Couch To 5K Starting June 6th, Join Please!



  • ertrauma
    ertrauma Posts: 46 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I had a quick question. This past week I only did W3D1 on Monday and haven't worked out since. I wasn't having a great week with school, work, and TOM coming along. So tomorrow I'm getting back on the wagon. But I'm not sure if I should just start with W3D1 again or redo W2. I'm thinking I'll just start W3 tomorrow (it'll probably be hard since I took 6 days off). Let me know what you guys think.

    Same happened to me, Katheryne. Had a 5 day miss due to my work schedule after W2 D1. Got back on track yesterday by picking up where I left off. Didn't think I could do it, but I did! My vote is to start where you left off. You can always kick down the pace if necessary. Good luck!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I'm off to start Week 3...wish me luck...Kim
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    This week's topic will be fashion, for lack of a better word. What do you wear when you exercise? The brands, what you find most comfortable, etc.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm going to get back on the wagon today. I have two workouts planned for this evening, and I'm glad to get back to logging my food and exercise and being healthy again.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Just finished Week 5 Day 3. All I can say is.... THANK GOODNESS! LOL, off to rest and recover.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, W3D1

    Thoughts of the day:

    1) I DID IT!!!
    2) A pebble in the shoe $uck$
    3) I wish I didn't have a border collie that likes to chase cars
    4) Writing the times on the hand helps to stay on track


    I grab whatever's on the floor that doesn't smell :sick: ; however, I do like bright colorful tops. I don't like my thighs to rub together :noway: , so it's usually capri/yoga pants. I :heart: shoes with cushion and arch support. I always wear an HRM.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I'm going to get back on the wagon today. I have two workouts planned for this evening, and I'm glad to get back to logging my food and exercise and being healthy again.

    Good for you. Way to stick with it!!!

    I see lots of people who just can't find the time to get in their workouts. I feel like if you can't make 30 minutes 3 times a week; then, you should re-evaluate some things. Exercise is important. I've been known to be at my kids' games walking the park instead of in a chair watching. You HAVE to take care of yourself as well. Selfish, I know. :grumble: :ohwell:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Just finished Week 5 Day 3. All I can say is.... THANK GOODNESS! LOL, off to rest and recover.

    Your my HERO!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Just got back from the gym and finished W2D3! Yay me! Or it could have been D4. Hmmm. On my first jog I decided to just jog until I couldnt anymore and I jogged 2m45s. Holy cow I am awesome! (big step for me) I hope everyone is doing well! Have a great week!
  • penash
    penash Posts: 35 Member
    I've been out of commission for the last few days. I had a wisdom tooth that started giving me a lot of trouble towards the end of last week. It's amazing how bad you can feel when something goes wrong with your teeth! I just couldnt' bring myself to go running when I was already in so much pain. Anyway, I plan to get back on the treadmill this evening and get back on track with my running program.

    As for fashion...I'm a big fan of Target (or Tar-jhay!). So pretty much everything I work out in comes from there. I prefer capris or full-length pants to shorts (my thighs always try to do battle in shorts, leading to chafing). I love my Asics running shoes, mesh topped (allows my feet to breathe), size 8 comfy.
  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    I have been so lazy lately!!! I have been eating horribly too!! I always feel so much better after I workout, but getting out and doing it seems to be a lot harder these days. Here I go for W1D3.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Just finished Week 5 Day 3. All I can say is.... THANK GOODNESS! LOL, off to rest and recover.

    Your my HERO!!! :flowerforyou:

    Aww... thank you Kim. I have fully recovered :bigsmile:
  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    Just finished W1D3...not as bad as I was expecting, I think I am ready for W2.

    MizzDoc I am afraid to ask, but how long is W5D3 of running?
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    I did W4D1 today - not very well. I am just not a runner, I have decided. But I did 2.17 miles in 32 minutes.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I did W4D1 today - not very well. I am just not a runner, I have decided. But I did 2.17 miles in 32 minutes.

    I think we all feel that way...just keep pluggin' along
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I did W4D1 today - not very well. I am just not a runner, I have decided. But I did 2.17 miles in 32 minutes.

    I think we all feel that way...just keep pluggin' along

    Sure know I feel the same way!
    W3D1, walking 3.5 and running 5.0, except the last 20sec of the last run at 4.0. My knee is on the mend. Keep up the good work everyone! As for fashion................this morning I put on sneakers and a sports bra w/ my pj bottoms grabbed a water and headed to the treadmill. Not so fashionable, I did match though! LOL!!!!!!!!!! :0
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I did W4D1 today - not very well. I am just not a runner, I have decided. But I did 2.17 miles in 32 minutes.

    I think we all feel that way...just keep pluggin' along

    Yes we all do. I just did W4D1 as well. It was a struggle, esp the second half but we did it! The week will get easier as you go!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, W3D1
    Tuesday, Rest day from C25K, 60 minutes Zumba later today
    Wednesday, W3D2

    Work an 8 hour day in the nursing field tomorrow, hope that I can get it done before the ballgame...shesh :ohwell:

    @1crazymom...we must both be crazy moms...just get 'er done with or without style :bigsmile:
  • ertrauma
    ertrauma Posts: 46 Member
    Just finished W1D3...not as bad as I was expecting, I think I am ready for W2.

    MizzDoc I am afraid to ask, but how long is W5D3 of running?

    @MizzDoc: you really shouldn't ask questions you don't REALLY want to know the answer to ;) W2 D3 coming up for me. Last one really winded me and had to kick it down to a 5.8 mph jog with 3.3 mph walks...amazing what 0.2 mph can do for the soul, not to mention one's body :)
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm so pleased. Wk3 day 1 today and I did it! I was surprised to find that I was less tired at the end of the last run section then in week 2. I MUST remember this when I dread day 1 of week 4.
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