Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    My goal is to take off the last of my weight and keep it off. I am in the process of learning to "Eat heathy" for the rest of my life and not just diet. I find when I restrict myself in a diet I binge and then regret what I have done. With my hectic schedule I found it difficult to commit to 6 days a week for P90X. Therefore I am going to count my calories and hit P90X a minimum of 3x per week as well as run and bike.

    Thanks for the great idea of Lean by Halloween Challenge!!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Wow what a response! I'm so excited!!!!!

    LOVE the idea of a before pic (take one this week if you can) & after (on Halloween or in costume)!

    Of course it's not a requirement to share them, only if you feel comfortable..

    Maybe just post an after? At least try to do them for yourself!

    I will post instructions on how to post them when the time comes :)

    The ticker isn't a requirement either, you could simply type:

  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to lose 15 pounds by Halloween! I'm about to change my 'why I want to get in shape' so I'll post it later. I love the idea though!
  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like a fun challenge...I'm in...getting ready for my December cruise...:glasses:
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    anyone got any tips??

    For adding the ticker? It didn't work the 1st time for me. I had copied the HTML format. Turned out I had to use the one listed above that on ticker factory - I forget what the format was called.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to lose 15 pounds by Halloween! I'm about to change my 'why I want to get in shape' so I'll post it later. I love the idea though!

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to be healthy for my family, current and future. When my husband and I get to have our actual wedding, I want to look awesome! I want to look good and feel better.
  • nmp1994
    nmp1994 Posts: 96
    Fun idea!
    Thanks so much...I'm working on mine :-)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    LOVE the idea of a before pic (take one this week if you can) & after (on Halloween or in costume)!

    LEAN BY HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE GOAL = 15 POUNDS (that'll be me goal weight too)

    I AM TOTALLY IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually have a picture of me from last year in my halloween costume and it would rock to do a comparison over the year :wink: I am going to create that ticker now ...

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to share my life with my son instead of watching him from the sidelines.

    ***Just for this challenge, to wear a SEXY costume this year and feel good in it!***

    My goals are:
    - Get around 160 - 170 lbs
    - Get my body fat percentage below 30%
    - Fit into size 14 comfortably
    - Earn back my self confidence
  • Why I Want To Get In Shape

    I want to get into shape because of the PCOS and I want to teach my daughter the healthy way of living before she adopts bad habits.
  • nmp1994
    nmp1994 Posts: 96
    Hello....I am a Stay at Home Mom of 3 Girls! A set of 7 year old twins, and a silly 2.5 year old.

    Feb. 2011, I joined a "Biggest Movers" program at our local Y. It was a 12 weeks fitness challenge with weekly weigh-ins. My goal is to be under 200 by the end---Achieved! I placed 5th outta 80+ people. It was a fabulous journey!

    **Next challenge "Lean by Halloween"

    Why I Want To Get In Shape;
    To live life to the fullest with my 3 beautiful daughters, and to teach them the importance of healthy eating and exercising!

    I signed up to run a 5K in August...I've never been "A Runner", but I know I can do this. Been jogging every other day with the hopes to run the whole 5K!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    anyone got any tips??

    Use the 1st code... BB Code. I just added it to my signature and it worked. :smile:
  • farmboy60
    farmboy60 Posts: 21
    Great Idea! I`m in too.

    I`m a happily married father of two who is trying to get back in better shape. I work shift work which makes eating healthy a little more difficult. I`ve come to the conclusion that dieting can only take me so far (much to my chagrin) and that having salad instead of the fries and onion rings isn`t being proactive enough. I need to step things up a little bit.I`m getting tired of my doctor calling me obese. I thought he was nuts when he told me a lot of my medical issues were from my weight. The sad truth of it is that he was right. I lost 15lbs and feel ten years younger.

    I`m tired of having a gut and I want to wear smaller jeans. I`ve been getting my feet wet by participating in some daily mini challenges (Thanks so much for doing those my the way) but largely have been wavering on committing to any major challenges.

    So now it`s time to suck it up, buttercup! I`ve decided to bite off more than I think I can chew. I`ve taken an aggressive loss of two pounds a week through diet and exercise which should put me below the mythical 200lb mark by October.

    Lookin`forward to it. Let`s go!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    this is copied and pasted from my profile page. i wrote it when i initially started on MFP about 2 months ago. i don't think my reasons have changed, just my determination. i started out saying "i'll TRY this". now i say "i will DO this." thanks to all of my wonderful MFP friends i now know that i can!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I am a 57 year old wife, mom, and nurse. I find myself taking care of everyone but me. I have been overweight most of my life and have tried multiple times and multiple ways to lose weight and keep it off. I want to get healthy while there is still time-before I develop any serious health problems.

    my goal for the challenge is to lose 15 pounds by Halloween
  • elyseology
    elyseology Posts: 44 Member
    I want to get in shape to feel and look healthier. I'm ready to start my career in Interior Design and when I'm confident in my body I'll feel more confident in my work. I'm ready to love shopping and buy things i've never worn in my life and look great. And most important I'm hoping getting down to my goal weight will lead me to "the one"!

    If your looking for more support, feel free to add me :wink:
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    I'm bumping this for later! I'd like to join this challenge but I have to go for now! :)
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I would also LOVE to be in on this challenge! :love: I will fill in the rest of my details for later. Feel free to add me everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I'm in.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    Been overweight most of my life. Working to lose the weight, stay healthy and be around as many years as possible. I have a wonderful family to live for. I want to improve my health, to be around for as many years as possible with my family. I want to be able to play softball as well as, or better than, I did as a kid.

    My Inspirations
    - My family
    - Tyler @ 344pounds.com (helped me find MFP)
    - Wearing shirts without an "X" in the size

    I dig running. Have run three 5K's this year, and plan on at least two more before summer ends.
  • I'm in!

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    - My hubby
    - My Daughter
    - Me: I want to be pretty again!!! :'(

    Goal: 155 by October 31!!

    SW: 207
    CW: 202
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    Bump I'll be back tomorrow
  • ElmersGlue
    ElmersGlue Posts: 13
    I'm in!

    Why I want to get in shape:

    -be healthier and more active in my daily life; be good to my body!
    -have a smokin' hot Halloween costume ;D

    Goal: 135lbs by Oct 31st!
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