May 2016 Running Challenge



  • miminava
    miminava Posts: 5 Member
    miminava wrote: »
    I'm new to this challenge group and could really use the motivarion. Goal for the month is 50 mi. Ran 2 mi on treadmill today. Great start to May. :)

  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    My goal for May will be 50 miles, stay healthy and eat enough :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @kristinegift sorry things weren't what you wanted, but great PR! I hate those days when your legs just say "nope not today" :cry:
    @ohhim super race and BQ qualifier nice!
    @eileen_05 great first entry
    @143tobe welcome!
    @elise4270 sorry the foot isn't cooperating
    @_nikkiwolf_ I've heard of running with the bulls not never running with the cows. I love the picture.
    @shanaber the knee felt good today, thanks for asking.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @Ohhim -love the costume; and congrats on the BQ!
    @kristinegift - super PR!
    @Elise4270 - sorry that your foot is still not ready
    @WhatMeRunning - congrats on your HM!
    @_nikkiwolf_ - happy belated birthday for last week! And I am glad those cows were not worried about you running through them!
    @juliet3455 and @MNLittleFinn - We don't get many long distance races close to where I live either; about 2 HMs a year; so if my husband and I want to do a marathon, it involves 8-10 hours of travel, accommodation, etc; so it gets pricey. But it does make a nice excuse for a holiday!

    First run for the month was an easy 9 km this morning. Even got to sleep in because we have a public holiday today - sweet!

    May 1 – Rest
    May 2 – 9.34 km

    Total: 9.34 km / 280 km

    5 June Rocky River Run 21km
    3 July Gold Coast Marathon


  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Awesome that you are challenging yourself! I will be rooting for you!
  • Anabbee
    Anabbee Posts: 25 Member
    Hi All, loving how active this challenge is!

    I have a walking half marathon on the 14th, but I am also halfway through a C210k. So I'm getting a lot of walking kms and some running ones too. I have my first 10k race planned for June 5th. I'm hoping to be able to run (slowly) the whole thing. So pretty excited for that. I also have a half marathon booked for November, and my goal is to be able to jog the whole thing. At this stage I'm not worried about time etc. It is really motivating for me to have registered for these races. It really keeps me on the exercise plan!

    I thought I may as well keep a total of my walking kms as well!

    May 1 No run (10k walk)
    May 2 3km run (2k walk)

    Total: Run 3km/ 50 km (total walk 12km)

    Races June 5th Christchurch Airport marathon (10k for me)
    November 19 Queenstown marathon (half for me)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    since this is my first challenge can anyone recommend where to start? I can only comfortably run 3-5 miles at a time. I was thinking 60 or 70?

    How many runs per week? When I made my goal, I looked at how many runs I was planning for the month, and the distances for them, then took some miles off to have a buffer. If you are running 3 days a week, then like 60 could be good, assuming 5 miles per run, but that assumes 5 miles every run.

    Here's the thing, DON'T WORRY ABOUT DOING BIG MILEAGE. Also, ask yourself, do you want a goal that pushes you, or one that you can easily attain, for a good morale boost to get you going. My advice would be to set a goal that you are fairly certain, or totally certain that you can obtain. I beat my goals the last 2 months because I set them conservatively. This month I'm going for a more aggressive goal to push myself.

    Main thing is to have fun, support others and know there's a group here that will support you in your goal.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @vandinem I'll try to not let you down B) ....truthfully, I think I'll be closer to 120 by the end of the month, but with the miles increasing each week, I may have to ratchet back at some point too, hoping the fun of HM training just pulls me through...64 days until my first HM!
  • sleepigrl
    sleepigrl Posts: 53 Member
    Back after taking a month off as far as the challenge is concerned, but not from running. Finished up C25K a bit ago and have moved on to a B210K program. It's a short program (only 5 weeks), so I'm stretching it out a bit and mixing in some shorter days. I'm also adding some bike time now, but mostly very short rides as I re-learn how to ride!

    That all said, my goal for May will be 50 miles (running).

    May 1 - 4 miles (only 46 to go!)


