Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • jwagner1204
    jwagner1204 Posts: 11 Member
    P.S. Does any know if we can receive notifications when someone posts on here and how to do it or do we just need to keep checking back?
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @jwagner1204 & @KAYRRIE Im Nichole and I sent you both a friend request. I found that if I am needing motivation I just check in here and this group makes me feel better. They help with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    @ShyCush6 & @FitEqualsSmile I really need to get into the yard and weed. I don't have a green thumb at all.

    @CariTJR Welcome back. I'm sure RC is just like riding a bike. Once you get back into it you will kick *kitten*.

    @47Jacqueline Great job with the bike riding.

    I would like to apologize to everyone for starting the donut craze. They really are the >:) because it is so hard to eat just one. Very thankful inventory is over and my eating can get back to normal. I walked over 11400 steps again yesterday but forgot to log it. What the heck was I thinking. @ShyCush6 & @jkhoffe you guys are killing it everyday with your steps. I usually average between 7000-8000 a day. I am trying to get up to the 10000 mark everyday.

    Happy HUMP day to everyone. Keep on killin it. We are strong and we got this. :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Urgh! Failed miserably on my first day home from my first day back at work and was so tired I got a take-out curry for dinner and drank 3 Bacardi & cokes (diet) - whoooops.
    Oh well, today is another day and I have already decided to go for a little run tonight to get back into the routine. I'll prob manage about a minute before I feel like dying but i'll try anyway.
    I thought of something else I need to work on too - smoking.....yeah I know, it's a nasty dirty habit, but i've been so stressed lately i've found myself smoking more and more again, so I need to work on stopping that.
    I also need to get back into the Fitbit challenges for some motivation - add me, add me, add me!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 388 Member @CariTJR this is my Fitbit link! Feel free to add me, as I enjoy challenges too.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 388 Member
    Good Morning, Yesterday was a great day for me (steppage wise) not really a word but ok. I did over 21,256! My daily goal is 12 000 and sometimes I struggle to reach that. But flag football season has started so my two children are at the field for two hours at night. I walk around and around the football field while they practice/play. I also got in a early morning run/jog/walk/gasp for breath on the treadmill. Have a great day everyone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile How was the magic doughnut???

    @ShyCush6 Resisting apple crisp and 18K steps?! You're a rockstar

    @47Jacqueline Great job on the bike tour!

    @GillianSmith2 Sounds like a very fun way to overindulge. It must have been doughnut Wednesday yesterday!

    @CariTJR Sometimes curry and booze needs to happen, especially after the month you've had! Today is a new day to start fresh!

    @JenHul You are a stepping rockstar! Walking the field sounds like a great way to get them in while being there to support the kiddos

    @ngolden3320 Glad to hear inventory is over, that sounded like quite the project!

    @jwagner1204 Welcome! Click the star button on the post to add it to your favorites for notifications. I'm sorry to hear you're being so hard on yourself. Maybe it's time to adopt a new philosophy and a new way to lose that's less abusive and more sustainable? I wish you the best!

    Welcome all newcomers! Keep posting!!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Getting back into kickboxing definitely helped to make me feel like my old self, but the bloat is still there. Seriously, my stomach is still so distended I look pregnant and it's driving me crazy! Patience is not my virtue but I have no choice but to stick with it and go slow and steady. Luckily there's no big food weekends on the horizon for awhile which will really help get me back on track!
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    I got a new toy for my bike called boomBOTTLE (about $80) to replace my Canz808 speaker ($25). I hate wearing headphones. It fits right in my water bottle holder (I use a camel back pack), sounds amazing, and is weather resistant. A 3 hour USB port charge will run it at full volume for 12 hours. The weather looks amazing for cycling Friday after work and Saturday....The trails will sound great! Picture of one is below:


  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    JenHul wrote: » @CariTJR this is my Fitbit link! Feel free to add me, as I enjoy challenges too.

    Added! :smile:
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Oh I forgot! I've also signed up to bike ride around London in July. I think it's 10 miles, so not too far, but they close the whole of central London down for it, so we'll get to cycle round Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament all without any traffic - how cool is that!
    I'm doing it with my friend Sam, we thought we'd make a day of it and have a nice lunch etc (and probably a few drinks!), see the sights, AND get some exercise in at the same time. Win win!
  • tarynbearyn
    tarynbearyn Posts: 25 Member
    Hi All! Looks like an awesome group, everyone is so positive (which I need cuz I can be a little too hard on myself sometimes)

    So a little about me, I joined because I am getting married, and got back my engagement photos, and hated the way I looked in them! I moved cross country and started a new job about 6 months ago, and knew I had let things go a bit, but the photos were a wake up call! Too much wine, and going out.

    I started tracking everything a couple weeks ago, and joined a boot camp class this week so full steam ahead! Looking forward to getting to know all of you. :smile:
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Ladies, Sorry I have not been on in a while. Had some major family medical problems, but now everything seems to be doing good. So I am back at it. Hope everyone has been doing well since I've been away and I have a lot of reading to catch up on.
    MFPJVAL Posts: 11 Member
    I just want to say that I love reading all your comments and stories. They are always very inspiring & motivating. I also feel like i'm not the only one struggling. So thank you all!

