40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Welcome all the new comers So nice to meet you!

    Cardi- I am struggling wih weight also. I range between 145 and 140. Haven't moved for four months. After my initial 30 lb loss. Congrats on the 5k. Thats one of my goals. On the children note....Bravo Mommy! What a fabulous experience for your daughter.

    Robin----more hugs

    Swiss...Thank you for your motivation and deep water sounds awesome. My hubby loves just having me around:love::explode: :laugh: :yawn:

    Alf..good luck with court. :flowerforyou:

    Have a great rest of the week everyone.

  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome Nancy! I'm 41 as well. =)
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all.........thought I should let you know I'm still alive! :laugh: :laugh:
    Things have been crazy busy at work, and I can't seem to catch a break at home either......summer is flying by.......where the heck has most of June gone? We're building a deck on our house - only been in it 18 years and I FINALLY get to buy patio furniture! :happy: :happy: Needless to say, I haven't been able to work out consistently in several weeks, but have been able to maintain and not put on any more pounds. My motivation is shot, but I know it'll come back one of these days, so I've decided not to beat myself up over not working out consistently.

    My shoulder's really starting to feel better - the recommendation from my work space ergonomic evaluation was to lower the height of my desktop to 27" instead of the standard 29" height and buy a "comfort" keyboard. The keyboard isn't a traditional ergonomic one (I hate those), but has the slant of the keys a bit different and keeps the hands/wrists in alignment instead of forcing the hands outward to hit all the keys. Getting used to the changes has been a slow process, but I'm consistently feeling better and the chiropractor says he can see progress as far as keeping my neck and shoulder adjusted properly - yeah!! :bigsmile:

    Haven't had time to read all the posts, but did catch a few........

    Robin, ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry for your loss. Cherish the memories of good times with your dad and don't stress out over the chaos of the last weeks.

    Newbies.......welcome!! This is a great site and has been my sanity saver many, many times.

    Old friends...........hope all is well with all of you; will try to get back here more often!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Marie....I guess it has been a while since I have seen your face. Glad to hear from you.

    :flowerforyou: sdereski...thanks for telling us what routine you are using at this time. I like to know what others are doing and maybe add it to mine.

    I have a HRM that I use to check my heart rate, of course, but also to see how many calories I am burning. I NEVER burn as many as I see others here burning. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? The most I have ever burned was about 350 doing an hour of very vigorous Zumba. I mean the sort of Zumba where I would have trouble catching my breath. Not in an unhealthy way just a very hard workout.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone! Sorry for being MIA but I haven't had much to report. Instead of exercise yard work and rentals took priority. I think web have two out of the four rented out. *crossing fingers*. The third has someone looking at it this weekend and the fourth isn't done being remodled. Let's pray they are all rented out by July so I will have extra money to put towards bills. Wouldn't that be great!

    My daughter bought P90X and Insanity and is in the middle of copying me the insanity program. Hopefully I will get that within the week so I can get started. Shes so funny, she texted me and wrote "disk 3 done are you ready to die" :laugh:

    Alf.... That is so strange having to go through the legal system for your son. But I guess considering he's considered an adult and normally he would be responsible for himself that makes sense.

    Robin.... I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself during these difficult times. :flowerforyou:

    Swiss... I know what you mean about calories burnt. I don't know how people get such high numbers. I want to get an elliptical because I heard you burn quite a bit.

    Stiring.... Hope you are doing well. You always seem to be doing something fun... I need to come hang out with you. :laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Alf, that is frustrating. What is happening to this country???? We don't really even have the right to raise our children in our own ways. The government has to always be in the middle of everything...telling us what we can and can't do. We, as citizens, are losing our rights. Years ago this wouldn't have happened. I could go on and on but I won't.:grumble:

    I hope that today finds everyone in good health and living clean lives. Be sure to drink water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good morning friends!

    I almost forgot to the leave the gym last night! One of my friends from work found me at the gym, so I switched from the elliptical to a treadmill so we can workout next to each other, and by the time she was ready to stop, I had worked out over two hours. What a difference it makes when you have someone to talk to!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I found information on calories burned using weights. Just enter the session in cardio. The calories burned are only estimates and could be way off but we can get an idea of how the count.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: zebras, that is great. I need someone to go with me to the YMCA.

