May-June Weight Loss Challenge!



  • karen615lp
    karen615lp Posts: 18 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 156.2
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 145


    May 1st: 156.2
    May 8th: 154
    May 15th: 153.4
    May 22nd: 151.6
    May 29th: 153.6
    June 5th:

    Well, I am up 2 pounds this week, I guess I saw it coming :( Not so great choices,but on an up note I did manage to lose 2 ¾ inches… so all is not Its does seem though I will NOT be meeting my fantasy goal (HAHA) as noted.

    Fitness/Health Goals: My goal for the next week is to drop those 2 and hopefully a tiny bit more. LOL

    Thanks to all who create and continue to support everyone here on Fitness Pal and anywhere!!!!!!
  • sixtytwoweeks
    sixtytwoweeks Posts: 51 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 213.4
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 199

    May 1st: 213.4
    May 8th: 210.2
    May 15th: 208.6
    May 22nd: 207.6
    May 29th: 204.5
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Walk at least 4 miles a day. Didn't make this one. I pushed myself too hard and re-injured a formerly broken knee. Letting it fully heal before doing any lengthy walks. Whomp whomp.

    No cheat days this month! Not even little ones!
  • icecreampnt
    icecreampnt Posts: 31 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 270 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 249 lbs


    May 1st: 270 lbs
    May 8th: 267 lbs
    May 15th: 260 lbs
    May 22nd: 258 lbs
    May 29th: 254 lbs
    June 5th:

    I may get real close to my June 5th goal weight. Even if I miss it, it will be real close. That's all that matters.

    Fitness/Health Goals: To run 3 miles everyday. Lift weights 3 days a week. 90 day challenge. No fried foods, junk food or drink alcohol. On day 54. Lost 34 lbs total. Looking and feeling great. Treadmill, elliptical, weights, swimming and basketball. Very active. Need to keep it up during my sluggish months of Nov-Feb. #hustlehard
  • spiffytiff17
    spiffytiff17 Posts: 32 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 285.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 275


    May 1st: 285.5
    May 8th: 281.8
    May 15th: 283.5
    May 22nd: 282.2
    May 29th: 280.0
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Continue my workout routine and being active. I have done well with my late night snacking. I won't make my goal, but I will be happy to be under 280.
  • madelinecamille
    madelinecamille Posts: 1,131 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 150.6
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 142.6


    May 1st: 150.6
    May 8th: 149.6
    May 15th: 147.0
    May 22nd: 146.8
    May 29th: 147.4
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:
    1. DRINK MORE WATER!! 8 cups a day
    2. No fast food, even if it fits in the daily allowance.
    3. Exercise 6 days a week

    UPDATE: gained .6 :(. Not going to make my goal for this challenge, but I'm ok with that. I'm getting back on track this week and am still trucking along to my ultimate goal weight of 130.
  • dshanna922
    dshanna922 Posts: 4 Member
    kaimbf123 wrote: »
    If you're like me and need help staying accountable with your weight loss goals, then come join this challenge! Let me know if you want to join and on May 1st, copy and paste the format down below + fill in your info and every Sunday from May 1st-June 5th, put your new weight down and feel free to also write down the weakness/strengths you face and we can try to help each other stay motivated and share tips. At the bottom of this, you have a space to write other specific health/fitness related goals (such as: get 15 hours of exercise in before the end of this challenge, drink 2 liters of water a day, etc.) and if you do write a goal down there, make sure you also update us on those goals as well, like how many hours of exercise you've gotten so far and how many you have left to complete. Here's the format:

    Start Weight (May 1st):
    Goal Weight (June 5th):


    May 1st:
    May 8th:
    May 15th:
    May 22nd:
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:

  • dshanna922
    dshanna922 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm a little late for most weigh-in but still going to try this ...starting weigh-in 280 hoping for a lower number June 5
  • momtojacesf
    momtojacesf Posts: 9 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 409
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 399

    May 1st: 409
    May 8th: 407
    May 15th: 404
    May 22nd: 402
    May 29th: 400
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Avoid sweets, exercise 3-4 times a week and SWEAT!
  • basil53
    basil53 Posts: 9 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 268
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 256


    May 1st: 268
    May 8th: 262
    May 15th:262
    May 22nd: 258
    May 29th:
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Drink 2 liters of water a day

