and I am feeling it! Part of my problem is I had to double up twice last week to get everything done, one of those double days being Sunday.

    I did Cardio yesterday, and because I did double duty Sunday it felt extremely hard but I stuck it out. I also did about a half hour of kickboxing and then a body pump class. My legs were like jelly in body pump lol. Not looking forward to Total Body Circuit today, but will get it done.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Did not feel well yesterday so I didn't do my Cardio. Still super sore from the double duty workouts I did Sunday. Today I'll do Total Body Circuit.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Total Body Circuit done!
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    Don't total body yesterday my legs are so sore, still getting used to it I guess
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    I also got Total Body Circuit done yesterday! I noticed some improvements from last week as well, so that's good! :) Still a long way to go, but progress is progress.
  • Fitness4life9498
    Fitness4life9498 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm finishing up Gamma and lost 24lbs so far. Starting over after this week and could use more support. :)
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    Yea im better This week then last too
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @angelface702016 do you mind sharing your starting weight? Have you been following the diet plan they suggest? Or just watching calories?

    Only on week 2 and could use the motivation to keep going! I'm off to Speed 1.0. I was actually looking forward to getting home and knocking it out, but now that I'm home all I wanna do is curl up on the tv and binge watch everything on my DVR.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Ok Speed 1.0 done. Yikes, it was a lot harder today. My calf muscles and the bottom of my feet were hurting, but I still feel like I could do a lot more in the beginning without having to either stop or just walk/jog in place than I did last week.

    Before I change my mind, off to the gym for some body pump for sure and then maybe some zumba (lol as much as I can take ;) ).
  • tsialee
    tsialee Posts: 1 Member
    I want to start as well! anyone just starting? feel free to add me :)
  • Fitness4life9498
    Fitness4life9498 Posts: 6 Member
    @angelface702016 do you mind sharing your starting weight? Have you been following the diet plan they suggest? Or just watching calories?

    Only on week 2 and could use the motivation to keep going! I'm off to Speed 1.0. I was actually looking forward to getting home and knocking it out, but now that I'm home all I wanna do is curl up on the tv and binge watch everything on my DVR.

    Hi, only week two?! That's great! Please stay with it because it will pay off big time. I don't know how much you want to lose but when I first started, I weighted 253, I've completed Alpha, Beta and I'm now in my last week of Gamma! When I weighted myself last, I weighted 229, so I've lost 24lbs so far. I've tried my best to stay within 1300 to 1500 calories and I eat whatever I want, trying to make healthier choices everyday. When you see how many calories something is, you'll make better choices. Even though I know I have a long way to go, I'm determined and have made it my goal to get healthy and stay that way. I'm already starting to feel better physically and starting to take second looks in the mirror. Lol
  • Fitness4life9498
    Fitness4life9498 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok Speed 1.0 done. Yikes, it was a lot harder today. My calf muscles and the bottom of my feet were hurting, but I still feel like I could do a lot more in the beginning without having to either stop or just walk/jog in place than I did last week.

    Before I change my mind, off to the gym for some body pump for sure and then maybe some zumba (lol as much as I can take ;) ).

    Great job!!!
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    I've been eating anything but staying at 1600 calories. I've gone from 14 stone 9 to 12 stone 4 without working out, but my weight stopped dropping which I why I started t25 and since starting this I'm down to 11 stone 13 as of this morning.