People just aren't getting it.



  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I have to agree here, I have lost over 60lbs, people ask me what the trick was... No tricks, I work out 6 days a week and I watch what I eat. I know that everyone has to reach their own place before the can truly change their life but it really comes down to hard work and making a serious change in your life style.
  • Sistasarita
    Sistasarita Posts: 39 Member
    The only reason I even remotely get it is my place of employment. When I got hired on at the Dept of Public Health in the Nutrition Program I was all about the drive-thru. It wasn't until after I drank the organic, gluten free, fresh squeezed "kool aid" that I started to get it. My environment began to shape my food choices. The cube walls here are covered with fresh fruits and vegetables. Recipe cards and even cook books are in our break rooms.

    If I worked somewhere else I would still be all about the drive thru and skinny fat. Hell I'm still skinny fat with some hella nasty Slim Fast in the cupboard because it was affordable. What I'm saying is people have to start somewhere, farmboy and farmboy band wagon. We all have to crawl before we walk. It is not very enlightened or educated for walkers to look back at crawlers and condemn them for not knowing how to walk yet. This journey called life is individual for a reason.

    Lastly, discussion boards are for discussion. Period. Ones we may want to get involved with and ones we may not. Applaud the whiners and us stupid people for even being here. We won't stay stupid forever. I mean damn you didn't, did you?
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    I totally agree with you!!!
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
    I was just having this conversation with one of my friends.
    We are all in a wedding ( four months from now) and we've started working out togethr to lose weight (long term for me) with the wedding being th kick in the butt.
    TOday she told me she is ona 5 day protein only diet to be followed be ... *insert jibberish here*
    I tried tell her, we're working out HARD and your body needs healthy carbs, not just protein...
    She got down right angry with me.
    I know this road... feel exhiliration because you are going to DO this but using extreme short term means to see the scale move and then when you've reached a wall because it's not sustainable you go equally hard in the opposite direction... I know because I've done it.
    But, unfortunately, some people need to learn on their own mistakes, like I did.
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    You are on point period. Working out is hard work, no doubt, but anything that comes to easy may not be worth having. Just my opinion.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member

    If I worked somewhere else I would still be all about the drive thru and skinny fat. Hell I'm still skinny fat with some hella nasty Slim Fast in the cupboard because it was affordable. What I'm saying is people have to start somewhere, farmboy and farmboy band wagon. We all have to crawl before we walk. It is not very enlightened or educated for walkers to look back at crawlers and condemn them for not knowing how to walk yet. This journey called life is individual for a reason.

  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49

    I mostly agree with you... but sometimes a milestone is exactly what someone needs to get that kick in the pants.

    I have been incredibly motivated by my friends wedding (four months from now) to lose 40 pounds... I am a bridesmaid and my ex, the man I thought I was going to marry, will be there with a new girlfriend. Proving to him AND myself that I can do this has lit a fire that suprises even me.
    However, that is the first 40 pounds...
    I have a long term goal to lose the 90 pounds with 4 months being the set time marker.

    Just saying... not everyones motivation is the same, and that doesn't make it any more or less effective.
  • mxmandani
    mxmandani Posts: 109
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I find all the fads people post interesting. I know the pro's and cons b/c I have a head on my shoulders but everyone here is also an adult and if they want to try it, go for it – its your body. If we didn't have people posting the juice diet, the 17-day diet, atkins and paleo we'd have nothing but a bunch of people complaining that many items in the database are incorrect or fighting for/against starvation mode and that wouldn’t make for much of a forum.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    The only reason I even remotely get it is my place of employment. When I got hired on at the Dept of Public Health in the Nutrition Program I was all about the drive-thru. It wasn't until after I drank the organic, gluten free, fresh squeezed "kool aid" that I started to get it. My environment began to shape my food choices. The cube walls here are covered with fresh fruits and vegetables. Recipe cards and even cook books are in our break rooms.

    If I worked somewhere else I would still be all about the drive thru and skinny fat. Hell I'm still skinny fat with some hella nasty Slim Fast in the cupboard because it was affordable. What I'm saying is people have to start somewhere, farmboy and farmboy band wagon. We all have to crawl before we walk. It is not very enlightened or educated for walkers to look back at crawlers and condemn them for not knowing how to walk yet. This journey called life is individual for a reason.

    Lastly, discussion boards are for discussion. Period. Ones we may want to get involved with and ones we may not. Applaud the whiners and us stupid people for even being here. We won't stay stupid forever. I mean damn you didn't, did you?

    This is a great, compassionate post. Thank you for it.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I hate the "maybe your gaining muscle" posts too. a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same!!! muscle just takes up more VOLUME!!!!! ugh.. annoying..
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    Some straight talking at last. People need to stop ***** footing around and get on with it.
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    I really didn't swear above - it's just a wrod we brits use for young cats.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Yep. I agree with you.

    I get messages ALL the time begging for my secret to weight loss...

    I burn more calories than I eat. I eat in moderation. I don't gorge on McDonald's or other "junk". I don't drink pop. I've busted my behind at the gym.

    I feel like if *I* can do this - I was a junk food a holic and loved Mt Dew - AND - I have steel rods and pins in my spine - ANYONE CAN DO IT! But, you have to WANT IT!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I think the world has plenty of sheeple that will not speak up and say the truth because they might offend someone or hurt someone's feelings.

    I'll go ahead and say the truth. If its the truth, you need to hear it.

    My boss told me I need to "Sometimes put a Politically correct filter on." lol...

    I you know "the truth" and that gives you the right to put others down and insult them. Now I get where you were coming from when you posted yesterday...

    I'm not insulting anyone or putting them down.

    Im saying they need to get real and quit lying to themselves. Besides, not once have I pointed out an individual and said "so and so is a lazy butt". If this post applys to someone, they knew it when they read it, and they know its the truth.

    I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Im trying to get them to realize that if they want results, they need to change.
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I find all the fads people post interesting. I know the pro's and cons b/c I have a head on my shoulders but everyone here is also an adult and if they want to try it, go for it – its your body. If we didn't have people posting the juice diet, the 17-day diet, atkins and paleo we'd have nothing but a bunch of people complaining that many items in the database are incorrect or fighting for/against starvation mode and that wouldn’t make for much of a forum.

    Actually, you might have a valid point there ;)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Totally agree....except gastric bi-passes do seem to work.
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
    I hate the "maybe your gaining muscle" posts too. a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same!!! muscle just takes up more VOLUME!!!!! ugh.. annoying..

    Muscle take us less volume.
    One pound of muscle takes up one tenth the space of fat... and has the added benefit of increasing your bodies base metabolic rate... #JustSayn'
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Sorry I mixed that up!! but you know what i mean!! LOL