

  • debbierichardson7186
    debbierichardson7186 Posts: 45 Member
    I need some help. Am exhausted after only 30 minutes of very slow walking, even taking a shower and getting dressed is hard to accomplish. Am eating 1200-1500 calories a day and getting enough macros. I have cut out sugars, bread, pasta and processed food. Am seeing Dr Tuesday and dietitian on Friday. Has anyone else had this problem? I thought my body was just adjusting but it has been over 6 weeks. I refuse to give up heathy eating but I need energy!

    Debbie in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Back again to tell you about this morning's visit, which was to Pyramiden, an old Russian coal mining town, just up a way from Longyearbyen. It was created as a model of communism, with wonderful facilities, employing over 1,000 people. In 1998 it was just abandoned and left as it was, with school rooms, music rooms, gym, theatre etc still there. A ghost town. Fascinating. We got to the jetty by tender and then we were walked round the complex, set amongst stunning Arctic scenery, with mountains and glaciers. We were provided with coffee and cake before we were shipped back.
    Obviously, the most disabled passengers were not able to do this trip, but it was very touching to see quite old people determinedly dragging themselves up and down difficult steps, not giving up, but determined to live life to the full. It felt like a miracle that we had made it ashore, in this strange place, so near the North Pole. A place frozen in a lost era. And all these gallant old people determined, as they said, to "keep going". Brought tears to my eyes. <3

    This afternoon, after the "Queen's Birthday Tea", we are going out on the ship's tender again to Barentsburg. This is a mining town still occupied by the Russians with working facilities. We will be back for dinner.

    This morning, after we got back from Pyramid en, DH and I got ourselves down to the gym. I did rowing and cycling. He did elliptical. Afterwards we went for lunch and, quite by accident, we were sitting next to the Captain and his wife, so we had a nice chat.

    Love to all. Blowing a kiss across the water to Penny.

    Heather, about to enter the Russian remains. :D
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Heather and Penny~ just love hearing about your meeting and lovely tour.. amazing how things and people are amazingly brought together huh?
    I made a blueberry heirloom cake for Tom to have for snacks during the week and the laundry is done.. took Homer aka Killer down to visit and as usual he was the hit of the morning.. DFIL had his breakfast and we came home and had ours.. Tom is our working on the bulkhead project and then will go and do the hedges,,, I have to sweep and wash the floors and pack a little more for my trip...
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    CarolNC, it’s good to see you. I only wish you were feeling a bit more chipper. (that does not sound grammatically correct, but you get the idea.) Too bad you can’t find a place that needs a good teacher for computer programs.

    CarolGA, I thought you had a new name for a minute there. Lol

    Janetr, thanks for the message from Chris.

    Marcelyn, that’s scary about your sister. I’ll keep her in my prayers. Have a great trip! And I don’t mind being called old because I think I’m an Oldie but a Goodie!

    Janetr, I feel the same way about our friends from all over the world getting to meet. You just verbalized it so much better than I could. Isn’t it fun???? <3

    Barbie, the party for your dance teacher sounds like a huge success. That was so nice of you and I know she will remember it forever.

    Charleen, a big congrats on your checkup. Isn’t it wonderful to see yourself getting healthier? And staying busy around the house and garden is certainly exercise in my book. It’s about moving and not just what we do at a gym. Good for you and keep up the great work!!!

    Glo, congratulation on getting rid of that 36#. So glad your DH is doing well. I can’t imagine what you both went through. Now to start working on the next pound. Keep up the good work.

    Kathy02, welcome. You joined by posting. We are easy, what can I say? This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us more about yourself to help us get to know you. Also please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. We have ladies from all over and what part of the mid-west are you in?

    Larisa, I’m doing a happy dance for you on getting the scale to budge. I hope one of these years it will happen for me again. funny-dancing-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Carey, I posted for the week when I went on my cruise but lost my day count. I don’t know what I could have done differently. If it works for you let me know. There is a place on MFP that you can reset your count to what it should be. Barbie gave us the link but I didn’t keep it.

    Janetr, Charro is too cute hiding her eyes.

    Sally, welcome. Come often and you should find plenty of motivation. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Allie, I hope you both have a good time at the concert tonight.

    NYKaren, you must have really impressed the lady at the party with your loss. That is quite a compliment!

    Heather, so glad you had a great time at the top of the world. It is still just mind boggling to me that we all feel so connected and like we are sharing the experience with you. What fun! I just love reading about all your adventures. I’m guessing your DH is feeling better.

    Kelly, how nice to get your mower repaired at no charge. mowing-the-lawn-smiley-emoticon.gif Sometimes the simplest things can be expensive fixes. DH is out mowing our yard right now and I need to get out and do some work.

    Debbie, I’m glad you are seeing a doctor because your lack of energy could be something physical other than your diet. Keep us posted. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    Morning peeps -

    Cssj09 I'm a Mexican and I must be stupid, I don't know what a Mexican train is either

    As far as the bike thing goes - whe u go to a bike shops and tell them what kind of biking be doing, they'll know what kind of tire you will use for the bike. True VERY true, the fatter the tire, the slower you are. I ONLY do road/city riding so for my summer bike, tires are really skinny and it has 16 gears. My winter bike has slightly fatter tires and that has 27 gears. Those big fat tires you see on the road with lots of deep tread? Those guys are slugs on the road, they are not meant for speed at all. So it is really important on what kind of biking you'll be doing. Depending on how often you'll be doing it will determine how much you end up paying. Most people are "fair weather" riders, only out there whe the sun is out and it's nice. I am not, I'm a year round rider.

    Gonna go spin and get more miles in at the gym. Still 2nd place female in WA. Haven't been able to get back to running. The next mile session is supposed to be 1/2 marathon, 13.1 mi. Haven't been running cuz of this June biking goal.

    Later peeps
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Beth thank you for asking how I am doing. I am doing okay. I think I am getting myself busy doing house projects since I do not have school to keep my mind from getting to bogged down in trouble with DS and DH. Today I am going to try to create a vertical planter made from a pallet we got when we had a new toilet delivered. I watched as someone made a planter from one, but that involves cutting it and putting it back together. I also someone just use the pallet as is. The creativity of others astounds me.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday I had the worst pedi, ever. The young woman is new and not skilled. I called the owner of the shop and told her about the problem. Rather than be mean about it, I paid the ridiculous price for poor service & made an appointment with a skilled person for a couple of weeks from now. Hopefully, the other gals in the shop will help her get up to speed. I won't make an appointment with her again in the foreseeable future, though. :noway:

    I keep wondering about Becca and her DH. I hope things are okay for them. :heart:

    Riding lesson today! The forecast calls for rain, possible lightning, and sun peeks. I am planning to have a good time on this cloudy day regardless of the weather. Thank goodness there is a covered arena. :bigsmile:


  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    N Pole Penny ~ Y'all look so happy! Thanks for sharing.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Penny ... You are incredibly brave cooking for Heather!! :smiley:

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather & Penny - I am so happy that you both enjoyed meeting each other and exploring Penny 's beautiful area! Great pictures and I agree that you both look so happy!

    Rest day for my weights and Kettlebell.

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge

    6 miles

    Now to get to work on painting and grouting!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. It will take some time but as I read the posts I'm sure I'll get a better understanding of who everyone is.

    My name is Kathy but some of my friends call me Kat. I live in Illinois. I was never the skinny girl but my overeating problems really started after marrying and having kids. Been married over 40 years and the struggle never ends. MFP is what has helped me over the last year. I'm a carb lover and my problem is wanting to "graze" on them all day. Weight is a struggle every single day as I'm sure you'd all agree.

    So there's a little intro on me. Hope to get to know everyone better over time.

    Linda in IA, what part are you from?

    Kat in Illinois
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Kat, I started MFP when I was 62 years old after decades of keeping my weight in check in the 180's but not losing. I didn't think this would work for me, but I took someone's suggestion to plan my food for the day, log it in the food diary, and then stick to the plan "no matter what". At first my food wasn't that great but my goal was to stick to the plan which meant no "grazing" and no impulse snacks and no foods offered to me by other people. Later I improved what I ate by analyzing the food diary to see where the big calorie items were and make changes to foods that had bigger portions for fewer calories. No one was more surprised than I was that I began to lose weight. My first NSV (non scale victory) was that my underwear wasn't so tight. I took joy in the discipline of following my plan and noticing changes without waiting for someone else to notice.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good Morning girls. Yes, good morning. I am actually up in the AM and it was on my own, not an appointment or church. Well actually it's because of church tomorrow morning. With Charlie's surgery, it's been several weeks since I have gotten up at 8 AM to get to Sunday School in time so I am up. But with my Ambien, I am finally getting some really good night's sleep.

    Love the pictures and reading about Penny and Heather's day. For some reason I was thinking it was going to be more than 1 day. Yes, Penny was brave for cooking for Heather. I would have loved to see that museum.

    I know what some of you mean about not feeling like you are part of the group. On another one of my forums i am on, if I want to stop a forum, all I have to do is post. I mean that thread is then dead. No one posts on it again. But it does take time for us to get to know you and you to know us. Just jump in when you can, post to one or two people. Make yourselves memorable, use some cute graphics. But once a person posts, you are stuck with us and we want to get to know you and bring you in.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well it is pouring here and will continue into the night..Tom got the hedges done just in time ,i went out and helped and swept and washed the floors,and now sitting...my left foot really hurts so gonna stay off it for a couple of hours..
    well off I go for now...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol (Peach) GA - here is Charro 0ju1myvc39i0.jpg
    when she was much littler and I was much bigger :)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    AWWW! How sweet Charro is. She reminds me of my Pom when he is clipped. He looks like an overgrown Chihuahua!
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thanks Barbie. Been trying to get myself in line. I feel like I've been struggling since the first of the year.

    I also am a night person. After supper snacking is a big problem for me. During the day is good and then I can completely blow it between 9:00 and midnight. Still working on how to get a handle on that.

    Some people don't know how lucky they are. I met a gal that told me her weight has always has stayed within ten pounds her entire life and she has never dieted. I just smiled because if you're all thinking what I was thinking... Well, it wasn't worth the jail time.

    Kat in Illinois
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member