JM 30DS start thurs 6/23 Who's with me?



  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    dragonflydi: those are my least favorite moves too! I have to put my weights down halfway through the second set and it still hurts to lift my bare arms for the rest of the set! Maybe by day 10 I'll be able to hold on to my weights the entire time :)

    I managed to do the first 2 sets, but the third one ... I only got through half the set. Holy smokes!

    Honestly, the hardest thing for me is all the jumping. Not due to poor ankels/knees, etc., but b/c after having 2 babies, my bladder control is horrible! I best be watching how much liquid I consume before tonight's version of JM30DS!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I can do the arm lift/lunges no problem.....its the front lunges and squats I have problems with as my knees crunch and click.....not sure if its cuz I am overweight or it is my sister says hers are the same way and she is skinny. The sound is horrifying!!
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    Today will be L1D3 for me... I'm not sure if it's from this, or my hour of zumba for 3 days in a row but my calves are SORE!!! =]
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    I swear I already notice a difference and I just finished Day 3!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    L1 D3 done! I'm almost thinking I can feel a difference too!

    I'm actually enjoying it - this is so surprising for me!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D3 complete.....nearly killed me doing the 1st round of jumping jacks......oddly my stomach feels tighter already!! Woo hoo!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    L1D4 done!! On way out so talk later xx
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    dragonflydi: those are my least favorite moves too! I have to put my weights down halfway through the second set and it still hurts to lift my bare arms for the rest of the set! Maybe by day 10 I'll be able to hold on to my weights the entire time :)

    I managed to do the first 2 sets, but the third one ... I only got through half the set. Holy smokes!

    Honestly, the hardest thing for me is all the jumping. Not due to poor ankels/knees, etc., but b/c after having 2 babies, my bladder control is horrible! I best be watching how much liquid I consume before tonight's version of JM30DS!

    See ... I was so tired I SWEAR I did three sets and there are only TWO! Geez LOL ... On the up side, I did BOTH all the way through today! Woo Hoo!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    OK ladies, what moves are you doing modified? I am doing only the push ups modified, but my goal is to do at least one full set of regular push ups before day 10 of level one hits!!! I did before pics ... will post soon ... need to take measurements first!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    OK, I finally bought a cloth tape measure, so here are my starting measurements (as of day 4):

    Bust: 37
    Waist (narrowest point): 29.5
    Hips (widest point): 40
    Arm: 12.25
    Thigh: 23.75

    I REALLY wish I had taken these kind of measurements 2 years ago when I started this journey!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D4 finished.....I only burned 373 calories compared to the last 3 days in the 500's.....I sweated just as much!! Almost halfway down with level 1!

    Dragonfli......modified pushups here too and I have to admit the bicycle crunches kill me so I slack a little on these.......not as sore today.....
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    L1D4 finished.....I only burned 373 calories compared to the last 3 days in the 500's.....I sweated just as much!! Almost halfway down with level 1!

    Dragonfli......modified pushups here too and I have to admit the bicycle crunches kill me so I slack a little on these.......not as sore today.....

    This video has shown me EXACTLY which groups of muscles I have been missing with my weights at the gym! Some of these moves seem like nothing (chest flies? I may as well just be using my arms w/no weight during the video b/c I do these w/15-20 lb weights at the gym), but then the eye level shoulder raises with these little 5 pounders make my muscles burn and ache as if they WERE 15-20 lbs!! LOL ...

    I have issues with the push ups, but I can do all of the ab moves with ease ... but ONLY b/c what we do on the video is a small portion of the same sets I do at the gym and have been doing for the better part of 4 1/2 months. When I started, I thought I was going to die! I didn't think my ab work at the gym was doing as much as it has apparently been doing, however, since I'm doing it all on my own without the (paid) asstance of a trainer (though I have one who I am close with and he will help me with anything I ask ... and will also point out when my weights are not heavy enough, I need to adjust my form, even without my asking etc), I'm glad to know I must be doing something right :)
  • hkbonds
    hkbonds Posts: 7
    Ok.....3 days late but I'd love to join! I discovered 30DS Level 1 on On-Demand via U-Verse yesterday so I'm gonna go do L1D1 now. Measurements below. I'll join the normal weigh-ins on Thursdays starting this week.

    bust: 44.5"
    waist: 41"
    hips: 46"
    arms: 13.5"
    thigh: 26.5"

    SW: 272
    SW MFP: 264 (Oct 2010)
    CW: 210.8
    GW: 185
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    Day 5 done - it's sooo hot, I'm so proud of myself for pushing through this heat and getting it done!!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Halfway through L1...kind of excited to get to level to for the change but I've heard it's killer!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D5 DONE.......burned 368 calories.....sick of jumping jack and the pushups.....hope there is different moves in Level 2!!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Halfway through L1...kind of excited to get to level to for the change but I've heard it's killer!!

    I'm excited too ... but I haven't heard anything about the next level. Maybe I should be worried now? LOL!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Maybe it won't be that bad, but I am still struggling with a few of the moves in level 1. Still can't do all those anterior raises at the end with my weights!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    L1D4 finished.....I only burned 373 calories compared to the last 3 days in the 500's.....I sweated just as much!! Almost halfway down with level 1!

    Dragonfli......modified pushups here too and I have to admit the bicycle crunches kill me so I slack a little on these.......not as sore today.....

    Do you have a Heart Rate Monitor?
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D4 finished.....I only burned 373 calories compared to the last 3 days in the 500's.....I sweated just as much!! Almost halfway down with level 1!

    Dragonfli......modified pushups here too and I have to admit the bicycle crunches kill me so I slack a little on these.......not as sore today.....

    Do you have a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Yes, I do. Best investment ever! It is a Mio watch...a lot of people swear by the cheststrap HRM but it works fine for me!