Complaints about U.S. fast food... Something needs to be don



  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    The reason why i didnt go to a restaurant was because we were only there for 2 whole days, so we were so busy with so much stuff to do...
    We didnt have time to sit down once..
    We were running round like headless chickens, grabbing the food and eating it on our feet...
    Sitting down in a restaurant would of been lovely!
    But no time =[
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Good news is KFC and McDonalds will not go out of business in the US. So many Americans eat there, this is what they are use to. One visiting England may be disgusted by the fast food chain taste there like you were here. If this isnt ironic, my grandmother is full British and after retirement worked at a McDonalds for extra money and loved it. It's all a persons opinion. NY has many resturants and expierences that are not found anywhere else.:wink:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    This is why im scared that if it goes out of buisness in America they will close it down here too.
    KFC's not going anywhere.

    Also, even fast food chains alter their recipes a bit to match the preferred tastes of the country it resides in. I'm not sure if in NY KFC's exactly the same as it is here (kind of sounds like it, but you never know, and comparatively that's another country), but it's prepared in the way the people who eat there like it.

    It's just like how in India McD's actually serves veggie burgers and stuff. (I don't think they offer that here yet, but it's not as though I would know ...) They offer burgers with kelp on them in Japan, I believe.

    It's regional, man.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    This has to be a joke?
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    You came to america for holiday and only ate fast food?

    lol there are fantastic restaurants around. Fast food sucks anyway and is a waste of money. lol

    Plus if I were to go to england, KFC or MCd's wouldn't be on my list of "Restaurants I MUST eat at"

    lol this post makes me giggle.

    I'm reminded of a HUGE fight I had with my then estranged (now ex) husband in Germany. He was living there, I had flown out from Los Angeles to try to hammer out the divorce. First day there, I suggest a quaint little pub/cafe that serves Apfelweis (because I'd never had it). He refused. I suggested spot after spot as we strolled along in Old Town, but he shot them all down. He insisted all the places I wanted to visit were crap, but he knew a "good" place . . . and then he dragged me to MCDONALD'S. I just stood there, stunned, and finally said, "Okay, this ONCE. But didn't just spend 14 hours in the air to come to Europe and eat crappy American fast food!" In Paris? He wound up eating American fast food alone--I dined at a cafe down the street.

    Thinking about it still makes me laugh.

  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Pmsl I'm confused why are you complaining about fast food on here. Most of us know its Crap (I'm in the UK and both places are bad) that's why we are here trying to change our lifestyles. A lot of people are avoiding such places.

    I'm afraid to say that sadly neither are going to close down even if it would be great for a lot of peoples waist lines. I'm sure your partner wouldn't starve if they did he might just eat some decent food lol
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    From living in NYC for 3 months, I will say, the fast food there is not as good as everywhere else I've lived. That said, why would you get fast food when there's way better carry-out available instead (in NYC). I think in the rest of the country, we demand our fast food be better because there are fewer good carry-out restaurants.

    KFC has 2 dishes and one purpose as far as I'm concerned:
    1. Bucket o' Chicken
    2. Biscuits

    Take them to a church picnic where the side dishes are gonna be way better.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Understand, each Culture taste buds are different, fast food here is prepared to the taste of Americans; Do you really think that that MESS WE call Chinese Food is eaten in China...Chinese have never even heard of Chow Mein, General Chao Chicken and the like... TRUST ME, KFC, McD...and the like are no where near going out of business, Americans are addicted to this Mess and sounds like YOU people are too (The Fast Food Places have "honed" their skills to each Culture where they are located.)

    NOW My question to YOU is, "WHY would you come to the USA and eat Fast Food?" Even if I were on a budget I would just go to a grocery store and buy decent food from the deli and bakery departments...get a more reasonable assessment of what the Country is about. Frankly, you and your boy friend don't sound to healthy.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    There are some awesome restaurants in the US, including some chains, that we don't get in the UK, I'm amazed that the OP not only didn't venture beyond the familiar, but went BACK again!

    One of the main differences between fast food in the UK and US I found is that the US savoury food tastes a little sweeter, which can seem strange to the UK palate.

    If it's operated like the UK. KFC branches are operated by franchisees and will vary from branch to branch accordingly.

    McD's is only too aware of the slight difference in tastes between countries and will vary the components of meals according, and even offer completely different ones. The McD's goat's cheese salad I had in Paris as an experiment was awesome, as was the beer I had with it!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    i Just made an anonymous donation to KFC, hopefully this keeps that business afloat.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    It's true, that fast food companies do make their food slightly differently in different countries, and sometimes, the menus can be quite different. I've been to McDonald's in S. America, Europe, the US, and it's different everywhere. The taste, the portion sizes, some regional offerings...

    Having said that, when you're in NYC, even for a short, quick, busy trip, that is by far one of the few cities in the world where you can get excellent cuisine within walking distance of wherever you are. It's a shame that you opted for fast food joints. Even mom and pop shops or street vendors would've been a better alternative.
  • I stopped reading after the word "holiday" replaced the word vacation. This is America. We invented fast food. We do it great, thanks.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    <best southern accent=on>

    You know, I am a southern fried girl. I've lived in the deep south my whole life and I am a bit miffed by your post. Any self-respecting southerner knows that all fried chicken (KFC, home cooked, or otherwise) is served with a buttermilk biscuit and sweet tea. UNLESS you're adding BBQ (the southern pulled pork kind) in which case you would replace the biscuit with hushpuppies or fried cornbread. Now I'm positive you couldn't get sweet tea in NYC, we let them get by with that; however, leaving off the biscuit would be offensive and in poor taste to American southern culture and might be the spark that starts the next civil war.

    <best southern accent=off>

    Seriously though, even if you came all the way to the states and limited your culinary experience to KFC and MCD's, why would get mad that it was different instead of immersing yourself in the experience. Even if you didn't like it, you're not going to die any more from our fat and salt than yours. I hope that if you come back, you’re a bit more open minded and try to keep your blood pressure down – anger + sodium might make a heart attack. :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    but the biscuit isnt a biscuit...
    its a scone..
    Which you have with cream and jam and a cup of tea..
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    but the biscuit isnt a biscuit...
    its a scone..
    Which you have with cream and jam and a cup of tea..
    In america at KFC it is a buttermilk biscuit... Scone is the english word for biscuit... we eat ours with chicken and mashed potatoes.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    A biscuit in England is a cookie or a cracker. Not a big, fat melt-in-your mouth buttery peice of bread.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Sorry to jab, but I have to add, KFC = Kentucky Fried Chicken. Being that Kentucky isn't located in England, perhaps it isn't the American version that is so wrong?

    [They're all wrong, clearly, from a nutritional standpoint. But it seems we're arguing tastes.]
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I don't think the solution is to rid of fast food. Imagine all the unemployment!!

    I think people just need to be responsible for what they eat...stop blaming unhealthy diets on fast food chains. No one is forcing you to buy that quarter-pounder for lunch!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    but the biscuit isnt a biscuit...
    its a scone..
    Which you have with cream and jam and a cup of tea..

    Well now you're just being a bit ethnocentric. It's not a scone in America, which you were visiting. Calm down and drive yourself the nearest KFC and have it your way. Wait, that's BK.
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