Depression and Weight Loss



  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    It's nice to see I'm not the only one here who's struggling, well, I wish you weren't struggling but you know what I mean!

    oh yes, do i know what you mean :) welcome!
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    got a prescription today from my doctor for an SSRI. last time I tried an SSRI it didn't go well so I'm nervous but hey, things could go differently this time around, who knows. it's been a few years. I don't start it for a week because I'm still lowering my dose of Seroquel. fingers crossed it helps when the time comes.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Hey tribe,
    Well. I don't just fall of the wagon, I fall under it. Weight gain, depression, anxiety and self loathing. But......I'm back again to face you and the Phoenix rises again. Welcome back to Mt Everest. Anyone want to join me on the climb? I want my life ....with a strong healthy body. It can't be that hard. One day at a time. One step at a time.
    I'm glad to be back
    Humbled but not discounted

    I've found that most that attempt Everest don't make it the first time. Those that do make it could probably learn a few things from many of you on this thread. Just keep climbing, you'll make it.

    I hope everyone is doing well with their hurdles, and taking the same attitude as Shel. And if you are having a hard time doing that, reach out to someone that might be able to help.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    so yesterday was the day I was to start taking my new medication, Celexa. I tried SSRIs years ago with very bad results but this was a very different experience. everything I read about it, including the label, said it makes you drowsy at first. so I took it in the evening. next thing I know, it's 3:30am and I'm wide awake and feel like I'm high on super speedy ecstasy. not a horrible feeling but certainly not what I was expecting. never had this with SSRIs before. with any luck, the fact that I'm experiencing it differently might mean that I have an overall different experience with it - a good one, maybe. fingers crossed!
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    so yesterday was the day I was to start taking my new medication, Celexa. I tried SSRIs years ago with very bad results but this was a very different experience. everything I read about it, including the label, said it makes you drowsy at first. so I took it in the evening. next thing I know, it's 3:30am and I'm wide awake and feel like I'm high on super speedy ecstasy. not a horrible feeling but certainly not what I was expecting. never had this with SSRIs before. with any luck, the fact that I'm experiencing it differently might mean that I have an overall different experience with it - a good one, maybe. fingers crossed!

    Had the same experience a few years ago with Celexa. I had to take it in the morning. Best wishes for health!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I'm getting a bit concerned about my vacation time coming up. A lack of purpose can definitely cause flare ups in my depression and anxiety which I have previously combated with food. Luckily it's broken up by a weekend, so two days off alone followed by weekend with hubby then three more days alone. I'm trying to make a big list of options of things to do that don't involve food. I may even try to make them low calorie days just for extra weight loss, but I'm definitely growing nervous and apprehensive.

    Maybe I will find some brave and try out the swimming pool at my apartment complex. Kids are still in school so it might be worth while.
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    edited June 2016
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    I'm getting a bit concerned about my vacation time coming up. A lack of purpose can definitely cause flare ups in my depression and anxiety which I have previously combated with food. Luckily it's broken up by a weekend, so two days off alone followed by weekend with hubby then three more days alone. I'm trying to make a big list of options of things to do that don't involve food. I may even try to make them low calorie days just for extra weight loss, but I'm definitely growing nervous and apprehensive.

    Maybe I will find some brave and try out the swimming pool at my apartment complex. Kids are still in school so it might be worth while.

    Go for it! Enjoy the sun and swim--or bring a book and sit in the shade. At my current weight, I was so nervous to go to the pool--also in an apt. complex--but I did it and all was well. No one was paying attention to me--everyone at the pool is doing their own thing. It is good to get out of the house and break up the day--and it won't cost you anything. ;)
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    Zella_11 wrote: »
    so yesterday was the day I was to start taking my new medication, Celexa. I tried SSRIs years ago with very bad results but this was a very different experience. everything I read about it, including the label, said it makes you drowsy at first. so I took it in the evening. next thing I know, it's 3:30am and I'm wide awake and feel like I'm high on super speedy ecstasy. not a horrible feeling but certainly not what I was expecting. never had this with SSRIs before. with any luck, the fact that I'm experiencing it differently might mean that I have an overall different experience with it - a good one, maybe. fingers crossed!

