Post a reply here if you are seeking fitness friends.



  • heatherkimmurphy
    heatherkimmurphy Posts: 5 Member
    New fitness friends :-) motivation :-)
  • Jorggeeeee90
    Jorggeeeee90 Posts: 9 Member
  • jake2827
    jake2827 Posts: 1 Member
    Yep add me, starting again on road to fitness , first step is getting of the grog !!
  • otter_kat
    otter_kat Posts: 11 Member
    Librarian, mom, redhead, fast food eater, 5'2" 280lbs.

    In the past 4 yrs. I've had 2 kids, pregnant fairly close together, so gains with each kid, but no loss in between. These two were my 2nd and 3rd children. After having my first who is 13 now, it took 2 yrs. to lose that and lots of money on group weight loss challenges at the gym, personal training and eating basically chicken breasts, wok veggies and salsa. I don't have the money or time to spend like I did with just one. Looking to focus more on simple clean foods and kick the fast food habit.

    Also have hypothyroidism that developed sometime in the last 6 yrs. Meds aren't leveled, but working on it.

    Started with Jillian Michaels app, as I love her but found this one to be more comprehensive for food logging. For years I used

    Anyone know any groups that I might be able to relate to?
  • mooo92
    mooo92 Posts: 39 Member
    Add me and we'll achieve our goals together
  • Hexje
    Hexje Posts: 2 Member
    Also looking friends for motivation and to keep on track. Feel free to add me aswell.
  • GreginParadise
    GreginParadise Posts: 58 Member
    Sorry been off the grid, now back to the grind.
  • ChubbyChance
    ChubbyChance Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not new to fitness but I haven't been doing this for years. I would love some fitness buddies to compare myself to and to motivate
  • Lewisg51
    Lewisg51 Posts: 220 Member
    Yes would love some
  • ladylove808
    ladylove808 Posts: 7 Member
    yesss need the motivation!
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
  • jennifershatwell93
    jennifershatwell93 Posts: 7 Member
    feel free to add me :smile:
  • evesea
    evesea Posts: 1 Member
    Add me =)
  • lifesnotfare
    lifesnotfare Posts: 169 Member
    So.. used to be in shape, slipped the last couple years, looking to be more active and sociable, and socially active.
    I've dicked around with this site and others like it before, but now I'm ready to commit. So if you're committing too, good luck.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Women, who are already committed to working out. I don't care where you are in weight loss, I just won't be a cheerleader. :) Also, no one with a private profile or closed diary.
  • Runnonestop9
    Runnonestop9 Posts: 172 Member
    Starting over
    From the uk
    All friends welcome
  • kiniak89
    kiniak89 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Am looking for new fitness friends :)
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Looking for some new friends to make this experience enjoyable
  • kstob1990
    kstob1990 Posts: 18 Member
    This is right up my alley! Upon graduation in 2011, I've yo-yo'd from 145 to 155 and currently at my highest, 164.

    Hoping to make some fitness friends to keep me accountable and motivate, and vice versa.
  • Linlou125
    Linlou125 Posts: 1,620 Member
    Add me please!