May-June Weight Loss Challenge!



  • chdh4ever
    chdh4ever Posts: 8 Member
    May 1 271.6
    May 8 265.0

    I had a carb cheat day but still made good progress. Going to hit the low carb again this week.
  • libertygurl
    libertygurl Posts: 37 Member
    Here we go:

    Start Weight (May 1st): 171.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 162.0 lbs


    May 1st: 171.2 lbs
    May 8th: 169.3 lbs, down 1.9 lbs
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:

    Minimum 2L of water each day
    Active for 2 hours per day (walking, exercising)
    No sugar, no alcohol

  • libertygurl
    libertygurl Posts: 37 Member
    Down 1.9 lbs... starting jogging again today... :)
  • ebonibabe1
    ebonibabe1 Posts: 108 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 134.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 124 lbs


    May 1st: 134.4
    May 8th:133.4
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:
    I would like to consistently eat better and work out more. I'd like to work out 3-4 days, but ultimately 5-6, with 1 rest day. I don't want to be on a diet, I want to permanently changed the way I eat.
  • michy84
    michy84 Posts: 342 Member
    michy84 wrote: »
    Start Weight (May 1st): 135.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 126

    May 1st: 135.5
    May 8th:
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Workout 5 days a week.

  • basil53
    basil53 Posts: 9 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 268
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 256


    May 1st: 268
    May 8th: 262
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Drink 2 liters of water a day
    I met my goal of 2 liters of water a day.
  • michy84
    michy84 Posts: 342 Member
    Start weight (May 1): 135.5
    Goal weight (June 5): 126

    May 1: 135.5
    May 8: 132.5
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:
    June 5:

    Workouts this week: 4
    Goal was 5.
  • Dani713
    Dani713 Posts: 5 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 160 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 140 lbs


    May 1st: 160 lbs
    May 8th: still 160
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: 10,000 steps a day, workout 4-5 days a week & continue to work on eliminating junk/processed food from my diet

    Update: definitely had more snacks than I should have and didn't hit the gym bc of finals week. Goal this week is to push myself & stop making excuses!
  • LisaLisaE33
    LisaLisaE33 Posts: 7 Member
    Is it too late to join in?
  • LisaLisaE33
    LisaLisaE33 Posts: 7 Member
    Start weight (May 8) 161
    Goal weight (June 5): 153

    May 1: N/A
    May 8: 161
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:
    June 5:

    Fitness/Health Goals - Cook more healthy food at home, drink 64 ounces water per day, go to gym 3-4 days for Yoga/various exercises, walk dogs 5 days and journal food.
  • fitterfaster89
    fitterfaster89 Posts: 2 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 124.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 122


    May 1st: 124.5
    May 8th: 124.5
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health goal: Run 3x per week, do yoga 1x week, do strength training 2x per week, eat fewer processed foods, drink at least six glasses of water per day

    No weight loss (stayed within my calories some days but went a bit above some days) but I hit all of my exercise goals and have been drinking a lot of water.
  • running2lose
    running2lose Posts: 4 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 159.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 153


    May 1st: 159.5
    May 8th: 158.6
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Track every day! Also to do some sort of exercise at least 5 days per week and hit my step goal at least 5 days per week.

    Didn't lose much this week but exercised 6 days and hit my step goal 6 of the last 7 days.
  • suzyrn288
    suzyrn288 Posts: 8 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 175.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 167 lbs


    May 1st: 175.2 lbs
    May 8th: 173.9
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Drink more water. Work out 6 x wk 60 min. Run a complete mile.
  • Anniepi66
    Anniepi66 Posts: 45 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 263.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 250


    May 1st: 263.5
    May 8th: 262
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Continue water aerobics 3-4/week 50 mins. Use fitness machines at gym 3-4/week 20-30 mins
    I made the water aerobics/swimming 5 times last week. Sorry to say I did not make the 20-30 minutes using the machines. So I'm backing off that. Sadly. Honestly, don't have the time to do nearly 2 hours at the gym, but will definitely continue the aerobics/swimming. Lost a pound anyway!
  • joannepimley
    joannepimley Posts: 7 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 228.8lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 223lbs


    May 1st: 228.8lbs
    May 8th: 223 lbs
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: improve running time
  • ssa27
    ssa27 Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Sally
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4''

    Start Weight (May 1): 89.5 kgs
    Goal Weight (June 1): 86 kgs

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    May 1: 89.5
    May 8:
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Goal: drink 8 glasses of water everyday. exercise 4 times a week.
  • dianekdoctor
    dianekdoctor Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in, too!
  • SexyBoomer
    SexyBoomer Posts: 41 Member
    SexyBoomer wrote: »
    Start Weight (May 1st): 225
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 210


    May 1st: 225
    May 8th: 221.9
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health goal: stick to MEDIFAST 5-1 plan -drink more water and do 20 min of exercise a day


    SexyBoomer wrote: »
    Start Weight (May 1st): 225
    Goal Weight (June 5th):
  • AndrewD315
    AndrewD315 Posts: 57 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 234.6
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 224


    May 1st: 234.6
    May 8th: 232.4
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health goal: Eat healthy, stay on track w/macros, water and exercise.
  • momtojacesf
    momtojacesf Posts: 9 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 409
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 399

    • May 1st: 409
    • May 8th: 407
    • May 15th:
    • May 22nd:
    • May 29th:
    • June 5th:
    Fitness/Health Goals: Avoid sweets, exercise 3-4 times a week and SWEAT!