    According to the scales at the Y I am losing.:happy:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Swissmiss, regarding what your HRM monitor is telling you, here are some thoughts. Are you sure it is programmed correctly? If so, then it is going to be relatively accurate. But just relatively....not totally. HRMs aren't the be-all and end-all when it comes to accurate calorie burns. There are a few things many don't take into consideration that can throw off the counts a bit. But, aside from that, I'm not sure that your calories burned are that far off. I know when I was wearing mine, the most I ever burned on a workout was 400 calories and that was the longest, toughest Insanity workout (full-on 60 minutes of absolute high intensity work) and I think I burned something like 404 calories. I remember it because I was surprised to see the calorie count top the 400 mark. I've done it on other workouts, but only those lasting upwards of 75 to 90 minutes and, again, intense. When I was wearing my HRM, I would say my average calorie burn for an advanced (but not Insanity) 60 minute workout was 275-325. For less advanced workouts, my average would be 200-225 or there abouts.

    I found wearing my HRM to be a disincentive for exercise, so I've chucked it aside. Haven't worn it in about 18 months. I had to remind myself that I wasn't working out for the calorie burn alone. I was working out for the benefits of working out--increased strength, endurance, flexibility, improved overall metabolism, body shape, etc. In other words, it isn't just about the calories burned. In fact, I've really had to work at separating working out from anything regarding food.....and this is something I struggle with alot. In other words, I try not to workout with the notion that if I do, I can eat more. While that's a positive side-effect, I really try to focus my workouts on the physical benefits of the actual exercise, not the food benefits. That's a tad counter to MFP, unfortunately, but I found I was beating myself up after a tough workout when I realized I'd burned 'only' 260 calories (or whatever). There was NO reason for beating myself up because I'd worked out!!! So, for me, I needed to make that separation so that I could focus on the positives of what I was doing.

    zebras, great workout!!! Sounds like the time flew by! Hope you can meet up with your friend again sometime at the gym!

    tron, so good to see you. Be careful with those Insanity workouts. They are killer! In fact, I'd recommend you do the fit test before you start them. Normally I ignore stuff like that, but these workouts really are tough, and I think it's better to make sure you can do the moves in them before you jump in so you don't get injured. Just a suggestion. Hope you're daughter is doing well! How's your brother and his family? Have they moved?

    mk, so happy to see you. I've been thinking about you. I'm sure it's a busy summer for you, especially with all the changes in your family. When does you husband leave again? I think it's not until the winter, right? I hope not. Glad to hear you shoulders are feeling better and the ergo study seems to have worked. What a relief that must be for you!

    All here is going well. It is hot and humid but....it's summer, so I guess that's to be expected. Still doing good on the workouts and have cleaned up my eating....so, again, all is well!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My daughter is gonna be mailing me out insanity today! Yay!

    Stiring.... I know I can't keep up with insanity. I figure that I will just try my best, take lots of breaks if necessary, and I will at least get stronger. Then repeat the process.

    No my brother hasn't moved up here yet. His wife starts her new job July 11th so she will be up no later than the 10th. I don't know if he will be staying down there or coming up with her because they are trying to sell their house.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My daughter is gonna be mailing me out insanity today! Yay!

    Stiring.... I know I can't keep up with insanity. I figure that I will just try my best, take lots of breaks if necessary, and I will at least get stronger. Then repeat the process.

    No my brother hasn't moved up here yet. His wife starts her new job July 11th so she will be up no later than the 10th. I don't know if he will be staying down there or coming up with her because they are trying to sell their house.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Just got back from the river. We did four laps against the current and four laps with the current plus a lot of arm exercises. The river is 1/8 of mile so we did a whole mile but when you figure in the resistance of the water and the extra resistance of the current, effort was probably about 4 miles (which is the only way I will happily run 4 miles...)

    We had rain two nights this week so the yard and gardens are happy. Still, it is getting into the triple digits here. Ah summer!

    Welcome all new people!!! I am 52 so I definitely am in the 40+ Club.

    Alf: after you get certified to do Aqua Zumba, come to Denton and teach!!! I found several other ladies in the river tonight (plus a couple of the guards) who want to do Aqua Zumba. I talked to the director of the water park but she said I needed to talk the person in charge of programming. I will find her... I also contacted our trainer who teaches Les Miles classes at the city gym by our house where they also offer Zumba. I am going to have her talk to the Zumba teachers to see if one of them wants to do Aqua Zumba. That would make up for the fact that we cannot do water polo this summer. I found a place in Dallas close to where I work that offers an Aqua Zumba class on Thursday at noon but it is $16.00 a class!!! Yikes!

    Alf, as you know, my husband is a psychologist who works with people with developmental challenges. He refers families to a very nice attorney in Dallas who specializes in guardianship for adults with delays. His fees are very reasonable. His wife is a high powered attorney in a big law firm pulling down big money so he basically does wills (he did ours) and guardianship and other legal things for families with someone with developmental challenges. A very nice man. Good that you are getting the legal things in order. It can get messy if that is not taken care of.

