Dealing with people that don't get it.



  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    The middle finger works well.

    "Why do you care what I eat?" or "Why is what I'm eating such a big deal for you?"

    If you can, ignore them. My MIL is very commentating on what I'm cooking because she's the sort of person who has to talk 24/7/365. It's her way of controlling in a passive manner so when I do tell her to shut up, she can act righteously offended.
    That's awesome. Most people don't care but there is a select few people in every group environment that have something condescending to say. "What do you call that sludge today" "what's the name of that diet you do" " are one of THOSE people".
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Enjcg5 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    The middle finger works well.

    "Why do you care what I eat?" or "Why is what I'm eating such a big deal for you?"

    If you can, ignore them. My MIL is very commentating on what I'm cooking because she's the sort of person who has to talk 24/7/365. It's her way of controlling in a passive manner so when I do tell her to shut up, she can act righteously offended.
    That's awesome. Most people don't care but there is a select few people in every group environment that have something condescending to say. "What do you call that sludge today" "what's the name of that diet you do" " are one of THOSE people".

    I call that sludge lunch, it actually tastes good and is really good for me.

    I am not on a diet, I am just trying to eat healthier so I feel better

    Yeah, I am one of those people, resistance was futile.

    I have had those lines used on me, especially by certain family members. The thing is most of them are so clueless that whatever I say really doesn't matter anyway, they aren't listening. I have stopped really worrying about their comments because I am not going to change their minds and they don't actually care what my answer is. It is ok to have an answer, but your answer is probably as irrelevant as their opinion.
  • JamesBost2016
    JamesBost2016 Posts: 36 Member
    Bullies are the same no matter what they are picking on. The justification n you need is from yourself because got are not doing it for them. They are not living in your anxiety, tight pants shirts that are too short, having a hard time thing your shoes without holding your breath, a bad self image or the realization that you want to do something better for yourself. You do you. Good luck.
  • duckforceone
    duckforceone Posts: 121 Member
    tell them : Because unlike you, i refuse to help this country descend into a fat epidemic.

    If you can't respect me saying no, then i have no respect for you at all.

    seriously, stop being a douche and offering me unhealthy food. If you want to be a good person, start bringing in healthy alternatives instead.
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    tell them : Because unlike you, i refuse to help this country descend into a fat epidemic.

    If you can't respect me saying no, then i have no respect for you at all.

    seriously, stop being a douche and offering me unhealthy food. If you want to be a good person, start bringing in healthy alternatives instead.
    And what an epidemic it is my friend.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    DanaDark wrote: »
    If they don't get it, they never will.

    It is usually a self defense mechanism where they belittle your change so they don't have to look at themselves and do something similar for their health.

    You'll just need to fight back or learn to ignore them.

    I have some catty friends that make comments. But they do so in a fun Golden Girls sort of way and know I have my goals and desires so its all fun and games there.

  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Personally I have no problem responding with "wow, that says a lot more about you than it does me.". The reaction is typically stunned silence. That gives them a lot to think about--usually none of it good--but at a complete loss for words.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Enjcg5 wrote: »
    Does anyone have a sarcastic response for people in their lives that have stupid things to say because of your lifestyle change? All of a sudden I'm apparently a prude because I pass on the donuts at work, bring my own lunch when work orders pizza, pass on the alcoholic beverages etc..
    I'm not against any of these things but I want to choose how I get my calories in and plan accordingly. I don't want to eat free donuts an hour after I had my protein filled breakfast because *gasp* I'm not hungry!!!
    Just having a heightened awareness of ALL the food around me (it's a lot) and changing my mindset has helped me out. I'm losing weight in a way that benefits my overall health for the long term.
    Do people just not get it? Will the eyerolls stop?

    Just don't eat the foods? Seriously. I wouldn't worry what others think. At my job we have family members bringing in donuts and cake and such every day and people eat off of it throughout the day. I just choose not to. Like you, I'm usually not hungry anyway. If I have the calories left for the day then I might eat a little of something but I just don't really care for the sugary stuff anyway.
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    My boyfriend is generally supportive but he does like to make the odd comment here or there and I can tell he finds it exasperating when I either make dinner before i go see him or fuss over weighing stuff when he cooks.
    I know when I went for cocktails recently for a friends birthday I asked for diet lemonade in my cocktail instead of full fat and got a bunch of eye rolls. This super annoyed me because I was really pushing the boat out calorie wise going for cocktails so I wasnt going to waste calories.
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    You don't owe them anything. Carry on.
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    I just say.." I packed a lunch today..." Or thank you for asking.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    you dont have to say a word. they will soon get fed up
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Part of it is the amount of time you've been at it, after months of losing weight I started getting more questions and less food pushing, after 1 1/2 years they just don't even offer, they know i'm doing my thing and it's not just a fad or faze i'm going through.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    You don't owe anyone an explanation. That being said, if someone is being persistent, rude or snarky to you sometimes a snappy comeback will work but a "dr"s orders" will shut them up without further explanation.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,038 Member
    tell them : Because unlike you, i refuse to help this country descend into a fat epidemic.

    If you can't respect me saying no, then i have no respect for you at all.

    seriously, stop being a douche and offering me unhealthy food. If you want to be a good person, start bringing in healthy alternatives instead.

    Well OP said he wasn't sanctimonious so these replies wouldn't work for a non sanctimonious person, nor would they stop niggling or comments or eye rolling.
    I would roll my eyes at anyone saying such 'on your high horse' comments too.

    I am firmly with the others who say respond with a friendly No thanks, or I might have some later or I've brought my lunch from home or something equally short and mild.
    That has always worked for me, along with occaisonally haveing a small amount of something or talking it home to ' have later' ( may or may not actually take any or eat it at home if I do)

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hear you OP, it's very frustrating. Seriously there's a friend I don't even really want to visit again because she's always pushing food on me when I go! But yeah, all you can do is just say no and try not to be around those people too much when there is food there. I get very annoyed when someone tries to push food on me that I don't even want (if I do, I make room for it anyway!).

    Usually I say that I'm just not hungry. Or if they annoy me I tell them that I had a donut yesterday already so I'm trying to be good today (bonus is that it's a passive aggressive criticism of their eating habits too, so maybe they'll leave you alone next time). Or that I didn't want to spike my blood sugar (which is the truth sometimes).
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am known for my host of food allergies and have a couple of coworkers who know where my epipens are stashed. Usually, when I say "No, thank you." I get at least one, "Oh, yeah, she can't eat anything good."

    On one hand, I am the office weirdo, on the other, they don't give me a hard time.