Ladies losing 100+lbs?



  • JReed2205
    JReed2205 Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in... I am 30, 5'4" and have easily 100+ to lose.... I am just starting on this journey so I am looking for advice, tips, encouragement etc..... I have some health issues that I am trying to get under control and since I am non active normally I need to figure out the best thing to start with as far as exercising goes!
  • shell617
    shell617 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 43 and 5ft 3 & currently weigh 210 pounds and want to lose 100 pounds. I'm determined to lose the weight and want like minded people to be friends with. My 2nd weigh in is tomorrow.
  • Officially_Rosey
    Officially_Rosey Posts: 73 Member
    You can ALL do it!! I have lost half of my body weight in about 18 months - down to 160 from a start of 320 - and, believe me, if I can do it at my age then so can you youngsters! I still have my demons (cheese, bread, chocolate) but I have learned that if a few pounds go on then they will come off again when I get back on track. I still log everything that goes in my mouth and for me, that has been the most useful thing. I rewarded myself along the way by buying some new clothes from e bay each time I lost 10lbs (and sold the bigger clothes). Good luck to you all. Just remember, if you don't want to be the same next year, then you need to make a change now....

    Great to hear/read about success and maintenance from someone who's been through the journey ☺ Thanks for sharing, and congrats on your weight loss :smile:
  • smileycanuck
    smileycanuck Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, I am also looking to lose 100+, since January 4th I have almost lost 30 pounds. Looking for some more friends to help me with my journey and I am here to support you also! Please feel free to send me a friend request, any and all welcome, I need all the help I can get! LOL
  • smileycanuck
    smileycanuck Posts: 23 Member
    JReed2205 wrote: »
    Count me in... I am 30, 5'4" and have easily 100+ to lose.... I am just starting on this journey so I am looking for advice, tips, encouragement etc..... I have some health issues that I am trying to get under control and since I am non active normally I need to figure out the best thing to start with as far as exercising goes!