    Zebras: you keep goin girl! 2 hours on the treadmill??? Don't forget the calories burned talking with your friend. You are an inspiration!!!

    sdereski: I am glad you have such a healthy passion! I would be passionate about running in the water but not on land.

    Lady Persia: Keep at it. You have come so far!!!

    Mk: So gla to hear your shoulder is finally getting better. I have had to monkey around with my pillow at night with my shoulder. If I have a too thin pillow, my shoulder hurts the next day.

    Tron: Very glad to hear from you and very glad that your brother and sister-in-law are putting together a new life. How is their son doing?

    Stiring: Always great to hear from you.

    I will try to post a new picture of produce we picked from the back yard yesterday: bell peppers, jalapena peppers, eggplant (I love but the hubs does not but plants them for me anyway), tomatoes, green beans, dill and parsley. Yellow squash is finished, okra never did well (trees are making too much shade). A volunteer pumpkin from the compost is turning orange.

    Frank: Happy Birthday!!!

    Sorry for the long post. The river made me do it! Take care all! TxMs
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi all! From what I gathered reading through older posts, you try to check in on Fridays, so here I am checking in! It's been a HUMID week here in PA! Also been a busy first full week of summer vacation. I teach, and I have a son who just finished kindergarten and a daughter who just finished 4th grade, so summer vacation (and summer bickering) is in full swing at my house. Between Camp Invention this week for my daughter, and swim lessons for my son, plus his karate class, it's been a bit crazy but I did manage to get to both Zumba classes this week! I started 3 months ago going to a Tuesday/Thursday evening class, but my husband got put on 2nd shift for the summer, so I have been scrambling to work out getting there. For example, Tuesday my son has karate from 5:30 to 6:15. I enlisted my mom's help & dropped him with her at the local library summer program at 6:25 (she met us out front, I didn't even turn off the car!), and headed to Zumba. For Thursday I am trading babysitting with my neighbor, who is trying to get her workout time in too. Anybody recognize themselves here? I have found that with school age kids who are in activities, I have to mentally schedule my exercise or it doesn't get done as the day goes on and gets busier. Except for the Zumba nights, I usually get up earlier to fit it in. How does everyone fit exercise in?

    To Robin - I was sorry to read about your dad. Hope you are doing okay.

    To everyone who posts on here - thank you - your posts are encouraging and motivational. This is a different group from any I've found on here. You all sound very family-like, and it's nice to see. Have a happy, healthy weekend!

  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I found this thread this morning, and i am over 40. I am 46. and struggling to get back on the wagon of exercising & weight loss. I once lost 95 lbs. by eating right & exercising, but after remodeling the house & breaking my arm, i got off schedule. We started eating out alot, and with the birth of my first grandchild, i just let my exercising go, and i got out of shape over the last 10 yrs. got very lazy sitting in front of the computer everyday. So here i am, trying again blowing the dust off my exercising machines, and going to get back into the habit of exercising and loose this weight again. I am 80 lbs. over weight. It's a struggle to get back into exercising after not doing it in so long, but i noticed that on the days i do manage to exercise, i feel better, on the days i don't exercise i feel awful & lazy. My DH & i recently bought us new bikes and yesterday we bought us a bike carrier to attach to the hitch of our SUV, so we are going to take up bike riding, and i am going to workout on my machines.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Becky (I have the same name). I think that many of us have gone back to our old ways and have gained weight. Good thing is when we want to get back into living healthy. So, stick with us, post whatever you want and I think you will find the encouragement you need.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, don't you just love the Zumba? I took a class for two years then stopped this past November. At this time I am using DVDs and doing the Zumba at home.

    :flowerforyou: tron, keep us updated on the insanity. I hear it is quite a workout.

    I took my two daughters to breakfast this morning. I only ate half of my meal and will finish it for lunch.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday and Hello New Folks!

    Well, dang it, I'm up a lb despite all the good exercising, cause it was a good food week here at work. We have breakfast and lunch included, and I never even go near the breakfast, as all those bagels and cream cheese are way too tempting. But we had burgers on the grill this week, and that is one thing I won't compromise on. My clothes feel looser though, so there is positive changes!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Zebras...just a suggestion about the beef. I have switched to bison. It is a lot more expensive, I know, but it has less fat grams and calories then ground chicken even. It also taste just like beef.

    LadyPersia...Happy Friday to you also.:flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Thanks Swiss. This is free food at work, so its beef, they do offer turkey and sometimes veggie, but I don't ever have beef burgers at home because my husband can't eat beef, so I really enjoy it when they do it here.