Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • Pascooty
    Pascooty Posts: 48 Member
    edited March 2016
    I will be 40 next April (2017) and I don't want to be obese starting into my 40's. I'm tired of feeling tired and lazy.
  • Embalou
    Embalou Posts: 2 Member
    My Eureka moment was very recently.
    I was over the 17 stones weight limit to join in the ariel slide and tree top adventures with my kids
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I was tired of feeling miserable and not liking who I saw in the mirror
  • CyberR3V
    CyberR3V Posts: 6 Member
    I decided that I need to be in shape to defend myself and family after having a few scuffles in the area I live in. When I get a significant amount of weight off I plan on taking some MMA classes and lifting. I am a minority where I live and get treated as such. I hope one day to move over seas but until then I will go with health, fitness and self defense classes. *snorts*
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    When I was on an overnight trip with my oldest son and when I was changing that night he said, "You're getting fat, Dad." That was enough for me.
  • panagioda
    panagioda Posts: 2 Member
    While i was shopping clothes i catched my self checking the maternity clothes cause i knew that nothing else fits. Trying a strechy dress in a fitting room i realised that is not what i want for my life. Its time for action!
  • briano298
    briano298 Posts: 2 Member
    What spurred my latest attempt to lose weight was taking my shirt off in a dressing room and seeing my back in one of the mirrors. I thought "Wow, I'm heavier than I thought I was. I'd better get serious about this fitness thing."
  • maplesyrup10
    maplesyrup10 Posts: 52 Member
    My past reason: I was my heaviest at 17 years old and I was tired of it. I was never able to share clothes with my friends or play dress up. Plus, I was going to Nicaragua on a missions trip and wanted to be able to withstand the physical labor and temperature.

    Currently: My friends hate it when I say this (because it's very degrading to myself), but I'm always "the fat friend". Even after my initial weight loss of 60lbs, I was still the heaviest, even if by 10lbs. I no longer want to be that. Idk if this is mean, but I want to weigh less than at least one of my friends.
  • zenia41185
    zenia41185 Posts: 1 Member
    When I finally got on the scale and saw I was 184lbs at 5'1". Just a few pounds away from when I gave birth to my youngest 4 years ago. I said I NEVER wanted to get that size ever again. So I started changing some of my eating habits and then a friend told me about this app. In 2 weeks I've already lost 6lbs. But I am going to continue this journey!
  • motivated310
    motivated310 Posts: 19 Member
    When my yoga pants started getting tight and my mid section started feeling more round.. smh I would sweat while walking up the stairs... shouldn't get winded from that. Ever since I started losing weight I've been feeling better and looking better
  • JenRainbow1
    JenRainbow1 Posts: 74 Member
    After buying a bigger dress size some time later, ok maybe a yr, I was looking at myself in the mirror and though that I looked fat wanted to look better. I tried exercise and healthy eating for a month. Then I used a weighing scales and a BMI checker online and realised I'm overweight! That was the tipping point and I joined this website to sort it out
  • Nausicca55
    Nausicca55 Posts: 56 Member
    I've been on and off of MFP several times. I wasn't able to keep to it. Then I went to see my doctor last week for the first time in over 3 years and he informed me that I had a silent heart attack sometime in December of last year. That did it. Now I'm back and I'm staying until this weight is off.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I realized life is too short. We're all on a ride to the grave, and I want to have enjoyed a happier, healthier, longer life than a short, miserable one that I didn't appreciate like I should have. When it's time to put me in the ground, I want to feel like I've lived a good, honest, respectable life.
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    I figured that if I couldn't lose the weight after having a baby, that I never would. I tried to start losing weight before I even got pregnant and then gained an additional 50 lbs on top of that. Once I was cleared for exercise I started MFP and working out three times per week. That was March of last year and I am down 85 lbs.
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    Plus I was TIRED of not feeling comfortable in anything I wore. I was TIRED of looking awful in every picture. I was so uncomfortable and unhappy.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Both times I've lost weight, it was a selfie I took that made my heart-shaped face look VERY round.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    I was walking up a flight of stairs at work and had to stop halfway up because my knee was hurting and I had to catch my breath. I was 470 lbs when I finally got the balls to weigh myself, and I was in shock. It had been about 3 years since I had gone to the doctor and had my weight taken for a physical so I had no idea how much I had gained. I decided enough was enough, researched online, found MFP and now I've lost 118 lbs. I still see that same fat guy in the mirror and pictures. No matter how much I lose I don't know if I will ever not see that in the mirror, but I'm going to try. I want to lose another 100 lbs and get to 250 before I make any long term goals for my "maintenance weight."
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Athletic performance issues, knee pain, restricted movement, getting winded too soon keeping up with the kids, of course overall looks...