    This week was better, but don't go to the Pepperidge Farm outlet store when you're doing a challenge. I've had way more cookies than I should have. Still lost weight though. Yay!
  • basil53
    basil53 Posts: 9 Member

    Start Weight (May 1st): 268
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 256


    May 1st: 268
    May 8th: 262
    May 15th:262
    May 22nd: 260
    May 29th: 258
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Drink 2 liters of water a day

    This week was better, but don't go to the Pepperidge Farm outlet store when you're doing a challenge. I've had way more cookies than I should have. Still lost weight though. Yay!
  • mom0f3cuties
    mom0f3cuties Posts: 18 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 268.6
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 255
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155


    May 1st: 268.6
    May 8th: 261.8
    May 15th: 258.6
    May 22nd: 253.8
    May 29th: 249.8
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:
    1) Work out 15 minutes 5 Times a Week.
    2) Increase water intake.
    3) Get Motivated! - Stay motivated!
    4) stay away from the wine! - stay away!! Didn't do well with the wine this past week!
  • CandehMandeh
    CandehMandeh Posts: 66 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 146
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 142


    May 1st: 146
    May 8th: 145
    May 15th: 144
    May 22nd: 143.5
    May 29th: 143
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Goal (1) - Eat slower, so that I feel fuller and get to enjoy the food. Goal (2) - Go out on more walks (once the rain stops) 4-5 miles per outing. Goal (3) - Drink more water.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    Belly flat team
    Start weight - 235.2
    Goal weight - 225


    May 1st: 235.2
    May 8th: 231.4
    May 15th: 230
    May 22nd:228.3
    May 29th:226.4
    June 5th:
  • AndrewD315
    AndrewD315 Posts: 57 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 234.6
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 224


    May 1st: 234.6
    May 8th: 232.4
    May 15th: 233
    May 22nd: 227.8
    May 29th:224.8
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health goal: Eat healthy, stay on track w/macros, water and exercise.

    Update: Progress stopped insulin this week. Week of double shifts coming up will be hard pressed to get to gym. Will try for three times, hope for four.
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 274
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 261


    May 1st: 274
    May 8th: 272
    May 15th:269
    May 22nd:266
    May 29th:264
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals: Continue strength training at least 4 days per week, in addition to completing some form of cardio every day during this challenge.

    Update: I need to lose 3lbs this week in order to reach my goal for the challenge. So far it’s been a successful challenge, so I want to finish it properly by hitting my goal.
  • ebonibabe1
    ebonibabe1 Posts: 108 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 134.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 124 lbs


    May 1st: 134.4
    May 8th:133.4
    May 15th: 133.4
    May 22nd: 130.8
    May 29th: 131.0
    June 5th:

    I was sick this week. And I only exercised once.
    So, I'm happy to see I only gained.2 lbs.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    michy84 wrote: »
    michy84 wrote: »
    Start weight (May 1)= 135.5
    Goal weight (June 5)= 126

    May 1: 135.5
    May 8: 132.5
    May 15: 133
    May 22: 135
    May 29:
    June 5:

    Almost didn't post here today because I am so ashamed I have gone up again this week! I am going to stay positive because otherwise nothing gets done. At least I am less today by something than my start weight. I will have a good weigh in next time!

    OP, NOTHING to be ashamed about. Life gets in the way. Just don't let these days derail your plan. You can do this!
  • pinkheart32
    pinkheart32 Posts: 11 Member
    Start Weight (May 1st): 139.5
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 132

    May 1st: 139.5
    May 8th: 138.5
    May 15th: 138.5
    May 22nd: 138.5
    May 29th: 136.5
    June 5th:

    Fitness/Health Goals:
    Finally broke the plateau this week!!!

    Last week: l cut back on bad carbs and sugar. I also am doing the workouts from 21 Day Fix. I upped my dumbbell weight too.

    This week: continue with last week's success.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    A Gain this week but it makes sense because I had a big loss last week. still on track to make my goal weight for the challenge next week though :)

    Overall starting weight: 90kg
    Challenge Start Weight (May 1st): 65.4kg
    Goal Weight (June 5th): 63.5kg


    May 1st: 65.4kg
    May 8th: 64.6kg
    May 15th:64.9kg
    May 22nd: 62.8kg
    May 29th: 63.7kg
    June 5th: