People just aren't getting it.



  • imjustlisa
    imjustlisa Posts: 79 Member
    now this I like! well said, it can't get any more simple than that!
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    So TRUE!!! People ask me all the time what my secret is.....I tell them I'm doing it the right way this time. I exercise 5 days a week and I count my calories. Pretty damn simple...calories in vs. calories out. No real secret. I took my time at first and made small changes like trying to make better choices and exercise and then after 6 months started counting calories after I hit a plateau. U have to take your time and see what works for you. This IS a lifestyle change. It's for the rest of your life and if your trying to take the easy way out it won't work long term. Thanks for the post!!!!
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Wow, you are so correct! Weight loss is hard work, but pays off if you do it right. There is no magic pill. The true is painful for some people at times.
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    2 thumbs up from me:drinker:
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Well said. But I bet you said it better the first time.

    I had been thinking about gastric bypass but knew that if I couldn't take the weight off myself I'd never get it off or keep it off even with a surgery. My husband kept saying it's just simple math... take in less and put out more. It is hard work but for the first time in my life I feel so good. I know I'm just getting started but now when I hear people complain about weight I see what they eat and just smile because I can't lose and eat that and that and that and that and then not work out. It just doesn't work.
  • Rexie83
    Rexie83 Posts: 16 Member
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I would disagree on the 5 minutes a day aspect. I think that's an excellent start, and is perfectly sustainable.

    I would also disagree with your method of expressing yourself. No one likes being told they're wrong. Even if you are right, people are going to want you to be wrong. You've probably done more harm than good here.

    People need to come to conclusions in their own time. You can't force them.

    Edit; oh hey, I guess I was mistaken. Well done, then.:)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    OP's got a cute face.

    That's really all I have to add so...I'll just leave that here.
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I get a great deal of what you're saying. However I will add something to this that you may not have thought of. I personally am using a weight loss clinic, run by a Dr. I am limiting my calorie intake, excersizing & making healthier choices for food. I consume alot of fresh fruits & veggies as well. I also drink 6-8 glasses or more of water a day. I also am making damn sure that this is how I keep it after I am finished. I take the lipotropic injections one time a week & I take 1/2 a phentermine everyday at lunch time. I also sometimes choose a meal replacement bar or slim fast shake for breakfast or lunch.

    I understand that you may think I am taking the easy way out or being lazy & not working for it, but I can assure you 100% that that is NOT the truth. While I may have taken a little boost to help me, I am most deffinatly still putting alot into this.

    I also did Weight Watcher's from Jan 1st, 2011 to April 1st, 2011. I lost 28lbs & kept it all off for over a month with portion control & watching what I ate.

    So while yes, fad diets that you use, but do not put anything into it will not get you anywhere in the end. However using a weight loss clinic as a boost while working out, watching calories & eating right does not make someone lazy, stupid or wrong. It just makes things a little easier. Also I understand that it may not work for everyone or be something everyone wants to do or is even comfortable doing. I however am 100% happy with what I am doing & will continue to do it.
  • sinsaria
    sinsaria Posts: 30
    I wish I could have seen the earlier edition of the original post....I love no holds barred honesty.

    Nothing good in life is easy.
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I've already posted this once... but apparently I was too harsh and got my post deleted. So I'll tone it down.

    That was much nicer...thank you! :wink: But it's the truth and every day I try and work my hardest to put myself in a place I haven't been in a long time. It's not going to happen sitting here reading MFP all day...oh wait a minute, that's what I've been doing...I better go and do something constructive now!! :smile:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am so sick of the "give me a food plan" and "what are you eating". No one wants to do anything for themselves. If they want a food plan they should go to Jenny Craig or something like that. It is a shame that people are so lazy they can't ever look up a healthy recipes or go to the store and read a freaken lable.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I am so sick of the "give me a food plan" and "what are you eating". No one wants to do anything for themselves. If they want a food plan they should go to Jenny Craig or something like that. It is a shame that people are so lazy they can't ever look up a healthy recipes or go to the store and read a freaken lable.

    Like! thumbup
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I agree with your pst totally. But you may as well save your breath for people who are ready to accept reality and WANT to hear your opinion. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am so sick of the "give me a food plan" and "what are you eating". No one wants to do anything for themselves. If they want a food plan they should go to Jenny Craig or something like that. It is a shame that people are so lazy they can't ever look up a healthy recipes or go to the store and read a freaken lable.

    Why are you sick of it, and if you are sick of it why are you on a weight loss/fitness message board? What do you think people are going to post here?? And if you read many of the posts on this sight you've no doubt seen that there are many that really and truly don't know how to make up a healthy eating plan. I see nothing wrong with asking those that have had success what worked for them. It's no more or less work to look for help here than it is to look for a help via Google. When someone asks for help they ARE doing it for themselves.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I am so sick of the "give me a food plan" and "what are you eating". No one wants to do anything for themselves. If they want a food plan they should go to Jenny Craig or something like that. It is a shame that people are so lazy they can't ever look up a healthy recipes or go to the store and read a freaken lable.

    Why are you sick of it, and if you are sick of it why are you on a weight loss/fitness message board? What do you think people are going to post here?? And if you read many of the posts on this sight you've no doubt seen that there are many that really and truly don't know how to make up a healthy eating plan. I see nothing wrong with asking those that have had success what worked for them. It's no more or less work to look for help here than it is to look for a help via Google. When someone asks for help they ARE doing it for themselves.

    I think shes referring to the people that arent asking for help, they want pre-packaged meals given to them so they don't have to learn portion control or healthy choices.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am so sick of the "give me a food plan" and "what are you eating". No one wants to do anything for themselves. If they want a food plan they should go to Jenny Craig or something like that. It is a shame that people are so lazy they can't ever look up a healthy recipes or go to the store and read a freaken lable.

    Why are you sick of it, and if you are sick of it why are you on a weight loss/fitness message board? What do you think people are going to post here?? And if you read many of the posts on this sight you've no doubt seen that there are many that really and truly don't know how to make up a healthy eating plan. I see nothing wrong with asking those that have had success what worked for them. It's no more or less work to look for help here than it is to look for a help via Google. When someone asks for help they ARE doing it for themselves.

    I think shes referring to the people that arent asking for help, they want pre-packaged meals given to them so they don't have to learn portion control or healthy choices.

    That's a little more understandable, but doesn't really sound like a "what are you eating" question. I'm more than happy to share what has worked for me with anyone that wants to hear it.
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    2 thumbs up! :)
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    YES YES YES!!!!!!
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Yes Yes Yes!
    I previously have tried so many "fads" and they never worked. I just got fatter everytime I went off and gained it all back and then some.
    With MFP and daily exercise/stretching I am losing the weight, feel awesome and find myself with a lot of energy and happiness. I am proud of losing it the right way and I have even encouraged friends and family to join MFP and do it the right way. I keep my calorie intake down, I am learning what I can and can't eat. I still even get sweets, just not whole boxes of cookies and cartons of ice cream. Portion sizes are important and the exercise really helps.
    Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's ok it isn't falling off super fast, because it didn't get put on super fast. It's a process and a life change.
    Thankfully the community here is supportive, as is my family. I am sometimes afraid of what it'll be like when I reach my goal, and how I will feel about how I look, but I set that aside and just enjoy the greatness I feel working it off every day!
    My favorite thing is when I finish my log for the day and it tells me what I would weigh in 5 weeks if every day were like today. Makes me smile! Even on the bad days.

    Thanks for reminding everyone the right way to do it!