6/20 30 Day Shred



  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    L1D2 in the books! My boyfriend started it with me tonight. It made me feel good to see him struggling too. He's thinner than me and is seemingly more in shape, or at least that's what we figured. It really was encouraging to have him next to me, sweating and pushing just as hard as I was.

    Maybe I'm crazy, but I can already notice a change in my stamina. I'm so pumped to see how much I'll be able to do at the end of the month!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Didn't get a chance to post this morning, but I made it through Day 8, Level 1! I'm actually able to do a few full blown pushups. My form is probably a mess but I can tell a big difference. My back and shoulders were a little more sore today. I felt like GI Jane when I did them though. :tongue: Now if I could just get through the entire circuit one cardio. It kills me!

    Ps. I've gained 5 pounds since last Monday when I started. A lot of it may just be water retention from TOM so I'm not going to "officially" post my gain/loss until after I complete level one. I feel like I'm getting tight and toned so that's all that matter.

    You are all doing great, thanks for the updates! It keeps me motivated knowing you guys are working just as hard.
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    Edit: By the way, does anyone think there's not quite enough time dedicated to abs? Maybe I'm just a freak with a really strong core, but by the time I'm only starting to feel the burn on those circuits, she stops! Might tack a couple more minutes of abs after every day, not sure yet.

    Oh gosh, I wish I had your problem :laugh: . Those ab exercises have me grunting in pain... particularly those bicycle crunches - they're horrific!

    Day 8 of level one done and dusted! Tomorrow my big goal is to start doing proper push-ups, I'm still on the easy ones but I felt great doing them today, so time to take it up a notch.

    Cella30 - I've also gained weight since starting, but for the first time in ages I can see muscle definition in my arms so I figure I've got to be doing something right!

    Great job with progress everyone. :smile:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 9 Level 1 done!

    I've noticed that my HR isn't getting as high as it used to, even though I know I'm putting more effort into the moves since the beginning. I guess Jillian probably knew that, since level 2 is right around the corner for me. Speaking of that, I'm a little nervous about level 2. I read on another thread people saying how hard it is. eeks! And I think I'm getting shin splints. Ugh. Don't worry though, I'm not about to give up yet.

    vintagefool: Yes, I was surprised too that there wasn't more ab work, but all the before/after pictures I've seen the abs were the most noticeable change. I guess time will tell!

    Keep up the great work everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    I completed day 2 of level 2 this morning. The backs of my legs are killing me and so is my upper back and shoulders. I am so uncoordinated but I am pushing through with the modified moves for now.
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm a few days behind. Did a tour of DC in some bad shoes and I'm in paaaaaaaaain. But I'm still shredding! Glad to see so many people sticking it! We are almost to level 2!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Day 9 of Level 1 is done! Huzzah! And I felt GOOD doing it too! :happy: Only one more day of level 1 left for a lot of us... anyone else nervous about Level 2? I haven't looked at it yet, I'm kinda scared to. LOL I figure Thursday will be soon enough to see what torture Jillian has in store for us for those 10 days. :wink:

    I have been hurting in the middle of my back right around the bra strap when I do any of the jumping moves tho. I'm not sure if I'm doing something with bad form and that's what's causing the issue or if its that I'm sleeping funny, but its been going on for a couple of days now. Anyone else having back problems right in that area? I can say the girls are getting plenty of support - I have sports bras of doom that don't let ANYTHING move while running/jumping/etc. so I know that's not it. Not sure what do to about it tho.

    One more day of Level 1! Can't believe it! :) I'm planning on doing measurements tomorrow to see my progress at the 1/3 way thru mark. Hoping to see some kind of decrease somewhere on the body! :tongue:
  • TheGooby
    TheGooby Posts: 22
    Can I join you guys please? My original 'shred thread' seems to be dwindling! I have just done day 8 level 1 and am totally addicted to it!!
    I'm not losing any weight though :ohwell: Anybody else finding that? And I can't find my tape measure no not sure if I'm losing inches either! Feel GREAT for it though!! :happy:
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    L1D3 done! That means I'm 1/10th of the way finished!!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Can I join you guys please? My original 'shred thread' seems to be dwindling! I have just done day 8 level 1 and am totally addicted to it!!
    I'm not losing any weight though :ohwell: Anybody else finding that? And I can't find my tape measure no not sure if I'm losing inches either! Feel GREAT for it though!! :happy:

    You are more than welcome to join us! The more the merrier! Glad you are enjoying the 30DS. I've not lost any weight either (in fact I think I gained a little bit this first week) and I'm not measuring until tomorrow (I'll be 1/3 of the way through the program), but I fully intend to post on here tomorrow what change in measurements I've got. Stick with it tho, I've heard that the first 10 days its not uncommon either not to lose anything or to even gain and then it'll start to really come off.

