People just aren't getting it.



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Another thing that doesn't work is throwing blanket statements around. Some aspects of a couple of the things you listed are quite useful to those who know how to use them. I have very low carb days as part of my training plan.

    Many of those fad diets are based on sound principles, but applied as if they can be used all the time, which is what doesn't work. Some people respond very well to a carb-controlled diet, and starving one's self can be great as a part of an intermittent fasting plan. Every now and then I starve myself for a day and I feel amazing afterward. And although I don't recomend it to the average person, I took a couple pills called an EC stack to help me stay on my cutting diet. I'd still be using them to cut if I was still training for looks alone, and they are great for a more advanced athlete.

    I love playing devil's advocate. . .hell, I'm doing it right now, but simply saying something "doesn't work" doesn't help anybody. Establish why it doesn't work and you'll realize what parts of the fads (which are always oversimplified, which is why they seem so easy) you can actually use and what parts need tossing out.
    Oh, BLABLABLA..................................................................

    Thanks for adding to the conversation.

    Did already! Maybe if you would read some of the post besides your own.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Had someone ask me the other day how I had done it and I said hard work. They said they didn't want to do that. They wanted something easy. LOL> So I wished them luck and walked away. Really?! Good luck with that....

    Amen! Why do people look so flippin' surprised when they ask me what my 'secret' is and I tell them "eating healthy and exercise" ... do they really think I have some magical power or 'secret' I'm keeping all to myself? LOL ...
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    Had someone ask me the other day how I had done it and I said hard work. They said they didn't want to do that. They wanted something easy. . .

    Next time tell 'em "get a knife and cut your tongue out." quick. simple. effective.
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    LOVE IT!!
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    The only diet we all need is "The Human Diet" Search the threads for it...It's new and cutting edge and I think it'll work...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    MFP is full of knee jerk type folks who get their panties in a wad when someone tells them what they are doing is a bad idea. They just don't want to hear that it's not an easy fix for anyone, whether you are trying to maintain, lose, or gain. Weight control is a lifetime of work and dedication.

    That being said, I get the anger, but its like beating a dead horse. No use. People have to come around on their own.

  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Agreed! I love it when someone asks me how I am losing weight. When I answer working out every day and eating right, they say they don't have that much time. Hmm. Really? Try walking around the block instead of driving thru Mcdonalds. Takes the same amount of time. Gah!
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    such words of wisdom from such a young'un. How great that you figured it out early in life rather than waiting 30 years like some of us ;).
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    agreed! and to all those lazy people who want to take a pill to lose weight? did they take one to get fat? probably not... so it isnt coming off that way either! don't be worried about all the time that you will have to put in to loosing weight- the time will pass any way, the only question is if you want to spend that time on your *kitten* and miserable or do you want to spend that time bettering your life and your body?? GREAT POST! :)

    I must say I agree with the post, not the tone. However, I really disagree when you say "lazy people who want to lose weight taking a pill." First of all, laziness might be true for some, but there are definitely other reasons...some people might have low confidence, depression, lack of discipline, never had good eating habits, etc....not to mention the biological causes for being overwieght( hormonal inbalances such as leptin, thyroid problems, etc).

    In a physiology class my professor told us to watch it before we judge someone for their weight

    i stand by my original thought that people who do not want to put in effort to do anything- not just weight loss- are lazy. If you are looking for a pill, then that means you do not want to do work. I am not saying that people with severe problems such as hypothyroidism/ other significant problems that need to take a pill are lazy, just the people who can do the work, but just wont.I AM NOT JUDGING ANYONE FOR THEIR WEIGHT- i am a big girl and i was bigger before starting this site, however I am wondering why some people who HAVE THE ABILITY to get up, eat better and work out chose to instead try to find a pill to do the work for them.
    Lack of discipline and lack of confidence is not an excuse- it's something you have to work at every day to get change.
    I was diagnosed with depression before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and not once has that changed the fact that diet pills don't help.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Love it!!!! So true..

    I myself have tried every fad diet in the past.. But this time I stuck with a healthy diet and exercise routine and my results have been amazing!!!...

    I Agree with this 100 %

    Awesome results!!! Good for you. Keep it up!!

  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Had someone ask me the other day how I had done it and I said hard work. They said they didn't want to do that. They wanted something easy. LOL> So I wished them luck and walked away. Really?! Good luck with that....

    Amen! Why do people look so flippin' surprised when they ask me what my 'secret' is and I tell them "eating healthy and exercise" ... do they really think I have some magical power or 'secret' I'm keeping all to myself? LOL ...

    Same here. They always respond with a disappointed “Oh….”

    I think I am just going to start making stuff up. “I used the Chocolate Diet where you consume 4lbs of chocolate a day and wash it down with a gallon of Pepsi.”
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I think the world has plenty of sheeple that will not speak up and say the truth because they might offend someone or hurt someone's feelings.

    I'll go ahead and say the truth. If its the truth, you need to hear it.

    My boss told me I need to "Sometimes put a Politically correct filter on." lol...

    I you know "the truth" and that gives you the right to put others down and insult them. Now I get where you were coming from when you posted yesterday...
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I agree with you :drinker:
    What really gets me is when i see someone in a discussion about
    working out ,eating at there calorie goal ect only to see there next post
    titled what diet pills work for you!!! :ohwell:
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    Holla back!!!!

    I especially love the part about packaged meals not working because it's the one thing that pisses me off the most on this site -- seeing people want something SO bad but then sabotage their efforts by eating Slim Fast, Lean Cuisine and all the other money-grabbing crap that marketers and scientists have passed as "food". No wonder they can't stick with it -- their bodies are starving for REAL food!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Holla back!!!!

    I especially love the part about packaged meals not working because it's the one thing that pisses me off the most on this site -- seeing people want something SO bad but then sabotage their efforts by eating Slim Fast, Lean Cuisine and all the other money-grabbing crap that marketers and scientists have passed as "food". No wonder they can't stick with it -- their bodies are starving for REAL food!

    This is very true, but the sad part about that is how ignorant people are about how the foods they eat affect their health. Nutrition education in America especially is a complete joke! 90% of grocery store items have high fructose corn syrup, are stuffed full of preservatives, or are choc full of sodium. They even moved the produce section to the back corner of my grocery store and force customers to walk through the "fourth of July" junk food department just to access the store. A lot of people are too lazy or never bothered to learn how to cook for themselves also. Just makes me sad more than anything.
  • Actavella
    Actavella Posts: 39 Member
    I AGREE!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    seriously need a like button with stars lol

    great post! couldn't agree more!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Awesome post!! :)
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I love this thread.

    Add me to the list of people agreeing with the OP. Thanks!
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I'm chiming in here with my two thumbs up.

    And one ingredient that I think is implied in your message but that I want to say out loud....PATIENCE!!!

    I am at peace with the fact that it is going to take time to get where I want to be, and since I'm completely changing my eating and exercise habits, time is not really a valid factor in the picture.

    Actually, I'm seeing a sawtooth pattern in my weight measurements, up/down with an overall downward trend. My younger self (who thought there WAS a magic bullet out there somewhere!) would have despaired and abandoned the effort. My older self has finally come to understand that this is a long term (permanent) thing, there are other reasons besides weight to eat healthy and exercise, and losing weight for some kind of hard-stop milestone (wedding, high school reunion, vacation, etc.) is one of the WORST reasons to be here or anywhere else that supports wellness and fitness.

    So thanks for reposting the message...frankly, I think that the tough talk is the only thing that will pierce the veil of illusion that so many of us are covered with!