    I am having a good week so far step wise! Monday logged 14,000 and Tuesday was over 15,000. I am also working with a trainer and even though I have not lost weight, I have noticed a difference in my shape. The goal is not to see instant success but to make a change to succeed in life!

    @Tweaking_Time where did you get the boombottle? my husband would really like it.

    p.s I wish everyday was donut day!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    that boom bottle looks awesome! I think my hubs would like that too!

    Cari, that bike ride through London sounds like a dream, especially for a Canadian (me)!! Would be amazing to do, lucky you!! Wish I could come along! YES QUIT SMOKING!!! LOL. I work at a hospital, and let me tell you - you don't want to be an old smoker!! Yikes! Oh, and don't worry about getting back at it 100% on your first day, it took me well over a week after my father in law's funeral to get back into the groove and track everything, and behave! Finally this week I am feeling like I am more myself. I'm only up one lb, but I plan on getting rid of that by the weekend, and next week I am going to try to lose 1.5 lbs. I have to get moving and get the scale to move down... summer is coming and I wanted to lose a bunch more before the heat of the summer!!

    Sounds like everyone is killing it in the step challenges. I wish I had a fitbit, my Garmin doesn't link to your step challenges. Maybe I will ask for one for my bday or something. I want to get one that tracks my heart rate so I can know more accurately how much I am really burning.

    I was thinking this morning, even though I have kind of stalled over the last while, if I can lose 0.5 lbs a week, that is still 26 lbs by this time next year, and who wouldn't be happy with that?! I mean, it's not as much as I would like to lose, but it's nothing to sneeze at! So even if it's slow going, at least I will be moving in the right direction!

    Let's keep positive everyone! We can do this!! :) PS. Hump day sucks - wish it was Friday!!! LOL
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hello Peeps! OMG.. it's Day 1 of 2 - FOOD DAY AT WORK! What the heck... why would we have 2 food days in a week?!?! #crazy Anyway, I brought a VEGGIE tray. And of all 4 tables of food I grabbed veggies and one chocolate chip cookie bar. WOW... I'm not sure where the will power came from but I'm so grateful for that little voice that said "Really? If you ReALLy want it then take it but you better REALLY want it." I threw my hands up and walked to the next table. LOL! In the end I grabbed a plate of veggies and one cookie bar.

    I've really been struggling lately with when to stop - giving in to temptation, when to cheat, can I cheat with this meal and get right back on track - so I've been praying about it. May seem odd to some that I'm praying for guidance as to when to say yes and when to say no... but nothing else is working right now. I'm not doing it on my own so why not ask for help. Let's see how this goes.

    Hope you all are having a great day and Keep your chin up!
  • goonietime
    goonietime Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2016
    Been a busy week thus far and haven't made it to the gym since Sunday. Planning on going tonight, but man I just want to do nothing at all. Then I think that's how I got to this doing nothing at all. Power through! Hope you guys are having a great Wednesday!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I am going to Florida on Monday. This better be done!

  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone , Hope you all are having a great week :blush:
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    @bluepoppies777 ~ lots of credit to you for cleaning out your sons kitchen. That sounds scary!

    @rsenor ~ Yep, alcohol is an issue for me too! I still haven't figured out a good way to do it. I am trying to make lower calorie choices more often. I have found that if I stay at a 1200 cal diet and stick to it food wise then I usually still lose weight even if I have a few (unaccounted for) drinks. I lose slower than the 2 lbs I am set at to lose, but I am still happy with that. I just have to limit it to a few drinks, and not all the drinks! :wink:

    @CariTJR ~ Welcome back! You were missed! Give it some time to get back in 100%. But you will be running at full speed in no time! And your bike ride sounds amazing! Having fun and getting some fitness in at the same time!

    @MFPJVAL ~ Yep, me too! I lose 2 during the week just to gain 3 over the weekend. I am trying to make sure I am a bit more active on the weekends (I sit at a desk all day during the week) & I am trying to make better choices food wise, but it is hard!

    @ShyCush6 ~ You are doing good resisting that ice cream and apple crisp! I seem to remember you mentioning that another time too. (I can never resist ice cream-just stopped buying it)

    @47Jacqueline ~ Nice job with the bike ride. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    @GillianSmith2 ~ You will have those extra calories burned off in no time! Glad you had a great day!

    @JenHul ~ Nice job on the steps! Over 21,000? That's awesome!

    @Rachel0778 ~ Stick with it! You will be feeling better in no time!

    @ChangeIsADecision ~ Asking for help when you need it is not odd! We all need help once in a while. And you have to give yourself credit for the veggies and only one cookie bar! That is definitely a win!

    Well, I have been doing ok this week so far, although I haven't gotten much exercise in. We have been trying to get our house cleaned up since my inlaws are coming tonight. So-I have no idea what to plan for dinners. I don't know if we are cooking at home, eating out... It is so hard to plan! But, we will see how it goes. It should be a nice visit anyway. I meant to say-sorry for not checking in every day. I do read and keep up with all of you every day. But even in real life I am usually the one just sitting back and listening. I'm the quiet one. But you guys are awesome and you do really help to keep me on track and keep me going forward! Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday!