I understand and then I don't (scales and weighing and calorie worrying)



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    As far as I can tell (and I admit I'm skimming) you asked two questions in your OP:

    "But this is a lifestyle change, it should not, after time, require food scales and worrying over juice in a can..should it?"


    "I am not suggesting that you stop using a food scale, or stop trying to determine how many calories you input and how many you output, but at some point it is overdoing it..isn't it?"

    Both are questions that you asked and then answered within the same sentence. Both have the same answer: *shrug* it depends on the person.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hell, I cut on 3200 but still weigh and measure. It's easier to fit in all the yummy cake that way.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    OP, I already saw this side a few weeks in. I realize the body is really good at managing surplus and deficit and in a lot longer than 24 hours. I stopped weighing foods after 2 months in. It's unnecessary to be precise with 1xxx calories. Life (at least mine) is much more spontaneous and up/down than such precision. I have enough worries and I don't need another worry about calories. All the work and concern about foods are pale in comparison to a bit of effort used for self control around foods.

    That said, everyone is different. Many people are comfortable with what they only know and not expanding. It's good that they are losing weight with what they learned on first day. You don't have to, and you cannot, understand everyone's tendencies.

    Choosing to weigh doesn't mean that one is only comfortable with what they know and not expanding. It just means they have found a method that works for them.

    I don't know if there are "tendencies" to "understand" as much as there are different methods that people can choose based on their lifestyle, goals, and preferences.

    It's controversial when intelligence or capability is discussed. So we better not go there. But think about this, as most things in life there tends to be superior ways and rudimentary ways. Do you think all fit people need to weigh? The answer is obviously No. If people could get fit without weighing, do you think they would take that option? Yes.

    I do get this comment..

    But, with MFP it is all about numbers.. Everything is about the numbers. Has nothing really to do with getting fit per se, etc....

    If you hate numbers or math, then calorie counting is the absolutely wrong thing for you to be doing and should find an alternate way to achieve your goals.

    Why OP is doing something he despises is what I do not understand.

    There is always more than one way to get to the destination or to the end result, it is what you choose to get you there and the path you choose!

    I really don't understand WHY you think I am doing something I despise? I am a numbers guy..so I love the calorie counting aspect...CICO..I also understand there is more than way..hence the post..asking for WHY you do it..how long you're going to do..always? Forever? Etc etc..At some point I hope to not have to log in and count calories..at some point in my life, I hope to have learned what is what..about how many calories, how much exercise I should get in..etc etc.

    I hope not to be tied to an online app or food scale all my life? If you use these things and swear by them..how do you handle it when you can't use them? I've seen people say they take their food scale to a restaurant?

    I'm like seriously??? I wish you success on your journey!
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    FitFroglet wrote: »
    I'm glad you've found a way that works for you and that you find sustainable.
    For me, weighing stuff is kind of a way of life now. It doesn't bother me.
    However I've got other factors at play too - weighing helps me be accurate with my carb count which helps me manage my type 1 diabetes better so I have a bigger payoff to the time invested in weighing things out.

    Great work on getting more activity into your routine, it sounds like you're doing all kinds of good things for your health. :)

    Thank you for your thoughts! I appreciate the feedback and wish you well on your life's journey!
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    I am going to try and reply to everyone, because I asked for feedback and I truly do appreciate it. As I stated, this post was not to criticize anyone's choices, but to understand where people are coming from. We all share a desire to be healthier, more fit, etc or we wouldn't be on here. Heck, I bought a scale..a nice stainless steel one too..set me back $20..and I found I don't use it often. Then I see advice given all the time as I said..get a scale..weigh everything..I take my scale everywhere..I have mine on a leash (Ok..maybe not that one)

    I appreciate everyone's thoughts and wish you all well on your life's journey! I will try and reply to all..but it's time for my meager allotment of calories here for dinner/supper tonight!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Personally I find using a food scale to be less time consuming than using measuring cups/spoons and less stressful than estimating. My portion sizes don't have to be exact if I don't want them to be and I don't worry so much about my numbers being accurate.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    edited June 2016
    mathiseasy wrote: »
    OP, I already saw this side a few weeks in. I realize the body is really good at managing surplus and deficit and in a lot longer than 24 hours. I stopped weighing foods after 2 months in. It's unnecessary to be precise with 1xxx calories. Life (at least mine) is much more spontaneous and up/down than such precision. I have enough worries and I don't need another worry about calories. All the work and concern about foods are pale in comparison to a bit of effort used for self control around foods.