    JReed2205, I bought a fitbit and just started trying to walk and do 6,000 steps in a day, then after it was able to reach that with no problems I would add on more steps for a new goal. I am now finally reaching 10,000 steps a day but it was something I had to work towards, maybe try walking and work your way from there!
  • Kairalie
    Kairalie Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in too.
    26 years old and more than half my body weight to lose to be where I'm supposed to be.. SO.. LONG road ahead. I'm excited to travel it and be the best me ever
  • she_lived_wholly_forevermore
    she_lived_wholly_forevermore Posts: 179 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm 29 years old, 5 feet tall, and have lost a little over 92 so far. Got a ways to go, 40 at least. Feel free to add me.
  • xiab2016
    xiab2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I have come on this as so need too lose weight. I seem to have been stuck for years on same weight and need motivation to loose 5 stones! Please add me as I know it will be a long journey
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    OK... I'm a guy... and old fart to be exact.. 55 heading on to 56 soon.... i started the day after xmas .. so far i have lost 51 lbs... just over 60 left to go... this is not easy.. but it is doable... you can do it... patience and perseverance .. do not look at the total... look at 1 pound... look to lose 1 pound... just 1... once you lose that pound look to lose another and so on and so on... it is very easy to become discouraged by looking at the total..its 1 pound at a time one day at a time, one week at a time... sometimes its one meal at a time... there is no luck involved.. it is a pretty simple process... calories in vs. calories... you must burn more calories than you take in..log your food.. weigh you food... every single bite... you do not have to give up everything you love to eat, just cut down on the amount and you need to get up and move your @*kitten* .. doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do more than the day before, the week before and keep adding to it.. i picked up a fitbit and it is truly the best motivational tool i could ask for.. i add more steps each day, each week.. i could barely make the recommended 10 k per day.. now i'm doing over 15 k .. you do what you can.. push yourself.. no excuses..there are no cheat days, you are not giving up the food you love.just cutting back the amount and how often you eat them... stay within your calories and do not eat back calories from exercise...if you need motivation .... look in the mirror... look at your kids your husband, your siginficant other.. hell your dog or cat... whatever it takes to stay motivated and moving in the right direction...this is your life we are talking about.. i plan on sticking around to see some grandkids...If this old man can do it so can every single one of you...ok.. getting off my soap box and heading back to the guys section.
  • terra32907
    terra32907 Posts: 33 Member
    Really upset with myself for getting to the point where I have to say 'I need to lose 100ish lbs.' 4 years ago I lost 60 on here, was running 5ks and doing mud runs. Fast forward a few years and being this fat is uncomfortable. I want to climb stairs and not feel like I am having to pull myself up them. I want to sit comfortably in my airplane seat. I want to be proud of myself when I look in the mirror. I would love friends that want to encourage, support, and hold each other accountable. Let's do this together!
  • JesusMyKingMyLord
    JesusMyKingMyLord Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all! I as well need to lose 100+. I'm currently at the heaviest I've ever been. A lot needs to change badly and now! My husband and I are on this weight lose journey together but not together. He is going all protein and I'm doing more veggies, fruits, and just all around well balanced. We've been through a tough spot of moving and jobs falling through. Recently God has blessed us with a great job for my husband and we can now afford the foods we need to follow our diets correctly. Through his job he also has an opportunity to work out at their facilities. I on the other hand have taken up walking and working my way up to running. We've only really been eating and working out for a week now. We don't currently have a scale, which may be a good thing lol, so I'm unsure if I've lost anything yet. My husband on the other hand has already lost 10. He is doing great and very committed. We've been over weight for far too long. It just change now. We have children to play with and wear out. My husband is a great support but I would also love to have friends as accountability partners!! Feel free to add me!! Y'all be blessed! Hope to talk soon!!
  • pjohnson0787
    pjohnson0787 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I 'll be 29 in July, Im 5 ft 8 currently about 328, need to lose over 100 lbs. Goal is about 215 area.
  • TDomenico
    TDomenico Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am trying to lose over 100lbs but, for medical reasons, I have a short term goal of 50lbs in 5 months. I am working with a dietician and she has me on 1800 calories a day. I am excited for this journey and know that I will achieve my goal. Please send me a friend request and I will gladly accept. I believe we can help each other.
  • Mamahick12
    Mamahick12 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! I am 30, 5ft 6 and trying to lose 150 lbs. I started in September of '15 but due to family issues, I got off track. I started back up 1 week ago. In total from September, I've lost 21 lbs. I could really use a support system. I am so happy to start this journey for a new lifestyle and hopefully in a year or so, I'll look on the outside the way I feel on the inside.
  • bmetera2013
    bmetera2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Waooihh ya all are so motivated. This is what I need. I need a group of people that will help feel accountable. I have 80 pounds to lose and will love it if you could add me. I will really appreciate the support.
    Thank you so much!
  • cookie62877
    cookie62877 Posts: 8 Member
    Im in the same boat! Work, school, kids, home life, weight loss! Its a viscous cycle and a busy schedule but totally doable! Im 28, looking to lose 100 pounds, maybe more. Taking it one day at a time and trying to appreciate the journey for the good and the bad. Anyone can add me and my food diary is open to anyone! Having friends on here is my daily dose of motivation and holds me accountable to log everyday. So come one, come all, or dont come at all! lol Im open to any new friends and do my best to inspire everyone I can on here while being inspired by others! good to know we are all here for the same purpose! We are all beautiful, now its just time to find that inner healthy mind, body, and soul!!!!
  • elos18
    elos18 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5"6, been on MFP since July '15 and lost 42lbs currently! Looking to lose up to a further 98lbs. Just going to keep going until I'm happy! Please feel free to add me!
  • cmbarbato71
    cmbarbato71 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello All, I'm 45 yrs. old, 5'2", I've lost 31 lbs since Jan. but have about another 100 lbs to go. This is my second time around at MFP the first time I gave up way to easily but I'm been doing much better this time around. Please fee free to send me friend requests. It's always great to have mutual support for this journey.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 28, 5'8", and have a lot to lose as well. I've been up and down over the years but I'm FINALLY in the right head space to make a sustainable change. When I started MPF I was already down 50 lbs from my heaviest weight but I have set another 50 lb goal for myself. Would love to have some accountability buddies so please add me as a friend and LET'S DO THIS! :)
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    I am a bit older, 52 too be exact...but I don't feel like an old-timer. I am here since 3 days on my journey to better health and lower weight. I wish we all could be friends and support each other....all of you sound so motivated. I wish us strengths and a good sense of humor. Everything is easier with laughter, even being fat. :-)
  • Officially_Rosey
    Officially_Rosey Posts: 73 Member
    edited April 2016
    OK... I'm a guy... and old fart to be exact.. 55 heading on to 56 soon.... i started the day after xmas .. so far i have lost 51 lbs... just over 60 left to go... this is not easy.. but it is doable... you can do it... patience and perseverance .. do not look at the total... look at 1 pound... look to lose 1 pound... just 1... once you lose that pound look to lose another and so on and so on... it is very easy to become discouraged by looking at the total..its 1 pound at a time one day at a time, one week at a time... sometimes its one meal at a time... there is no luck involved.. it is a pretty simple process... calories in vs. calories... you must burn more calories than you take in..log your food.. weigh you food... every single bite... you do not have to give up everything you love to eat, just cut down on the amount and you need to get up and move your @*kitten* .. doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do more than the day before, the week before and keep adding to it.. i picked up a fitbit and it is truly the best motivational tool i could ask for.. i add more steps each day, each week.. i could barely make the recommended 10 k per day.. now i'm doing over 15 k .. you do what you can.. push yourself.. no excuses..there are no cheat days, you are not giving up the food you love.just cutting back the amount and how often you eat them... stay within your calories and do not eat back calories from exercise...if you need motivation .... look in the mirror... look at your kids your husband, your siginficant other.. hell your dog or cat... whatever it takes to stay motivated and moving in the right direction...this is your life we are talking about.. i plan on sticking around to see some grandkids...If this old man can do it so can every single one of you...ok.. getting off my soap box and heading back to the guys section.

    Motivating ☺ Thanks for sharing.
  • debmom2boyz
    debmom2boyz Posts: 86 Member
    Hey all! I am 46, mother of two (single parent), full-time job (demanding one) and have about 80-100 to lose. For me it is about how I feel than the number on the scale. Feel free to add me! (men/women-doesn't matter)
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    I'll be 24 on Sunday, I am 5'6 and I have lost 85 lbs of my 100 lbs weight loss goal. I started March of 2015. Feel free to add me! I log in every day and my food journal is public!
  • GeorgiaM2015
    GeorgiaM2015 Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me. Lost 24lbs so far - got another 100+lbs to go. :)
  • JarryIvette
    JarryIvette Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Feel free to add me. I'm 31, 5'4 weighing 250lbs. I started this journey back in August 2013 weighing 250lbs! I was very committed and by March 2014 I was weighing 185! Then I found out I was expecting with my first son who was born in Nov 2014. I had gain 70lbs during the pregnancy. Then after recovering from my c-section I decided to get back to it again in March 2015 weighing 245. Then in April I found out I was expecting again with my second son who was born in Dec 2015. Now I'm back again weighing 250 and my goal is to loose 100 lbs! And I'm having a very hard time balancing everything out with 2 little ones, hubby, responsibilities, trying to get motivated to workout again (since I feel exhausted all the time!) So I need new friends and motivation
  • AmandaMMeister
    AmandaMMeister Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 32 and need to get rid of 100 to 120 pounds (I'm getting rid of weight not losing it, I have no intentions of finding it again
  • kirstiehorsburgh92
    kirstiehorsburgh92 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm 23, 5'2. This is my first day on my healthy eating! I haven't weighted myself in my few weeks but I know I'm looking to lose have my body weight which is about 125lbs! I've tried so many diets but I'm determined to lose it as the sun is coming out and I hate how I look and can't wait anything! Great to meet people with similar goals! Please feel free to add me, the more the better !!
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    how do you add friends?
  • pinkpsyche
    pinkpsyche Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning!! I am turning 45 in June and have 112 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I started my change of lifestyle on 1/27/16. Its been slow since I got very sick twice in a matter of a 6 week period. However last month was very eye-opening when I realized how high my cholesterol and glucose levels are. Yup! Diabetes! :s I decided then that I would not be another statistic in my train wreck of genetics. Its time to stop the madness! I will welcome friends to keep me motivated. Thank you for starting this thread.
  • pinkpsyche
    pinkpsyche Posts: 36 Member
    I'll be 24 on Sunday, I am 5'6 and I have lost 85 lbs of my 100 lbs weight loss goal. I started March of 2015. Feel free to add me! I log in every day and my food journal is public!

    Happy Birthday!!!