what do you think about while exercising?

mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
AKA odd ramblings from a crazy lady.

Ok folks so outside of tuning in and tuning out while exercising and listening to your favorite music...what does your mind drift to?
What helps you get through the workout?
what crazy stuff do you ponder?...or is it just me?

things I think about...

as I am running on the treadmill, I think of a lioness stalking her prey and then sprinting for the kill...anything to get me through the 1 minute I amp it up to raise my heart rate.

then my mind wanders to ...why is it the lioness doing all the hunting and then eats last....kind of like me making dinner here and then finally sitting down when everyone else is served to my own cold meal and whatever is left for me after the pride and the vultures hit first.

then my mind wanders to chocolate and then why my boobs are so droopy and if I can just get a reshaping or do I have to get implants to put these suckers back to where they need to be.

then my mind wanders to which rock star I still lust after from the 80's hair bands that is still sex worthy or too used up to even give a second glance at.

then my mind wanders to ...Hey...i'm done working out...and I am covered in sweat....why the hell do I seem to sweat so much.

Ok peeps, your turn....

and YES, I know I am nuts! thanks in advance but I already know that!


  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    LOL! My mind wanders like that ALL day. I mostly do workout videos so most of my time is spent thinking about how not to fall on my *kitten* and how the heck do I keep up! Thanks for the smile!
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Ideally I find a machine behind a very hot woman and I imagine I am chasing her. The faster I go, the better chance I will catch her. Never catch her but I burn a ton of calories.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    the number one i think about? i gotta pee so freaking bad, i just went too!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    My thoughts are totally dependent on the type of exercise. If it's Insanity, I'm basically just getting through the workout and telling Shaun T that I hate him, but I don't mean it because he seems too nice to really hate, or I'm cursing at Tanya, a woman in the dvds whom I love to hate. (Seriously, how many matching workout outfits does this woman have and how do her boobs stay in place?)

    If I'm doing the elliptical, (this is really weird, I know) I do math problems. I figure out how many calories I'm burning per minute, how many minutes it will take to get to a specific number if I keep up the pace, how many revolutions I will get to at the end of the workout. I also try to calculate the number of minutes going forward and backwards. (I alternate whenever the next song starts playing). All along the way, I wonder, "Will I finish this before my son wakes up?" I decide on what to wear for the day, what jewelry to put on, what I have to bring to work that day, what time I have to enter. Basically, all over the place.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    :laugh: :laugh: Honest and funny!!!!
    Ideally I find a machine behind a very hot woman and I imagine I am chasing her. The faster I go, the better chance I will catch her. Never catch her but I burn a ton of calories.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Well it varies from workout to workout. Yesterday I was thinking about the magically # 500, because thats how many calories of cake I consumed and HAD to burn at least that to work it off. And then the other part was spent telling myself that no cake is worth it. It's just not, and what a dummy I was for eating it. (I'm a little hard on myself.) And then the rest was focused on what time I would get home and make for supper. Stupid how all these thoughts are revolving around food. :(

    Sometimes when I'm listening to my ipod I think about the lyrics and how dumb they are and how listening to music when I work out actually annoys me because I've heard it too many times, etc.

    Sometimes I think that the people on the treadmill or elliptical next to me need to go away because they're really hard core, and honestly, it's intimidating.

    Most of the time I think about how great it feels to be sweating and melting away fat and how good it will feel once I'm done with my workout for the day!
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Latley every strength move and every weight I lift I think of trapeze/aerial silks because I am taking trapeze/aerial silks classes. Each movement makes me that much stronger to do cool tricks. :)
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    http://youtu.be/A9f-wgBXJ2E That im in reeeeally good shape and im a badass! :bigsmile:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Anyone who has said I or someone I know cannot do something or they can do it better.

    I tend to run through that list and stop to punch each of them in the face while sapping any available energy from their excuse filled corpses.

    With such a LONG list this can get me through almost an hour.

    And just think I get to replay this list each time I work out. It never gets old..... :devil:
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Why am I up so damn early?
    I'm 45 minutes closer to looking like Ryan Reynolds.
    Damn I sweat a lot.
    One day I'll see my feet when I look down.
    Man, I would really injure myself if I fell off this elliptical machine.
    My arms hurt.
    I really need to get an HRM so I'll know what I'm really burning.
    One day you'll be mine! (As I stare at the calendar girl hanging right in front of the machine).
    This better pay off?
    Where am I gonna get the money to replace my entire wardrobe if this really pays off?

    These are the few things that run through my mind.....
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    All I can ever think about is how freaking hot it is in the gym and how I might die of heat stroke at any moment.

    I also worry about butt sweat.
  • GameOn2011
    GameOn2011 Posts: 73 Member
    My thoughts are totally dependent on the type of exercise. If it's Insanity, I'm basically just getting through the workout and telling Shaun T that I hate him, but I don't mean it because he seems too nice to really hate, or I'm cursing at Tanya, a woman in the dvds whom I love to hate. (Seriously, how many matching workout outfits does this woman have and how do her boobs stay in place?)

    If I'm doing the elliptical, (this is really weird, I know) I do math problems. I figure out how many calories I'm burning per minute, how many minutes it will take to get to a specific number if I keep up the pace, how many revolutions I will get to at the end of the workout. I also try to calculate the number of minutes going forward and backwards. (I alternate whenever the next song starts playing). All along the way, I wonder, "Will I finish this before my son wakes up?" I decide on what to wear for the day, what jewelry to put on, what I have to bring to work that day, what time I have to enter. Basically, all over the place.

    Ha Ha! I do math too! I've been told I am nuts!
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    All I can ever think about is how freaking hot it is in the gym and how I might die of heat stroke at any moment.

    I also worry about butt sweat.

    Too funny!
  • Happyhappy352
    My mind wanders a lot as well when I’m on the elliptical. Like why am I doing this? Dreaming of what I could look like if I keep it up. Wow it is not worth eating a snickers bar if I have to work this hard to get rid of it lol, why did I download that song? and many more.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    If that chick on the Wii Zumba tells me one more I'm doing great when I know I look like a lumbering elephant I will choke her. Why am I screaming at a video game? this is not a video game. I remember video games. Ms. Pacman! I rocked Ms Pacman. I can't breath. I hope my son remember hows to call 911. IthinkI'mdying. Wait. It's over? Yes! I did it!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    "Jillian, you are an evil genius."
    "Jillian, you're evil."
    "Jillian, I hate you."
    "Phew. Y'know, I feel pretty good."
    "Is it over already?" [Seriously. When I get to the end, I really do feel SO charged up I feel like I could do more.]
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    During weights I think more technical, concentrating on my muscles, and making sure I'm using the correct ones for the lift. During runs or cardio is tends to be a battle in my mind between my self-conscious, self-critical sub-conscious and myself. A lot of "your legs are getting tired" "**** YOU I'M DOING ANOTHER MILE!" The months after I got dumped last year, that fueled many workouts.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    When I am on the elliptical, I think about all the awesome clothes I will be able to buy and fit into once I lose the weight! I push myself silently "Come on, try harder, you can do this, keep going, etc"!
    When I am doing 30DS in the evening, I am literally saying "You b*tch! lol because I am in pain!
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    I pray. I thank the Good Lord for allowing me to wake up, take a nice fresh breath of air, and thank HIM for allowing me to have what it takes to do my exercising!!!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    When I'm on the treadmill, I find myself thinking about bacon.

    ...don't ask...