Top 3 things that ruin your eating and exercise routine?



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    My family's eating habits. (It's too rude to not eat with them or to bring my own stuff!)

    Depression/Anxiety (too depressed to cook, too anxious to exercise in front of anyone)

    Being too depressed to go to the store and ending up having fast food. D:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Stress- It puts me off my game and causes sleep issues...being tired just makes me eat bad and not excercise.

    TOM- cravings, boob tenderness (I have to double up on sports bras during this time), and hormones...ick.

    Salty foods- chips, pickles, fries, nuts...ect...I'll eat so much that I bloat no matter how much water I consume.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    1. stress.

    2. being off schedule - i'm a creature of habit and i don't like being interrupted!

    3. ice creaaaammmmm
  • Bonnie1974
    Bonnie1974 Posts: 58
    1: No motivation, and finiding excuses not to eat healthy or work out.
    2: Junk food, around my boyfriends house, and not mine
    3:Boredom, and eating.

    I want to add a fourth becus I know my biggest issue is finding an excuse for everything: instead of doing it!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Afternoon boredom at school and the damn vending machine.


    Meals out.
  • rebeccabickle
    1. Getting bored (I always think of food when I'm bored)

    2. Husband eating whatever he wants in front of me

    3. Family get togethers
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    1. Bored/Food at Work because being bored and work go hand in hand for me.

    2. Alcohol

    3. Family/Friends
  • mbehr1983
    mbehr1983 Posts: 29 Member
    lack of self control
    the same health food it gets old
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    1. Not planning my meals.
    2. Not doing my weekly food prep
    3. Not packing my gym bag the night before
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    1. Vacations
    2. Illnesses
    3. Excuses/Laziness following 1&2
  • allison_joan
    allison_joan Posts: 115
    1. Pasta: Italian food is my FAVORITE and the worst part is I love creamy alfredo type pasta dishes and the calories add up.

    2. Liquor: I'm in college so I obviously drink often and my favorite drink when I'm with friends is Captain and Monster Energy Drinks. I usually use one can for two drinks but that means about 320 calories after only two drinks (and who stops at 2? lol)

    3. Queso Dip: All time favorite snack of ALL time.
  • SweetTeaBlossom
    1) Soda - I can't drink diet because fake sweeteners make me ill.
    2) Coffee with lots of milk and sugar.
    3) Chocolate Milk. I can drink a ton of it if I'm not careful.
    1. Stress
    2. Chocolate/Cheez Its - come on, they're equally bad!(once I get a little taste, I can't stop thinking about it!)
    3. Wine

    I just found a recipe for homemade Cheez-its last night. And I will be making them. So bad.

  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    1. Pasta: Italian food is my FAVORITE and the worst part is I love creamy alfredo type pasta dishes and the calories add up.

    2. Liquor: I'm in college so I obviously drink often and my favorite drink when I'm with friends is Captain and Monster Energy Drinks. I usually use one can for two drinks but that means about 320 calories after only two drinks (and who stops at 2? lol)

    3. Queso Dip: All time favorite snack of ALL time.

    PASTA: AHHH. I am absolutely in love with every type of Italian food and they are so carb/diary HEAVY!!

    My three are probably

    1) eating out - i eat out a LOT and everytime i eat out i always feel the need to have a really really enjoyable meal (read: calorific) and a desert (cause... i like desert.)

    2) baking - i bake for the family and i generally don't eat my creations - but i eat the mix before it goes in the oven LOL

    3) potatoes - bloody northern irish parents and their bloody potato dinners. i am not a fan of potatoes but my mother ALWAYS cooks them so when i get lazy i just eat parts of what they eat which normally means poatoes...

    Oh I have a fourth ;)

    Milk! I love Milk. I don't drink fizzy drinks (like rarely-never don't drink them. I sometimes CRAVE a sip!) so Milk has always been my main source of liquid. AHH.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    Well, not to be a follower, but I will jump on the STRESS wagon with you all.

    Plus, wine. And snacking after dinner. I can be really great at watching my portions at dinner, and then I'll be hungry in 2 hours and want a snack. Inevitably it will be ice cream.
  • BetterWithAge
    I can't have my husband watch me work out either. He just can't help 'coaching'. If I wanted 'help' lifting, I'd get him to lift it. Makes me want to throw dumbbells at him. It raises my blood pressure and, quite frankly, ruins it for me. I know. I'm a baby.
    Top Three:
    1) hubby watching me work out with that "isn't that cute" look on his face

    UGH! I know how ya feel. Ggggggrrrrrr