People just aren't getting it.



  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Agreed. I get so pi$$3d seeing all these commercials for the next EASIEST weight loss machine or pill or powder. All I know is that when I get to my goal weight....I'll know I have busted my *kitten* every step of the way.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Agreed. I wish I could've seen the more liberal post.

    The other post was good....maybe it was deleted because the title was "people are stupid"? Haha, but I agree =)
  • Justcallmejenny
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Where is the "like" button when you need it. Great post.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Had someone ask me the other day how I had done it and I said hard work. They said they didn't want to do that. They wanted something easy. LOL> So I wished them luck and walked away. Really?! Good luck with that....
  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    True that!
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Amen Brother! There this lady in the office and she's been on every diet and meals you can think off and she doesnt get it. She'll do weight watchers, then if she needs to lose wgt fast, she'll do Atkins then go back to WW or her slim fast shake that she mixes with frozen yogurt...JEEZ!!! And she makes fun of me when im eating every 3 hours to keep my metabolism up
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    ummm WHATEVER/ i lost 35 lbs on diet pills alone. OK IM LYING. I got NOTHING. good stuff. i actually did try diet pills...several times and NOTHING works LONG TERM except a healthy diet and some good ol fashioned exercise.
  • chardawg80
    chardawg80 Posts: 31 Member
    Well said my friend....great post!
  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    I also hate it that some of these people spend MAJOR bucks on these fads - we just had a friend join a pyramid weight scheme that cost $2,500!!!! How sad! All they needed to do was watch their nutrition and begin exercising! However, they don't want to listen. So I continue smiling, and losing weight for FREE :happy:
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    doing it the real way (lowering calories.. upping exercising) is the only way the weight will stay off because you are changing your life and your habits... not just popping a pill everyday!

    the weight doesn't come on overnight and so it sure as heck won't come off overnight!

    i read in someone's signature... " i ate my way here and i will eat my way out!" that is so true!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Another thing that doesn't work is throwing blanket statements around. Some aspects of a couple of the things you listed are quite useful to those who know how to use them. I have very low carb days as part of my training plan.

    Many of those fad diets are based on sound principles, but applied as if they can be used all the time, which is what doesn't work. Some people respond very well to a carb-controlled diet, and starving one's self can be great as a part of an intermittent fasting plan. Every now and then I starve myself for a day and I feel amazing afterward. And although I don't recomend it to the average person, I took a couple pills called an EC stack to help me stay on my cutting diet. I'd still be using them to cut if I was still training for looks alone, and they are great for a more advanced athlete.

    I love playing devil's advocate. . .hell, I'm doing it right now, but simply saying something "doesn't work" doesn't help anybody. Establish why it doesn't work and you'll realize what parts of the fads (which are always oversimplified, which is why they seem so easy) you can actually use and what parts need tossing out.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I think including bulemia is probably what got your other post deleted. I will say I was amazed at all the support you got for your post. I posted about your weight being just a number and why not share it and I got several comments that I was right but totally insensitive and not one person has accused you of insensitivity, lol.

    I agree with your post and theory 1000% but unfortunately not everyone is ready, willing or able to hear it or begin accomplishing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Yes this is true!

    Try to have a little patience. People come from different backgrounds. Some people here are trying to lose weight for the first time, and yes others are trying for the "umpteenth" time.

    Some people come from a background where fast food for most meals is the norm. Healthy food? What's that?

    If you were raised on burgers & fries (fries are a vegetable right?) - you have more to learn than those of us who raised on healthy foods (and still got fat!).
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I've already posted this once... but apparently I was too harsh and got my post deleted. So I'll tone it down.

    I keep reading post after post after post about piss poor dieting and weight loss tips and fads. When are you people going to get it. There is no short cuts. At all. NONE. None of the fad diets are sustainable!

    If you want to have a sustainable, FIT and healthy body, you have to put in the work. NOTHING ELSE Works except for hard work, sweat, commitment, dedication, proper nutrition and more hard work. NOTHING.

    No matter how many times people lose weight and gain it all back again with unhealthy fad diets, THEY KEEP DOING IT, and then trying the next one!!!!!!

    Here's a few tips:
    Starving yourself doesn't work.
    "Fat Cleansers" don't work.
    Filler diets (Stuffing yourself with special fillers so you aren't hungry) don't work.
    Diet pills don't work.
    "Eat anything you want" diets don't work.
    "5 Minutes a day" exercises don't work.
    No Carb diets don't work.
    Diet salts don't work.
    Pre-Packaged meals don't work.
    Stomach Stapling doesn't work.

    You might see short term losses using some of these methods, but you won't be healthier, and its not LONG term sustainable.

    There is no shortcuts, there's no compromising. You wanna be healthy and have the body you dream of? Put in the damn work. If you AREN'T going to put in the work, don't come whining on the boards about not losing weight. It's your own fault.

    I know it sounds cliche, but this REALLY IS a life change. You are changing everything about the way you see and treat food and your health.

    P.S. Yes, this is toned down.

    LIGHTEN UP!!! YOU are NOT ANYONE'S Keeper or Master. People have a RIGHT to DO Stupid Stuff >>>As Long as Their Stupid Stuff Does NOT Hurt ANYONE BUT THEM!

    Just get off of your BandWagon, are You some type of control freak...You Do You and Let Them Do Them. People are NOT Stupid, most are just Weak!
  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    Yep, Yep -- true that! You are absolutely right, and as someone, who at one time was uninformed and tried all the stupid fad diets, blah-blah-blah, I know you are 100% correct. No short cuts, only hard work will get us there and KEEP us there!


    Have a great, healthy day everyone!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yes you are right.....but i don't understand why you seem so angry about it. It's upto the individual to do what they want, just like you don't have to read or reply to their posts!

    A friend of mine is always complaining she doesn't lose weight as she runs so much, indeed she does...she hasn't taken on board what i've said about eating take outs every night, so I leave her to it! Her life, her choice.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    agreed! and to all those lazy people who want to take a pill to lose weight? did they take one to get fat? probably not... so it isnt coming off that way either! don't be worried about all the time that you will have to put in to loosing weight- the time will pass any way, the only question is if you want to spend that time on your *kitten* and miserable or do you want to spend that time bettering your life and your body?? GREAT POST! :)

    I must say I agree with the post, not the tone. However, I really disagree when you say "lazy people who want to lose weight taking a pill." First of all, laziness might be true for some, but there are definitely other reasons...some people might have low confidence, depression, lack of discipline, never had good eating habits, etc....not to mention the biological causes for being overwieght( hormonal inbalances such as leptin, thyroid problems, etc).

    In a physiology class my professor told us to watch it before we judge someone for their weight
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    I'm scared of diet pills.
    As far as low carb, if you're doing that then you'd be high protein and/or high fat, most likely high fat. lose money. I do high protein and low fat and let the carbs fall where they may.
    I eat packaged meals, not proud of it but I track sodium so I have a balance.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Agreed. I wish I could've seen the more liberal post.

    Hehehee.... it basically revolved around "You people are retarded, and you need to get real".