
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Sunday to All! I went all winter without a cold and woke up with a very sore throat and sneezing on Saturday. Have been eating like crazy and must put a stop to it.

    Lenora ~ Congrats on your weight loss and smaller sizes.

    Lisa ~ Kuddos to you and your DH on your new business venture.

    Kim ~ Sounds like you had a long work day with the garden club fund raiser. Hope y'all made lots of money. I cut my knock out roses back to dead wood and they are finally coming back out.

    I have never been to any of my high school reunions. They are having the 50th this year and I probably won't attend that either. I haven't been to any of my college reunions either as I didn't graduate with the class I started out with. Got married during my Senior year and finished about 3 years later.

    All this talk about anger and depression is making me depressed! :'(
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol - Sorry you aren't feeling up to par. Sending good thots and prayers that you feel better and more sunny-side-up quickly.

    Janetr okc
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Kimses - I know how hard it is to live with someone who likes chips, etc. What I do is try to buy the chips that I don't like

    Michele - is there such a thing?????? The only foods I don't like are marshmallows and cilantro. I haven't seen that type of chip yet :wink:

    Kimses in MA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Reflections last chapter The Dance of Anger.

    When I do decide to make a conscious change in a relationship she suggests choose one thing I plan to carry out calmly. There may be counter moves so be ready and stay on course. I think it is important to accept the result that happens too. If you it is a complex relationship like I have with DS I realize there will be steps forwards and set backs. Just like in trying to lose weight. If I am clear in what I am trying to accomplish it helps. It is becoming clear what I can and cannot do for him as he struggles.

    She suggests thinking of one to two ways I react with family member and see if I can react to them in a noncritical nonjudgmental way and not try to change them. This is a tall order for me. With DS I plan to convey I believe he is capable of sorting out where he will live and he has enough money to get himself started. (He is asking us for more money to help him out.) In the past we thought we were helping him by readily agreeing to his requests. It robbed him of the chance to problem solve.

    I know I will have to work hard at holding myself from wanting to give him more advice.

    I think of the baby wren I watched who so desperately wanted to get back into the nest once he/she fell out. It was his/her time. The parents did watch out for their young by trying to keep away what dangers they could, but they did not help him/her get back in the nest. I did not intervene either. Time for me to learn this lesson too.

    :heart: Margaret
  • abru161
    abru161 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I am really excited to find a support group that is for woman over 50 years of age. I want to get this extra weight off before I become old and sick, I know that I haven't any control over becoming older but I don't want to be old and sick. I look forward to the future with all of you. abru161 in Vt.
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    A little sore today. We were out all day yesterday doing yard work. Burned a lot of calories though chopping limbs and braking then up, then raking. There's still a lot to do in the yard but today will be a take it easier day for me. Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. It's a beautiful day here. We spent the night at the lake last night.

    I'm sorry I have not posted the last few days. I'm sorry I made you worry. Things have been great. Getting better every day. Yesterday a friend came over and fixed my kiln while other friends moved my display furniture from my studio to the co-op gallery. People have been so nice.

    I'm working to get stronger, especially on my right side. I still can't turn door knobs or open jars, or throw pots. I've been going to the studio every day though, and have done a little slab work. My vision may have changed a little bit, so I need new glasses. Everything else is working great. I'm supposed to get to drive again this week. I've missed my favorite morning time with the kids. I've been walking more. Not using my fitbit again yet though. It's been dead for weeks. Time to get it charged up and ready.

    Yesterday my friend who came to fix the kiln told us he saw huge fields of yellow turnip blossoms on his way in, so we drove over to have a look. They were beautiful! I've never seen anything like it. IF i could figure out how to get photos on my new computer, I would post one. I still can't make Windows 10 work right.

    Gotta go. Take care!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia ~ So good to hear from you and to know you are making good progress. We are all rooting for you.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I got it! These are turnip plants they planted as ground cover.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello everyone. It's a beautiful day here. We spent the night at the lake last night.

    I'm sorry I have not posted the last few days. I'm sorry I made you worry. Things have been great. Getting better every day. Yesterday a friend came over and fixed my kiln while other friends moved my display furniture from my studio to the co-op gallery. People have been so nice.

    I'm working to get stronger, especially on my right side. I still can't turn door knobs or open jars, or throw pots. I've been going to the studio every day though, and have done a little slab work. My vision may have changed a little bit, so I need new glasses. Everything else is working great. I'm supposed to get to drive again this week. I've missed my favorite morning time with the kids. I've been walking more. Not using my fitbit again yet though. It's been dead for weeks. Time to get it charged up and ready.