    That said, everyone is different. Many people are comfortable with what they only know and not expanding. It's good that they are losing weight with what they learned on first day. You don't have to, and you cannot, understand everyone's tendencies.

    Choosing to weigh doesn't mean that one is only comfortable with what they know and not expanding. It just means they have found a method that works for them.

    I don't know if there are "tendencies" to "understand" as much as there are different methods that people can choose based on their lifestyle, goals, and preferences.

    It's controversial when intelligence or capability is discussed. So we better not go there. But think about this, as most things in life there tends to be superior ways and rudimentary ways. Do you think all fit people need to weigh? The answer is obviously No. If people could get fit without weighing, do you think they would take that option? Yes.

    If people could get fit without counting calories, they'd probably do that too. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with using calorie counting as a tool for weight loss or that the people who choose it are only comfortable with what they know and don't want to expand.

    Food scales, calorie databases, . . . these things are just tools. I don't think one can make assumptions about broader personality traits based on someone choosing to use certain tools for weight loss over others.

    You are getting ahead of yourself. I never said anything wrong with counting. In fact it's the right way if that's all you know and are getting results. Actually there's no right or wrong. It's just effectiveness and the cost of it. Many people still use shovels to move dirt. Then, there are those who use tractors. :)

    To me counting is just a rudimentary approach to controlling weight.

    Hm. I am feeling some type of way about food weighers being compared to people who use shovels to move dirt (implication: ineffective and labor intensive, not worth it) versus people who use tractors (implication: effective and not very labor intensive, worth it) despite all the testimonials of people who count their calories.
    You'd already stated your point. There is no need to insult calorie counters because it's not the way you'd do it.

    It comes down to personality. You could see what I said negative or you could see positive. Your choice.

    I still like to throw that out there in case those who find counting tedious and not long term and wish to find another approach or just gain a bit more confidence.

    Edit: indeed I just read that the OP is one of the people who states ".At some point I hope to not have to log in and count calories..at some point in my life, I hope to have learned what is what.."
  • philippakate197
    philippakate197 Posts: 125 Member
    I weigh everything except celery and cucumber.

    I lost around 30lb without weighing, just eyeballing portions and choosing healthier foods but eventually the weight stopped coming off. When I joined mfp and started weighing food, the losses began again. I'm a 5'1 female and my wiggle room is just too small to guess calories.

    I don't take my scale out of the house and just guess at calories eaten out (which is rare) or at friends houses and I don't worry about it. But I can only do that because I have a precise handle on things the rest of the time. Far from making me worry about my intake, the scale removes any worry because there is no guessing involved. If I don't lose weight one week, I just shrug and keep going, because I know it'll even out eventually.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    edited June 2016
    mathiseasy wrote: »
    OP, I already saw this side a few weeks in. I realize the body is really good at managing surplus and deficit and in a lot longer than 24 hours. I stopped weighing foods after 2 months in. It's unnecessary to be precise with 1xxx calories. Life (at least mine) is much more spontaneous and up/down than such precision. I have enough worries and I don't need another worry about calories. All the work and concern about foods are pale in comparison to a bit of effort used for self control around foods.

    That said, everyone is different. Many people are comfortable with what they only know and not expanding. It's good that they are losing weight with what they learned on first day. You don't have to, and you cannot, understand everyone's tendencies.

    Choosing to weigh doesn't mean that one is only comfortable with what they know and not expanding. It just means they have found a method that works for them.

    I don't know if there are "tendencies" to "understand" as much as there are different methods that people can choose based on their lifestyle, goals, and preferences.

    It's controversial when intelligence or capability is discussed. So we better not go there. But think about this, as most things in life there tends to be superior ways and rudimentary ways. Do you think all fit people need to weigh? The answer is obviously No. If people could get fit without weighing, do you think they would take that option? Yes.

    If people could get fit without counting calories, they'd probably do that too. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with using calorie counting as a tool for weight loss or that the people who choose it are only comfortable with what they know and don't want to expand.

    Food scales, calorie databases, . . . these things are just tools. I don't think one can make assumptions about broader personality traits based on someone choosing to use certain tools for weight loss over others.

    You are getting ahead of yourself. I never said anything wrong with counting. In fact it's the right way if that's all you know and are getting results. Actually there's no right or wrong. It's just effectiveness and the cost of it. Many people still use shovels to move dirt. Then, there are those who use tractors. :)

    To me counting is just a rudimentary approach to controlling weight.

