Dealing with people that don't get it.

Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone have a sarcastic response for people in their lives that have stupid things to say because of your lifestyle change? All of a sudden I'm apparently a prude because I pass on the donuts at work, bring my own lunch when work orders pizza, pass on the alcoholic beverages etc..
I'm not against any of these things but I want to choose how I get my calories in and plan accordingly. I don't want to eat free donuts an hour after I had my protein filled breakfast because *gasp* I'm not hungry!!!
Just having a heightened awareness of ALL the food around me (it's a lot) and changing my mindset has helped me out. I'm losing weight in a way that benefits my overall health for the long term.
Do people just not get it? Will the eyerolls stop?


  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Or they ask me what I'm doing to lose weight and look at me like I have a third eye when I tell them.... I'm not eating like a kitten anymore. I eat when I'm hungry and I'm drinking more water than ever! Amazing things happen when you just eliminate high calorie beverages.
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Adiemus200 wrote: »
    Sometimes yes. When people bring cake to work and I don't want any. I say that's very kind but I'm trying to cut back. Most people are okay, some look at me if I'm some kind of a weirdo. One time we had a sales rep come to work and he brought sandwiches and cake in. When there is free food at my work place people go a bit crazy and eat as much as they can. I just quietly are my own lunch with out saying anything. Some people laughed at me. " why eat your own lunch when you can eat all this free food?" As they tuck into their third peace of cake. I just ingnore it and carry on.

    This exactly! The kicker was when I was drinking a green smoothie at a work lunch. Like I was doing it to be defiant. Ummmm... No. And it's just as bad saying no to free alcohol.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    There will always be people who won't get it. Just keep continuing to be real with yourself and why you are doing what you do. Someone will always say something. It is frustrating and annoying.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The middle finger works well.

    "Why do you care what I eat?" or "Why is what I'm eating such a big deal for you?"

    If you can, ignore them. My MIL is very commentating on what I'm cooking because she's the sort of person who has to talk 24/7/365. It's her way of controlling in a passive manner so when I do tell her to shut up, she can act righteously offended.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I actually get the opposite. My colleagues at work are impressed by my willpower to say no to the chocolates or drinks after work.


    I'm not sure how people have a problem with 'I don't want a doughnut thanks, I'm not hungry'
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    The middle finger works well.

    "Why do you care what I eat?" or "Why is what I'm eating such a big deal for you?"

    If you can, ignore them. My MIL is very commentating on what I'm cooking because she's the sort of person who has to talk 24/7/365. It's her way of controlling in a passive manner so when I do tell her to shut up, she can act righteously offended.
    That's awesome. Most people don't care but there is a select few people in every group environment that have something condescending to say. "What do you call that sludge today" "what's the name of that diet you do" " are one of THOSE people".