    That's what I'm hoping for any way! I know we're doing good things for our bodies, so regardless of the scale I know I'm getting stronger! :smile:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    scantrll: Yes, I have that same back pain. It's not bad, but I do notice it. I chalked it up to the back rows and push ups. We have one more day left on Level 1...eeks! I'm so nervous. I'm not looking at Level 2 beforehand so I don't get intimidated. I'm just going to go for it Thursday.

    TheGooby: Please join us! The more the merrier! :flowerforyou:

    shellrae1973, o0IrishEyes0o, Kalrez - you guys are doing great! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    I managed to do one set of proper push-ups today, however that doesn't make me less nervous about progressing to level 2 after only one more session. I'm trying to psych myself up though - bring it on!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 2 day 3 done! I hate the cardio during circuit 2, it is killling me. I am so uncoordinated I feel like I am going to fall on my face. My arms are all over the place! Everything is still modified but I figure by the time the next 10 days are up I should be doing better. I do find this level really hard on my wrists - all the plank exercising are killing them!

    I slept in a little this morning and I was so tempted to say "screw the workout" but I didn't so I am proud of myself for this!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Level 1 is DONE! :drinker: We've made it this far! Only 20 more days to go! 1/3 of the way thru! WOOHOO! :happy:

    So I weighed and measured myself this morning just so that I can judge progress for the first 10 days.

    Weight: -2.6 lbs :love:
    Inches: About 2" total from the bust, waist and left thigh. :laugh:

    I know we can't tell our bodies where we'd like to lose from, but I wish mine would get rid of the bump right above my belly button first. I have some shirts that I would LOVE to wear again, but I'm not gonna have a spare tire riding around my abs above my belly button shining thru! I just hope by the end of these 30 days, it'll be small enough that I can wear them again.

    I hope folks are ready for Level 2 tomorrow! Its gonna be a killer I think (but in a good way)! :wink:
  • vintagefool
    Did D6 yesterday, but forgot to check in with you all. So far I haven't done D7 today but I'm gonna kick my *kitten* and complete it by the end of today... just 5 more minutes sitting on my butt browsing the internet, I swear :laugh:

    And a big big CONGRATS to everyone who is moving onto Level 2/about to!
  • vintagefool
    Okay... Day 7 completed a few mins ago, but my (previously injured) knee feels so weak :( I felt it pop during the second set of lunges, had a brief spurt of sharp pain and knew I had to stop. Rested it then halfway though the second circuit of cardio, and I'm icing/resting it now. The pain wasn't apparent during the rest of the exercise, thankfully (wouldn't have continued if I had felt more pain either!), but I'm thinking it would be smart to take a rest tomorrow or at least wait till night-time before tackling Day 8. Agh :cry:

    ALSO, I fast-forwarded through Level 2, and I already feel my knee crying out like a baby. If I attempted some of those moves without the modified versions I'd kill my stupid knee :grumble:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    10 days done – Level 1 complete! Booyah!

    I did 10 pushups!!! I couldn’t even do ONE at the beginning. And the first circuit of cardio I couldn’t get through at all without breaks and modifying the jumps. Today I was determined. Through blood, sweat and tears, I did it all straight through with no modifications!

    I ended up with a gain, but honestly, I feel amazing. I’m doing my workout before work in the morning and it’s better than all the Starbucks in the world. (This coming from a coffee junkie :tongue:). I’ve never been a morning workout person but I am totally addicted. I do my shred, then stand in the shower flexing and looking at all my new muscles. I am so happy with the results after only 10 days!

    Here are my stats:

    I am only doing the shred – no other supplemental workouts.
    I am Shredding 30 days straight – no break days.
    I didn't take measurements.

    Beginning weight = 184.6
    Ending weight = 186.6

    Level 1 = +2 pound weight GAIN

    I took some pictures but really the changes aren't noticeable too much on the photos yet (although I can see it happening naked lol :wink:). This one was the best one where you could see a difference on the back of my legs.


    Tomorrow begins level 2! Great job everyone, I love to hear how you're doing so thanks for posting!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm four days behind everyone now (son has had a terrible stomach bug) but just completed Day 7/Level 1. Glad to have a chance to get back into it!

    Cella - your thighs look amazing, you can really see a difference!