    Hm. I am feeling some type of way about food weighers being compared to people who use shovels to move dirt (implication: ineffective and labor intensive, not worth it) versus people who use tractors (implication: effective and not very labor intensive, worth it) despite all the testimonials of people who count their calories.
    You'd already stated your point. There is no need to insult calorie counters because it's not the way you'd do it.

    It comes down to personality. You could see what I said negative or you could see positive. Your choice.

    I still like to throw that out there in case those who find counting tedious and not long term and wish to find another approach or just gain a bit more confidence.

    Edit: indeed I just read that the OP is one of the people who states ".At some point I hope to not have to log in and count calories..at some point in my life, I hope to have learned what is what.."

    I fail to see how my personality or the wording of the OP has anything to do with the condescending and insulting tone of your post.
    Whatever, agree to disagree.
  • pcpop7
    pcpop7 Posts: 161 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    OP, I already saw this side a few weeks in. I realize the body is really good at managing surplus and deficit and in a lot longer than 24 hours. I stopped weighing foods after 2 months in. It's unnecessary to be precise with 1xxx calories. Life (at least mine) is much more spontaneous and up/down than such precision. I have enough worries and I don't need another worry about calories. All the work and concern about foods are pale in comparison to a bit of effort used for self control around foods.

    That said, everyone is different. Many people are comfortable with what they only know and not expanding. It's good that they are losing weight with what they learned on first day. You don't have to, and you cannot, understand everyone's tendencies.

    Choosing to weigh doesn't mean that one is only comfortable with what they know and not expanding. It just means they have found a method that works for them.

    I don't know if there are "tendencies" to "understand" as much as there are different methods that people can choose based on their lifestyle, goals, and preferences.

    It's controversial when intelligence or capability is discussed. So we better not go there. But think about this, as most things in life there tends to be superior ways and rudimentary ways. Do you think all fit people need to weigh? The answer is obviously No. If people could get fit without weighing, do you think they would take that option? Yes.

    I do get this comment..

    But, with MFP it is all about numbers.. Everything is about the numbers. Has nothing really to do with getting fit per se, etc....

    If you hate numbers or math, then calorie counting is the absolutely wrong thing for you to be doing and should find an alternate way to achieve your goals.

    Why OP is doing something he despises is what I do not understand.

    There is always more than one way to get to the destination or to the end result, it is what you choose to get you there and the path you choose!

    I really don't understand WHY you think I am doing something I despise? I am a numbers guy..so I love the calorie counting aspect...CICO..I also understand there is more than way..hence the post..asking for WHY you do it..how long you're going to do..always? Forever? Etc etc..At some point I hope to not have to log in and count calories..at some point in my life, I hope to have learned what is what..about how many calories, how much exercise I should get in..etc etc.

    I sort of get it I think. But if by 57 you have not worked out self control and worked out how to do it without tools, what makes you think you will work it out now ?

    I'm 44 myself and been at it for 4 years now getting healthier and weight control being part of that. The scale is a tool like many other tools and frankly I reckon I tried 40 years of my life without the tools and that didn't work out so good hence why I now use them.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    For me, I set my sights on losing weight straight through, without too much preventable mistakes, and I read tons of articles and blogs, and threads here on MFP about the reasons behind the ever so dreaded plateaus. I decided that I would never be that person who struggled to lose weight once she approached her goal range.
    I lost the first 15ish pounds on my own, without logging and weighing, then another couple pounds with just logging, and for the rest of weight loss and into maintenance, I log(ged) and weigh(ed).
    Basically, I tightened up my logging as I neared my goal weight, knowing that underestimating would have a greater impact as I got closer to my goal weight.
    With all of this, I never had trouble losing and maintaining weight consistently.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    "OP, I already saw this side a few weeks in. I realize the body is really good at managing surplus and deficit and in a lot longer than 24 hours. I stopped weighing foods after 2 months in. It's unnecessary to be precise with 1xxx calories. Life (at least mine) is much more spontaneous and up/down than such precision. I have enough worries and I don't need another worry about calories. All the work and concern about foods are pale in comparison to a bit of effort used for self control around foods.

    That said, everyone is different. Many people are comfortable with what they only know and not expanding. It's good that they are losing weight with what they learned on first day. You don't have to, and you cannot, understand everyone's tendencies."

    You wrote:
    Thanks for understanding my thoughts. I certainly did not intend them to alienate people, and it isn't a criticism of their choices. I appreciate the feedback.

    I think I understand what you are feeling and asking which I do not see anything negative. I have been through this thought process -- so I know -- and that's why I've refined my approach to fit my lifestyle.