    Planned Races
    May 7th - Wildflower 5K trail run
    July 9th - Jingle in July 5K July @ Santa Claus House / North Pole
    Dec 3 & 4 - San Antonio Rock N Roll 10K & 5K

  • Jesi0725
    Jesi0725 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in! This is my first time doing a running challenge, and I'm really focused on completing the month and remaining accountable. My goal is 50 miles. I am registered for my first ever 5k on May 30th! :)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Got a question - I'm noticing that I have some minor soreness behind my right knee (and yes, I'm right-handed/right-footed) after my long run yesterday, and again after about a mile tonight on my 10K-steps walk. I also notice that yesterday afternoon it felt REALLY good to bend the leg (in that hurts-so-good kind of way - not really HURTS, but...), which tells me I'm prob NOT bending the leg on my run like I need to.

    Any suggestions on either the knee niggle, or how to better my form so that the leg doesn't act like it's forgotten how to bend after a long run?

    Oh, and BTW - lost the toenail on the other foot last night.... It's apparently been separated from the bed long enough that it didn't hurt to pull it off at the last bit of attachment, and there's no soreness or redness in the bed today. Do y'all lose nails on anything but the big toe? Just wondering.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @Ohhim So. Amazingly. Awesome.

    Absolutely brilliant run, and equally brilliant recap. Love, love, love the outfit and pics.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @Ohhim - thanks for the recap - what a magnificent race you had! I am particularly interested in the heart rate stuff you talked about. I am interested in gauging my effort and moderating my pace during my marathon using HR. How did you work out your marathon HR? Do you use a certain percentage of your HR max to calculate your marathon HR? Or have you worked it out based on past experience? I have a Jack Daniels table that says my marathon HR should be about 83% of my HR max. Interested in your thoughts on this.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited May 2016
    @ohhim - thanks for the race report! Wow, amazing! Love the pictures!
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'd be more afraid of what I'd step in, than run into, on that run!

    5/1 - 35 mile cycling
    5/2 - 5 miles


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Ohhim Great recap, and it sounds like your race went really well! It's amazing that you HM PR'd on the SECOND HALF of a marathon! Was it raining quite a bit for your race as well? I think every race from the Midwest to the East Coast got drenched this weekend! I hope that your time will get you into Boston next year, but regardly, 3:08 is a heck of a good time.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2016
    5/1: 26.2 miles (26.5 according to Garmin!)
    5/2: Marathon recovery day

    Oh boy, oh boy, am I sore this morning! I woke up and laid in bed for a while terrified to put my feet on the floor and use my legs for movement. But it wasn't TOO bad. My quads are shredded, per usual, and I've got this really painfully stiff left heel (toward the fleshy part) where I think I sat with my feet at an odd angle and rigor marathonis set in ;) Trying to work it out so that my walk to class this morning isn't complete torture. But other than that, I feel ok physically. Mentally, still a bit let down from having a "blah" race that I don't think represents my potential after this kicka** training cycle.

    Thanks for all the congrats on my race, all! And all the great support and encouragement leading up to it. It's been nice to be showered with postivity by you all and my IRL running friends after a race that I'd normally be pretty disappointed with. You guys are the best, most supportive group around <3

    ANYWAY... there was no Monday morning coffee run for me today! There was no way I was going to be awake in time for the post-run coffee, since I was most definitely not going to make it for the run! I love those folks, but not enough to wake up early the day after a marathon to buy expensive coffee when I could cozy up in my bed for longer instead!


    Upcoming Races:
    5/15: Princeton 5k << social event, not racing!
    6/11: Pacers Princeton Halfway Half (Princeton, NJ)
    7/4: a fourth of july race somewhere!
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 - 5 miles
    5/2 - 4 miles

    60 degrees but 98% humidity this morning so it was a sweaty one. I planned at least 5 but I hit the snooze twice so I had to cut it short to get Skip to tutoring this morning. All good!

    9 out of 100 miles


    Upcoming races:
    5/7 Steeplechase 8K
    5/14 Technicolor 5K
    5/30 Cotton Row 10