How to get my wife on board?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    How do I convince her that she's killing herself? If we go out to eat she usually eats more calories in the free bread than I eat in the entire meal. Every time I bring it up she becomes defensive or just ignores me. I know that I've only been at this for 99 days but I feel like I've made the commitment and am following through with what I said I would do. We both have office jobs so we sit all day. Both offices have a free gym on site. She told me the other day that her biggest fear was that I would lose a lot of weight, divorce her, and go find a skinny girl. I don't want to do that. I love my wife very much. However, I have no intentions of becoming a widower by the time we're 35. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help her get off this road she's on?

    This is tricky. As others have said it has to come when the person is ready and she is defensive already. She knows already you'd like her to lose weight. Don't talk about food or exercise with her. Tell her you love her. Say how much you like doing things with her.
    Your wife seems insecure and probably feels bad about herself. Maybe she has some emotional or mental stuff to work through before she is ready to make a lot of changes. Maybe counseling could help.

    I really lost weight when I was tired of not being able to keep up with my family, being in pain a lot of the time, and feeling scared that I would end up stuck in a chair or bed. Not how I want to live. I knew I was overweight long before that point.
  • ifoundnemo434
    ifoundnemo434 Posts: 3 Member
    She simply has to find the desire & motivation herself, just like you did. Just keep setting a good example for her and I'm sure she'll soon follow. Just don't push too much!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    1) You loved her enough to marry her when she was already obese. Keep doing that.
    2) Remove her fear of losing you. Make sure she knows that she's your one and only and that you will never leave her for some skinny girl.
    3) Inspire her with your own success.
    4) Leave it at that. Don't pressure her. Let it be her decision when she's ready.

    I think I love you.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    OP, people change. If and when they are ready, they want to and regardless of what others want. Express your concerns and leave it at this. She might change or she might not. She might lose weight, or she might gain more. You might end up having completely different lifestyles in 10 years from now, or not. You might leave her or she might leave you or you might be together until your old age. You can only control your own choices. You cannot control her decisions and you cannot even control your feelings. Focus on yourself for now. Do not let her hold you back. And do not nag her.
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    Well done on keeping up with the program, loosing your 60pounds and thinking about your loved one's health in the process.

    I agree with a lot of what everyone above has said, making changes can be hard and having someone that you love change too can also bring added anxiety.

    Truth is pretty much the only option as well; perhaps tell her that your worried and that you would like to both be healthy (emphasis on health), then why not ask her for her help? You are now battling with this and she is the only one who can help you to get over it. It could be something as simple as not eating fast food 1 day a week, or finding an active hobby that you both could enjoy and then hopefully you could set yourselves a weekly challenge and who ever 'wins' gets a little treat (not necessarily food) for instance you could challenge yourselves to eat green vegetables once a day for a week.

  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    tonkacrew3 wrote: »

    Look into hobbies and things you could do together as a couple to lose weight....not just "exercise". Does she like dancing? Bike riding? Bowling? Skating? What kinds of healthy foods would she enjoy eating? Can you learn how to make healthier versions of comfort food together? (By the probably hurt her that you took over the cooking and chose your food instead of hers). Make recipes together and look up healthy recipes together. Pinterest is a great source of finding healthy recipes that both of you might like.

    Make your lifestyle fun and something she would be drawn to doing with you. Don't make it seem like this is a life or death choice that she has to come on board with you about. Draw her to your lifestyle and include her in your fun. Make sure she KNOWS that you love her no matter what. Remember...this is a journey. Enjoy it!

    This is excellent advice.

    It seems like you really love your wife and care about her well-being, so any activities that you could enjoy together while being a bit more physically active might be a nice thing to do, regardless of whether she is aiming to lose any weight. This could help her to see that she might enjoy being a little more healthy (and even if it doesn't help her have a light bulb moment, there is nothing lost because you both just spent time enjoying each others company!)

    Best of luck to you both :)
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    This is a really tricky situation and I'm not sure that to tell her you love her anyway, whatever weight she is, is the right answer. You are both very young to be overweight and you are right that unless both of you lose weight now you can look forward to a very impaired and sadly shortened life.
    If your wife were an alcoholic I think the advice would be to NOT condone her overeating. It seems to me that she's either hitting out at you, or at herself when she eats a Big Mac. It's akin to self harm. A cry for help perhaps?
    I don't know where you live, but I'd certainly suggest couples counselling, which is I think free in the UK via Relate. This is a threat to your marriage and you both need to face it and deal with it, before it's too late.
    You have taken the right step to tackle your weight and now you need some professional help to encourage her onto the same path.
    Above all talk to her, try and gently discuss the issue and try to find some motivation in her to take the first step. If you can get her to agree that she is overweight and that it would help to see a doctor, join a weight watchers group or see a councillor with you then you will have achieved somewhere.
    Happy to support you both. Do friend me if you'd like more encouragement.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    I've pretty much taken over the cooking because I can't convince her that every meal needs a stick of butter for flavor. She usually skips breakfast, eat fast-food for lunch and dinner because she doesn't like the healthier meals.

    If we go out to eat she usually eats more calories in the free bread... Every time I bring it up she becomes defensive or just ignores me.

    I know this sounds mean but you've displaced her in the kitchen, your meals do not satisfy her, and now she feels forced to eat out when she used to cook at home. You're being judgemental in how much free bread or other fast food she eats when she's only trying to accommodate your new and different lifestyle. She's definitely feeling insecure in her marriage. Your best course of action is to do what Carlos_421 said.

    I think that there is truth here also. IMO the husband needs to be more attentive to the wife's current needs and allow her the luxury of being herself. She isn't ready to diet yet and has lost her eating buddy. I'm sure she is grieving about it. Maybe she would like to eat old favorite foods and OP can join and just eat a smaller amounts? There appears to have been a huge change in dynamics in the relationship at least on the wife's part if she has to leave the house in order to feel comfortable eating food that she likes.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Do all the cooking or do the shopping list and plan your meals. You Co trolley the food. But without saying it's for her ... cut down eating out once a week... Instead change it for a (your cooking) calorie Controlled picnic or bbq... or instead of a whole meal u cook or cook together ; ) then go out for a coffee or frozen yoghurt. My partner is the same. He eats the meals I put in front of him I just don't make it obvious it's calorie controlled etc lol Basically it's hard work, u have to take control of the shopping and food. I do the shopping list, plan the meals, cook n serve.
    I meal prep our lunches, do dinner. Or atleast plan dinner n he cooks it. But I know what we having atleast is what's 'allowed'. A woman's self esteem is so fragile, even to say to her that you are concerned she's over weight, she will automatically think you think she's unattractive, n start eating more. Vicious cycle. Control the food... try initiating going for walks or a cycle on weekend 'just because' .. do it postively and try incorporate her into it without saying it's cause it's for her! And after a few weeks walk past her 'Omg lookin good babe' nothing about weight loss or anything. Subtle but positive. She might just get on board