    My lifestyle consists of: being spontaneous with friends, family members, events when it comes to foods. The flow of dinner time, creative cooking, being happy with the amount of foods and consuming dishes the way they are meant, flexibility, on and on...

    Basically I get to the source of the eating issue. It's self control. I'm no longer naive to see only good things about foods. Foods have their place and time and their own values. That took some training. As soon as I have that perspective, controlling myself around foods has become so much easier and ironically foods also taste much better (I don't skim, abuse, and I get healthier, that kind of things).

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I began this as Obese II with no scale. I lost a bunch of weight, then got a scale. I lost a bunch more weight. Now I am Obese I. Many successful maintainers don't use a scale and that's ok. People were healthy eating a moderate variety of foods long before digital scales were invented. I'm going to keep using my scale and logging every 1 or 2 gram variety in a stalk of celery just because I'm fascinated with the knowledge. When I get close to my goal and when the rate of change is very slow and the calorie deficit is 250, I certainly will use the scale because that's when it matters most. For most of us in the Obese ranges, the scale is a teaching instrument that teaches you why you're not losing despite your protestations of starvation mode. Not you directly, @BigDaddy58, but you've seen these discussions and you know what I'm talking about.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    Wait till you get to the last 10 lbs. Every morsel matters because you have no margin of error.
    Also, if you come on MFP having never been overweight but trying to get rid of the ever nagging 10 vanity lbs that your body has liked holding onto, you have to be precise.

    Having said that, I'm a numbers nerd, and I like logging, but I mainly weigh calorie dense things like pasta, butter,oil. But if I buy a bag of halo tangerines and they appear to be uniform in size, I only weigh the first one and use that amount over and over till the bag is gone.

    Not because I mind using a scale, but sometimes just as a time saver.

    I've also learned that while losing the last 10 lbs, and aiming for the recommended 1/2 lb per week loss that I have to aim for a higher 300 calorie deficit to lose weight. Either that, or WEiGH EVERYTHING!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2016
    Like some others have said, I still use my scale because I find it a lot easier than messing with measuring cups. I used a scale to bake for years before using it for dieting, so it doesn't seem weird to me.

    I'm currently at maintenance and not logging, but I still weigh some things because it's helpful. I suck at estimating pasta or oatmeal or the like and don't see any reason to pull out less accurate measuring cups when the scale is easier. I like having a serving of ice cream after dinner, so I weigh it out when I do. I'm not obsessive about getting it right to the gram, but measuring keeps me honest. Same with meat and cheese and cottage cheese (which I love). With ice cream or cottage cheese a scale is FAR easier than getting out measuring implements (put bowl on scale and add ice cream until I hit the right amount). For meat, well, weight is the normal way to do it anyway. I could eyeball, but for me weighing is part of the cooking process. I sometimes still find myself dumping veggies on the scale after I chop even though there's no reason to. But sometimes it makes me think "you know, I really should have a little more."
    Otherwise I use the information listed on the package or what MFP has for it.

    Other than things like pasta (which like I said, I suck at estimating) or ice cream, most of what I eat has no package.

    I started with lots to lose and lost the first chunk without weighing, because I was afraid it would feel burdensome. I mainly estimated. I lost fine, because I knew how to eat to lose weight and tracking was helpful. When I got more specific I realized I was undereating (I had already as I was losing 3 lb/week, but was scared to add back in some higher cal foods). Being more accurate helped me with that.

    I eventually learned about tracking accurately (using the USDA entries and weighing) because I found it fun. I may decide to lose more weight (I'm 125 now), and while I maybe could without weighing I'd likely weigh again because for me it's motivating and a fun part of the process. I go out to eat often enough at places with no calorie listing, so even when I'm weighing I'm always aware there's imperfections.

    I think a lot of people who question it like you did assume that it's more burdensome than it is. I find making recipes a burden and so rarely do it (I list out all my ingredients separately unless the dish makes it impossible to do that), but weighing for me is no burden -- less of one than spending time estimating, as I learned when I switched. (The worst part of logging for me is having to estimate restaurant meals, so I typically just guess at the calories.)
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »

    The most probable side effects of excessive deficits are:
    --increased risk of non compliance
    --increased loss of lean mass
    --increased adaptive thermogenesis

    YMMV :smiley:
    I would like to ask so I could learn...

    How much is excessive? And how long does this excessiveness have to take place before we run into the increased risks?

    What is YMMV? :)