    Had the same experience a few years ago with Celexa. I had to take it in the morning. Best wishes for health!

    yeah I'm pushing back the time I take it by 2 hours a day until I'm taking it in the morning. didn't get high off it last night so that's good lol.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i think i had to do the same thing with it. been on so many different one's trying to find the right one
  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    I've been taking an antidepressant now for two months. I think I'm feeling better? Now I've an appointment to talk to the lady who will hook me up with someone to talk to. Hopefully affordable. if it's not, this is going nowhere.
    I'm nervous and pessimistic about actually being able to have what i know deep inside my heart that i need. ...someone to talk to honestly who will give a crap.
    Help. Tell me it will be o.k. cuz I'm spinning. I'm eating all the things and finding it incredible difficult to keep my calories down to maintenance numbers.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Serasmommy, did you have your appointment? How did it go?

    How is everyone else doing?
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    I'm doing okay I think. my financial stress lessened slightly recently but my relationship is still all over the place which causes me to be all over the place. we're on a waitlist for couples counselling so with any luck that might help.
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    Hello all. So glad I found this group. I am on Celexa, have been for a while, and have packed on 33 pounds. Happy weight is 140 and as I write this...173. Awful. The past four years have been super hard in my family and that certainly doesn't help. Four years ago my DH was suicidal and then moved out for 6 months, hence the need for Celexa. The upside is I am super calm. Downside...the weight, but almost too calm. Nothing bothers me. Is that good or bad. Also with the eating--I no longer have an off switch for sweets. Cookies are my worst thing. It's bad and I cannot make myself get worked up about it. I have, however, started swimming again. I used to swim 4-6 times a week and loved it. This year was super busy at work, add some new family chaos and a back injury, and any and all exercise went away.
    Anyway--I am rambling. Just glad to find others in the same boat. The weight gain is awful. Hoping the swimming will begin to chip away at it.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,012 Member
    I'm doing okay I think. my financial stress lessened slightly recently but my relationship is still all over the place which causes me to be all over the place. we're on a waitlist for couples counselling so with any luck that might help.

    I'm glad to hear you're doing better. :)
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,012 Member
    drabbits2 wrote: »
    Hello all. So glad I found this group. I am on Celexa, have been for a while, and have packed on 33 pounds. Happy weight is 140 and as I write this...173. Awful. The past four years have been super hard in my family and that certainly doesn't help. Four years ago my DH was suicidal and then moved out for 6 months, hence the need for Celexa. The upside is I am super calm. Downside...the weight, but almost too calm. Nothing bothers me. Is that good or bad. Also with the eating--I no longer have an off switch for sweets. Cookies are my worst thing. It's bad and I cannot make myself get worked up about it. I have, however, started swimming again. I used to swim 4-6 times a week and loved it. This year was super busy at work, add some new family chaos and a back injury, and any and all exercise went away.
    Anyway--I am rambling. Just glad to find others in the same boat. The weight gain is awful. Hoping the swimming will begin to chip away at it.

    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. It's great that you've started swimming again. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!
  • AussiePeach
    AussiePeach Posts: 49 Member
    I'm on a huge amount of medications to control lifelong mental illness. Whether or not its a coincidence, I only started gaining weight when I started on the meds at 15 years old: before that I was always healthy and fit.

    I know that the meds themselves don't put weight on, but they've certainly had a huge impact on my appetite, if nothing else. Add to that regular courses of steroids for asthma, and I feel like I'm up against a wall when it comes to weight loss.

    But I'm starting on MFP today, ready to work at it anyway. I've finally got my mental illness sort of under control, so now its time to get my weight under control too.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    feel so down today. even all through my workout this morning I was just feeling doomly and wanting to be finished. usually my workouts put me in a good mood but not today. I wish I didn't have to watch the kid today while my boyfriend goes to an appointment because I really want to just lay in bed all day.
  • shelleygold
    shelleygold Posts: 178 Member
    Hi folks,
    I'm the one who started this chat over a year ago. I'm looking forward to getting back into the groove. I have been very distracted by aspects of my life and have messed up my work-life balance. I want to use this thread to help with motivation.
    I grew to really love the experience of being with people here. It's great to be back
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Glad you're back!
  • shelleygold
    shelleygold Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks SaraKim. It has been too long. I am on day two of moving my mind and body in the same direction. Early days but it feels great to remember that I have choices. Nothing is deeply engrained in us that we cannot change our pathways or direction. One day at a time!!!