40+yrs motivation group. We aren't getting any younger!



  • blackbutterfly318
    blackbutterfly318 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello please feel free to add me. I'm 43 and I hear it quite often that I look younger. However, my body is telling a whole other story...slowing metabolism..knees cracking..lol.
  • jwaggoner486
    jwaggoner486 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for this group! Please friend me: I'd love more support. Going it alone is no fun, and doesn't work as well for me.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Changing your attitude, mental blocks, eating habits, physical limitations, and emotional endurance is a journey of metamorphosis. It won't happen in a day, it won't be easy but in the end you will emerge better, stronger, healthier, and more confident in yourself.

    Well worth the struggle I would say. Stay strong and vigilant in your journey.
  • sabrina_11
    sabrina_11 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 46 and lost about 40 lbs using MFP a few years ago, but have gained most of it back. I've been trying to lose it again on my own unsuccessfully. I would really love to have some motivated friends to help me out and I'll do the same for you. Thanks!
  • livelifelovemyself
    livelifelovemyself Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! 41 almost 42, with 65 pounds at least to lose. I am looking for supportive friends!
  • athena1779
    athena1779 Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm 43 and after my divorce I lost 45 pounds, however I have gained 20 back
  • ealterio
    ealterio Posts: 2 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    Let us all try to friend each other so we can help each other out.

    You can friend me if you want. Don't know how it works lol. Haven't been on here long. Will be 45 in September. Can't seem to have energy to do anything anymore. I also have fibro, degenerative disc disease, had a small TIA, seizures, migraines. Docs still can't figure it out. Yay......
  • LML1971
    LML1971 Posts: 82 Member
    I'll be 45 in Aug and looking to be in out of the 2's and into the 'Onderlands' by then
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    edited May 2016
    Back from Hawaii and have lost 3 of the 5 lbs. I gained while there. It was so hard to log because there were a lot of new foods. It was hard to believe I could gain 5 lbs. with all the hiking, swimming, biking etc. goes to show how important healthy eating habits are. 5duyn6oh7dxf.jpeg
  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE Hawaii. Welcome back! At least you stayed active. The weight gain is probably some dehydration, too. I always gain weight when I travel, even if I do well with my eating, but it comes back off fairly quickly.
  • fattothinmum
    fattothinmum Posts: 218 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    Lost about 5 lbs. needing do more exercise. Fibromyalgia is slowing me down. Anyone with tips to reduce the pain.

    I take low dose Amitryptilene for my feet. It helps. Other areas have improved as I've got stronger. My wrists, shoulders and back pressure points still ache, but less so, and I use ibuprofen after a run of more than 3 miles or my thighs burn with nerve pain. Not muscle pain, but as a fellow fibro person, you'll known what I mean. My hip pain has all but disappeared. Ache now and again, but massive improvement from when I started. The best bit of advice I can give you, is: *Build slow and steady until your body gets stronger.*

    I did it with couch to 5K and walking, adding a little weights for upper body, now that I'm almost a normal weight.

  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I find your story very motivating to keep moving and hearing how others with the same conditions have overcome. Here's what I do besides logging calories. I recently shared this with a new friend and feel it applies here.

    I walk when I can or use my elliptical because there is no impact on joints. Small weights to improve muscle tone (2-10 lb). I use core strengthening for my back issues. I had back surgery about 18 months ago for a disc extrusion. You're tired, feel like crap anyways and you're not going to feel better until you get some exercise in. You might as well just suck it up and get it done. Then go take some ibuprofen and a nap. That's how I look at it. But I feel better because slowly I am getting healthier and it has been worth every extra pain and ache.
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    Lost about 5 lbs. needing do more exercise. Fibromyalgia is slowing me down. Anyone with tips to reduce the pain.

    I take low dose Amitryptilene for my feet. It helps. Other areas have improved as I've got stronger. My wrists, shoulders and back pressure points still ache, but less so, and I use ibuprofen after a run of more than 3 miles or my thighs burn with nerve pain. Not muscle pain, but as a fellow fibro person, you'll known what I mean. My hip pain has all but disappeared. Ache now and again, but massive improvement from when I started. The best bit of advice I can give you, is: *Build slow and steady until your body gets stronger.*

    I did it with couch to 5K and walking, adding a little weights for upper body, now that I'm almost a normal weight.
  • ealterio
    ealterio Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah but it's probably muscle if u did hiking, so don't beat yourself up. The main point is that you did it! Proud of u.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
  • bbordner
    bbordner Posts: 59 Member
    I'm Barry, 40 (for a couple more months). I started trying to lose weight a couple years ago. I saw a picture from a friends wedding and was blown away by how big I had gotten. As a kid and through my 20's I was the kid who could eat a pizza, a quart of ice cream, and chase it with 2 liters of Coke and still be rail thin. Seeing myself with a large gut and chubby cheeks was a big shock. So starting at 205 a couple years ago I stopped eating so much. I was adamantly not tracking calories because I didn't want to be one of "those" people. I got used to eating less and got down to 175.

    Then I got stuck. I think part of my problem was I was eating less volume, but still eating calorie heavy food. A couple months ago I noticed my pants were getting a bit tight again so finally decided on a way to fit some exercise in, thinking I was still doing OK with portion control. No change. Last Monday, after dinner I realized that I went back not only for seconds, but a third plate. I realized I need to track what I'm eating and a co-worker told me about IIFYM which led me here. I'm not so concerned with macros just yet, still getting used to measuring everything and trying to consistently hit my net calories from day to day.

    I *think* I'm at 175 right now, but I don't trust my scale (new one arrives today from Amazon). I'm 5'9" and my end goal is 150 lbs, with an intermediate goals of 165 and 160 to help me feel better along the way. Once I get to 150 I'll re-evaluate and decide from there. The main deciding factor is really going to be whether or not my belly still jiggles when I go down a flight of stairs. So far my biggest issues have been my enjoyment of craft beer, snacking on weekends when I know there's food just around the corner, and making sure I don't make excuses to not go to the gym because something hurts (I have a varied collection of joint and muscular pain issues).
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    I am 57 years old...went to the Dr in January at 307.6 pounds and he sd I was pre-diabetic. Tested at 7.4 I weighed myself on Feb 29th (after trying to work out in Feb and really just gave up) and was at 308# I started my own diet and exercise program on March 1st. Drastic 1200 calories a day..and riding a stationary bike. I am now doing 1200-1400 calories a day and riding the bike 60 minutes to 70 minutes a day. I also do some light weights in the morning. I am down to 268.4 at my last weigh in on Monday and saw my Dr. in April My test was 5.4 and not diabetic!!!! Anyone feel free to add me..we can all use motivated friends on this journey.! I wish you all success on your lifestyle changes.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »

    HA! Actually I DO regret one. I wasn't doing too well and my wife told me to stay home. I went injured my shoulder and was out of the gym and ended up gaining 80lbs. I worked out and ate ALOT.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »

    HA! Actually I DO regret one. I wasn't doing too well and my wife told me to stay home. I went injured my shoulder and was out of the gym and ended up gaining 80lbs. I worked out and ate ALOT.

    You got me there. Let's change that to a "normal non-injury workout"
  • facai888
    facai888 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello.......oooooooo.....is anyone home? I am 41 in few weeks.....OMG and I am big again ,,,,he he ...well THIS TIME(as every time) I will lose weight .....hopefully .I am on 1200 cl. So far so good (only 3 days ) ....anyway just came in to say hi