30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just Breathe,
    I might try No More Trouble Zones or Ripped in 30 after the 30 Day Shred. I am also doing a boot camp 2 days a week and I love it!

    I'm thinking of doing "No More Trouble Zones" only because I have the DVD (and haven't tried it yet). I don't know if I'll do it everyday though since I'm plannng to begin c25K

    I've heard lot's of good things about No More Trouble Zones as well! I hear that one is a longer workout and you probably would do it just a few times a week vs. 30 day shred or ripped in 30 where you do it on most (if not all) days. I think what I MIGHT do is do a round of Ripped in 30 (so that I can REALLY tone up some more) and then check out No More Trouble Zones.

    Finished Day 17, still on level 2! I think today was the first day that I actually felt like level 2 was a bit easier. It did take some time for me to get here, but I'm glad that it's getting easier!

    Keep it up! Everyone is doing great!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Level 2 Day 7 Shredded.
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    Today marks the last 10 days of the 30 day Shred for me! Since I have done Day 1 of Level 3, there are 9 more days of Super Shredding opportunities! As in tense as I thought it would be, I was able to do it following Anita for some exercises and huffing and puffing. It was challenging but because Jillian pushes us to overcome those challenges I was did it. I have faith in all of you fellow shredders so keep up with your own challenges and do the best you can!

  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 8 Level 2. A little bit of a lame effort today. But, I did it and I will do better tomorrow.
    Hope people don't mind me checking in almost every day. It's part of what makes me come back!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 9, Level 2. Much better effort today. I'm terrified of finishing Day 10 on Monday because I know I have to do Level 3. It looks REALLY hard.
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    Day 3 of Level 10 and I am feeling good! I like level 3 or the fact that i am in level 3 surviving. This level is more about using your body weight as resistance. Its intense but an 'enjoyable' difference from the other levels. My modification recommendations, although a little late for level 2, for the plank position exercises is to get at a higher incline. keep your feet on the floor and put your hands on a sturdy surface like couch frame, sturdy coffee table, ottoman, counter, etc. Remember the higher your inclination is the less resistance there is.

    For my sense of sanity, I tried not to peak at any of the levels and read posts about it until I was ready to start it. This kept me from getting anxious. I cheated and read some posts.

    Just getting started is the hard part!
    We've started and are past that so Keep going shredders.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I did Day 10 of Level 2, but with ZERO impact, I literally modified everything. My knee (the ligament above and over my kneecap) is very sore. I am hoping it will be ok tomorrow for Level 3. Has anyone else had this? Seems to me it's just overuse and not actual injury. But, I don't want to ground myself from exercise, so I was super careful. HELP
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I fell off Shredding wagon big time because of out of town nieces and nephews staying @ my house. Have Bootcamp Mon/Wed and will try to do shredding Tues/Thur along with running 'dates' with some friends!
    Keep at it shredders! Even if you miss some days like me, pick some days to do it and stick with it!!!!!
    :) Laurie
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has stuck to this. I haven't shredded since Thursday of last week :noway:

    I took a motorcycle license class and we were in class from 6-10 on Friday night, 6:45 am until 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday and had NO energy to shred or work out at all. I tried to be good with my food and suprisingly lost a little bit of weight.

    I hate the feeling after staying true to something and then not doing it for a few days. Going to the gym tonight and for some reason I am excited about that, but scared to do Jillian tomorrow morning.

  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of Level3. So far I've done every day, but I've been tempted to skip. I still can't believe I've kept at it. That's a big accomplishment for me.

    This is a great workout, but I'm looking forward to finishing these next 5 days and moving on to be honest.

    Good luck fellow shredders! So glad to have this support. :)
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks to the encouragement and advise from my MFP comrade Nowornever3, I did Level 3 day 1.
    Modified the jumping stuff a fair bit just to be safe on the knees, but i bought a neoprene support and the knees feel fine so far!
    I need to kick it a bit more next time (i am so terrified on a knee injury), but i do like Level 3. Level 1 has sucked the worse for me so far.

