5'1" ladies, what are your goals?



  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    well im 5'2 and my goal weight is 120, which im pretty much there(i currently weigh 122 now). but most of yalls goals are much lower than mine...hmmm is 120 too much for my height or something?
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I'm so envious of you guys...I'm 5'1 and I would be SOOOOO happy to get to 115...but I'm stuck at 138 and I haven't lost any weight in so long...it's so discouraging...have you guys always been thin?
  • WTG!! You are doing an impressive job.
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    I'm 5' and my goal is 105, but I guess I'll see how I feel when I get there, I would probably be happy at 110 lol
  • I'm 5'1" and my goal right now is 120. I have been as low as 115, and I liked how I looked but found it hard to sustain, probably because I pretty much starved myself to get there. I'm trying to be smart about things this time around and see where I feel comfortable maintaining.
  • sunnycam
    sunnycam Posts: 71 Member
    If you feel good about yourself at 115, then that's the right weight for you. :smile:
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    I'm 5'1" and I would REALLY REALLY like to be 110lb (50kg).
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I used to be around 100 lbs without having to worry about what I ate. Now that I am trying to cut out a lot of candy, along with drinking 800 calories of milk per day, I am aiming at around 90 lbs. Obviously I will see when I get down to maybe 95 how I feel. That may be just fine too...I'm thinking whatever isn't high maintenance to stay at that weight. :smile:
  • ltcampbell
    ltcampbell Posts: 19
    I'm 5'2". I was 247 pounds at my heaviest. I am 194.4 now. My final goal weight is 115 pounds... and toning toning toning.
  • ltcampbell
    ltcampbell Posts: 19
    well im 5'2 and my goal weight is 120, which im pretty much there(i currently weigh 122 now). but most of yalls goals are much lower than mine...hmmm is 120 too much for my height or something?

    The ideal weight range for 5'2" is 105-135 according to most sources. It will depend on your muscle mass, bone structure, build, etc.... You doctor could calculate an accurate BMI and give you the most accurate goal.
  • I am 5"1 and struggling with the last eight pounds. I am currently 111 and would like to be 102. I am small frame and feel better at this weight. Hope we can support eaach other!
  • Cassielfsw
    Cassielfsw Posts: 24 Member
    My goal last time was 130, I got there, but I was still chubby. (I tried to lose more but stalled out and then had some personal issues and gained 60 pounds...) My goal this time is 120.
  • amybarry76
    amybarry76 Posts: 15
    I am 5'0 with a goal of 105. My frame is tiny though. My wrists are like the size of a 7 year old. I am currently 122 with a lot of belly fat. ugh. Friend me. :)
  • amylynn48
    amylynn48 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'0", and my starting weight was 155. My original goal was 125, but I recently changed it to 120, because I'd really like to fit into a size 6. At this point, I've only lost 10 lbs, so maybe I'll actually be sick of dieting by the time I get to 125. After 2 C-sections, I'm pretty sure my tummy will never be quite what it was pre-kids, but some things you just have to accept. : )

    Missy, we are almost exactly the same. I am also 5'0'' and my starting weight was 155. My goal is to be 125. Possibly lighter, but we will see when I get there! I also have had 2 C-sections and it seems impossible that my belly will ever be the same again! Any tips ot tricks that you may have?
  • rumix9
    rumix9 Posts: 7
    I'm 5ft 2" and currently weigh 95lbs.
    I've always been about 94lbs and this by eating 98% junk food
    My target is to reach a minimum of 84lbs by the end of July.
    I imagine this would be easily achievable as long as I stay away from bad food!

    So fingers crossed!
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    I am 5"0 and weigh 130. Really wanting to be 110 or 100. Not sure if 100 is too skinny or not?
  • Nic0522
    Nic0522 Posts: 38
    I'm *just* under 5'1" and would be really happy at 125. I've had 2 kids/2 c sections, plus I am somewhat curvy, so I think this is a goal that I could maintain.

    I'd love some shorty pals with similar goals, friend me :) !

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    well im 5'2 and my goal weight is 120, which im pretty much there(i currently weigh 122 now). but most of yalls goals are much lower than mine...hmmm is 120 too much for my height or something?

    Well, from your pictures, whatever your weight is now is just about perfect lol. Slimmer wouldn't hurt, anda little heavier wouldn't hurt either. Some people have a more solid bone structure and/or more muscle, and so just naturally weigh more. I'm one of those people too...183lbs, 5'7...and I'm nowhere near overweight anymore. Just need to lose a few more inches around the middle and I'll be set =D.

  • Jeshkah
    Jeshkah Posts: 7
    120lbs or less, I remember being 119 and I still had curves :) best weight range for me.
  • I'm 5'1 and I have an enormous apetite. I always feel like i'm eating more than everybody else. At the moment I weigh 147 and my goal weight is 125.
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