    Yesterday my friend who came to fix the kiln told us he saw huge fields of yellow turnip blossoms on his way in, so we drove over to have a look. They were beautiful! I've never seen anything like it. IF i could figure out how to get photos on my new computer, I would post one. I still can't make Windows 10 work right.

    Gotta go. Take care!


    Sylvia - so very thrilled to hear you are doing so well. Praying you will continue to improve each day. Please know how much we care and send positive thots for you and your family. <3

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I thot this applied to some of our recent discussions.
  • djsolich
    djsolich Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to join the group. My goal is to loose 20 pounds. I spin 2 to 3 times a week and do some fun strength training 2 a week with a great group of friends. I have terrible eating habits, and it has finally caught up with me I've probably gained 12 pounds in the past year.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Popularity is transient and good friends are a treasure. I've never received an invitation to a high school reunion. Next year will be the 50th. I wonder whether I'll get an invitation to that, and doubt it. My graduating class was over 700 and I was something of a wallflower. :ohwell:

    Deblyh: Welcome to a great group. :smiley:

    But let me shout from the rooftops: the notion that it's still possible to chip away at myself and improve who I am, even though I'm 60, comes largely from you ladies. :flowerforyou: You're so inspiring!
    I share this viewpoint. :heart:

    Sylvia: Thank you for letting us know how you're doing! I hope to see you post frequently. I missed you. The turnip filed is beautiful. :flowerforyou:

    I got a text from DD this morning and things are getting worse for her DBIL and for the family. They have been told that this will have a fatal outcome but going through the process is slow and terrible for them all. Her DBIL has been unconscious for several days. I hope he is not in pain. Those who love him are in terrible pain as they live through the process that will certainly end in the death and loss of thier loved one.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    Deblyh wrote: »
    Hello everyone. My name is Debbie, I am definitely over 50 and in fact over 60. I would love to join you as I again need some motivation to try and get this weight off. It has been a struggle for too long now. Are you taking new members? It's always nice to share with those who can relate. I am a happily retired Grandma whose goal is to get healthy for fun senior adventures. If you would like to add me I go by Deblyh. Thank you.

    :) I hope you will keep coming back and join in the conversation. You are a member as soon as you post something. I came to MFP at age 62 after decades of trying to lose weight and keep it off. I lost the weight I wanted to lose and now I keep coming back for the support and encouragement to make sure I don't put the weight back on. I walk a lot and go to line dance classes. I recently started lifting weights.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you everyone for your welcome, thoughts and support! I really appreciate it. It's interesting at 58 to find myself completely alone and attempting to reinvent myself. Not the future that I envisioned 20 yrs ago, but life happens, and we just have to adapt & deal with it.

    A large company bought the firm that I worked for and laid off my entire department and most of the company (again, just have to deal with it!). I have interviews at 2 places this week, and am digging through my closet to find interview clothes. Despite daily workouts at the gym & adhering to my diet religiously, my weight is just not moving! Has anyone found any successful plans or strategies to jump start weight loss?

    Janetr, glad your GD made it home safely& hope that her wrist heals well.

    Lisa, safe drive home!

    Heather, I hope you enjoy your visit with your DCGs

    Karen, thanks for the heads up on the Costco chicken bake!

    Penny, agree re self esteem

    Lenora, congratulations!

    It looks like spring may have finally arrived here! It is a beautiful sunny day, and 65 at 11 am. Have a great day everyone!

    Pollance, just outside of Boston.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    well I went grocery shopping and ,this pollen here in Ct. is a 12 out of 12 ,I am not feeling wonderful..
    my girlfriend who works at the Berkley College of music up in Boston ,just dropped by, brought me a beautiful bouquet of tulips, munson's truffles(which I will promply bring to work) and a beautiful card, with a 100.00 visa gift card in it.. why she does it ,is beyond me, I help out her mom down the street,every once in awhile and bring the garbage can in once a week. but much appreicated..
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I got a text from DD this morning and things are getting worse for her DBIL and for the family. They have been told that this will have a fatal outcome but going through the process is slow and terrible for them all. Her DBIL has been unconscious for several days. I hope he is not in pain. Those who love him are in terrible pain as they live through the process that will certainly end in the death and loss of thier loved one.

    Had your DD's brother-in-law been ill or was there an accident or something. Brings back the painful loss of my nephew in February. Almost the exact same scenario. He was 27. My heart goes out to the entire family. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    pollance two simple things that may jumpstart weight loss drink 8 glasses of water everyday....you will be running to the bathroom a lot! :# Also try eating an apple before lunch and dinner, for some reason this slowed me down and kept me from overeating at both meals.

    B) karen from ny