    I love this workout (with some added cardio). I am DEFINITELY going to do a second round and hopefully next time will be able to do the whole thing with Natalie!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks to the encouragement and advise from my MFP comrade Nowornever3, I did Level 3 day 1.
    Modified the jumping stuff a fair bit just to be safe on the knees, but i bought a neoprene support and the knees feel fine so far!
    I need to kick it a bit more next time (i am so terrified on a knee injury), but i do like Level 3. Level 1 has sucked the worse for me so far.

    I love this workout (with some added cardio). I am DEFINITELY going to do a second round and hopefully next time will be able to do the whole thing with Natalie!

    AdviCe. I really need to read before i hit post.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Way to go sculptandtone! Knew you could do it. Great news about finding a way to do it and not kill your knees. As you know that's always been my biggest fear too.

    For me personally, I love Level 2, but I do agree that this entire workout rocks!
  • sassenachtiff
    Today is Day 20 for me! I've been doing Level 3 for a couple days--I really hated Level 2 and so far, I like Level 3 more since there's fewer plank moves (even though Level 3 is really tough)! Also, I've been struggling a little because my right knee has been hurting...that made jumping really tough, but I've been wearing a neoprene knee brace and that's helped a lot. (Also, Advil has been my friend the past couple of days).

    I've been wondering what workout I should switch to once I complete 30DS...not sure if I want to stick with Jillian or move on to something else. What do y'all plan on doing?
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I think I'm going to start C25K (I've been holding off because I'm too afraid of injuring myself and not being able to finish 30DS) and then mix it up with my DVDs (Biggest Loser, Shape Cardio and Strength Training, Leslie Sansone, etc.,).

    Curious about what others will be doing as well.
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    After almost a week of not doing the 30DS, I did it Sunday night & last night and felt good! I'm working on level 2 - not sure how many days I've done on level 2 as I had done it for a few days prior to my 'hiatus'. :) Going to kick it up to level 3 probably this coming weekend!

    I have the No More Trouble Zones DVD and have done some of the workouts already (did the Bicep & Butt workout after 30DS Sunday night). I like it, it really seems to target the specific problem areas, so I think I'll incorporate some of it in now while I'm doing 30DS and then maybe hit it a little harder once I'm done.

    I'd really love to do P90X, but finding more than 20-30 minutes a day for me is difficult with a full-time job, 2 small kids, a husband & a household to look after. I know, it's easy to make excuses, but the mommy guilt creeps in......

    Great job everyone, keep it up!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    D2 on L3 today- wow my hip flexors are killing me- but I think my body adjusted to Level 3 quicker than it did L2 and DEFINITELY quicker than it did for L1. I guess that means I'm in better shape and my muscles are stronger. I have been doing 6 week 6 pack after 30DS and am proud to say I've lost another inch off my belly (that makes 2.5 since starting 30DS)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    hey everyone! I, too, have fell off the shredding wagon for a few days. I've just been so busy! I work full time and also just last week started taking summer classes (going back to school for nutrition! completely different from that econ degree that I have lol). My schedule has been crazy...but I'm still determined to finish the shred! Like I've mentioned before, the most important thing is to not be so hard on yourself if you miss days, and to just keep moving forward no matter HOW MANY DAYS you missed. I'm really encouraged to see that a lot of you are still on here and continuing the shred even after missing days and falling off the wagon!

    Keep it up everyone! I'm so impressed by all of you :) Going to do the shred later today, will check back in!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Today is Day 20 for me! I've been doing Level 3 for a couple days--I really hated Level 2 and so far, I like Level 3 more since there's fewer plank moves (even though Level 3 is really tough)! Also, I've been struggling a little because my right knee has been hurting...that made jumping really tough, but I've been wearing a neoprene knee brace and that's helped a lot. (Also, Advil has been my friend the past couple of days).

    I've been wondering what workout I should switch to once I complete 30DS...not sure if I want to stick with Jillian or move on to something else. What do y'all plan on doing?

    MY EXACT experience. I'm sore knee and neoprene too. I have nine more days to complete the shred. then a few days off, then i'm doing it AGAIN. Because I must do it with Natalie for 30 days before I move on. Just something I have to conquer.