Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • virginislander2
    virginislander2 Posts: 28 Member
    Monday check in- I gained 2 pounds. I am struggling eating late evenings and enjoying junk food
    I really need to discipline myself and increase my workout.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    I realized that I never introduced myself.

    I joined MFP just over a month ago. I've been on and off again with WW and I really don't like the new program. So my coworker got me into MFP and now I've gotten an additional 4 people to join as well.

    I live in Lafayette CA, near San Francisco. I'm 33 with two girls (2 and 5). This is the first time I've started to loose weight and I'm loosing more than my husband!!! I got a new job about 5 years ago in global IT in data governance. What that really means is that I'm now in a desk job. I've come home from work with only 3K steps. YIKES!!

    Between work and the two girls there is no time for the gym. So my goal has been 10K steps each day and watch my calories.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    One that I have kept so far and I don't foresee being a problem for me is sticking to my diet. The other that I have not done well on at all is to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I said I was going to do it last night. Well that didn't happen. Got a lot going on at the home front. I won't lie. I don't know if it will get done tonight either. I don't really put time limits on wanting to lose so much weight by a certain time, but my sister-in-law is getting married in September and I would like to drop a size or two in my shirts and pants before then. We live in AL and my wife's family all live in MN, so it has been a while since we have been up there to see them and I would like my weight loss to be noticeable when we go. Plus I just don't feel comfortable dressing up when I am so big. Alright. That's all I've got.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday - Goals
    1- Cut the grass and use the walk-behind mower to trim where the rider cannot go, and then use the weed wacker to edge and trim where the walk-behind does not go.
    2 - Clean the refrigerator in preparation for grocery shopping, and while I'm at it, clean the counters and wash the floor.
    3 - Dissassemble that turkey I have defrosting in the fridge and grind the leg meat to make turkey burgers. Cook the breasts for turkey sandwiches and turkey pot pie. Use the rest to make a stock for a soup.

    That's on my list for today. Looks like it will be a long and busy one.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Here's the link to the challenge - . You need to sign up by tomorrow to get in!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    @toots-- You can have my fried pickles; I cannot stomach them. LOL

    Maybe it's just the fried part I like ;)

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @moodybear2003 those are amazing! I'm not a good cook at all, cookies or otherwise. I'm always terribly impressed by people with those kinds of skills.
  • nouriapolis
    nouriapolis Posts: 20 Member
    Tuesday goal
    Get a core workout in
    Stear clear (ish) from carbs cuz i had a high carb day yesterday (a lot of left over rice)
    Do some reading

    Have a good one all!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @wadwrich…its amazing how the steps add up though when you just get outside and move.

    @celtikgirl…what is this Amazing Race that you speak of? (oh, I see, you posted it…thanks, I’ll have ot check that out!)

    @virginislander2…late nights are my downfall too. I’m trying to find an activity to substitute. Right now that is games on my phone while I’m watching tv . That way my hands are busy and not shoving food in my mouth. 

    AFM. I missed my calorie goal by 39 yesterday. Not bad when I had no idea what supper was going to be. During VBS, they serve the volunteers a supper since we don’t have time to get home to make something before we have to be there. It was lasagna and garlic bread. I could have made it, but I did have that 2nd piece of garlic bread. YUMM!

    Today, my husband and kids are heading out of state until Saturday. I sent any and all snacks that I don’t want around the house with them. We had gotten really slack about having those things I like around the house and that wasn’t helpful. We are going back to the plan that as long as I don’t like it, you can have as much around as you want (BBQ flavor anything, salt and vinegar chips, flavored sodas..)

    Tonight, more VBS for me so it’s just watch what I eat and stay on my feet from 6-8.

    Have a great Tuesday! Oh and drink your water!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    NewCaddy wrote: »

    Tonight, more VBS for me so it’s just watch what I eat and stay on my feet from 6-8.

    When I was a kid VBS was my favorite part of summer. It kept me sane and happy!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Tuesday goals - my goal this week is just to be kinder to myself. While I will lift 3 days, and I will do 3x30 minute stints of cardio, I won't push myself into 800-1600 calorie deficits again. Although it's exciting to be able to actually do these athletic things that I couldn't do before, it won't be exciting long if I start metabolizing muscle, or just flat out collapse in the street from a low blood sugar episode.

    It's a long haul, not a sprint, and that's something I struggle with.

    That being said, I got properly fitted running shoes today and shaved two full minutes off my 5K time, so that felt pretty darn awesome.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @NewCaddy when I get the late night cravings I go for gum. It really stops me from putting food in my mouth.

    Random question which is going to sound stupid after I ask it....what does AFM stand for? I've been guessing that it stands for And For Me, but I figured I'd ask.

    I've made a goal for myself to drink more water. I've been tracking it on my Fitbit since I can track oz...and I've been getting much better. Maybe I won't get as big of weight swings when I have something salty if I'm also drinking a lot of water.

    I would like to say thank you to @skinnyjeanzbound for being so inspirational by sharing her food diary. I've decided to share mine without a password. I really hope that my other friends and potentially people from the message board will as well.
  • reneehall9066
    reneehall9066 Posts: 1 Member
    New here .......and iam truly in need of support.
  • Lina300
    Lina300 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to say that it was easier to stay on track at work. Thats not true anymore. Its torture. One of the girls was selling cookie dough. Long story short there are a billion frozen cookies in the freezer at work. It has become a regular event for someone to throw a few cookies in the toaster oven to bake. My office smells like baking cookies half the day!!!! And they are all very generous and go office to office with those yummy smelling hot fresh chocolate chip cookies. Praying that they eat them all up soon. The smell makes me hungry even though I know Ive just eaten my very tasty and sensible lunch.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    Wednesday Wishes

    I wish it was 1 year from now. 1 year from now and I stayed on my diet for the whole year and I am enjoying the new me.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    @Lina300 I can sympathize. Where I work sales people and coworkers bring in breakfast biscuits and take us out to lunch and things like that. It's not every day, but it's often enough. It has gotten easier for me to say no though. In fact, as I write this I just got a call asking if I wanted a biscuit. But I'm sticking to what I brought for breakfast.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen ~I often wonder the same thing about vets!

    @badnoodle ~When I was working out with a personal trainer 3-days a week plus pushing myself on cardio on the other days I was often in 1,000+ calorie deficit and felt it, I think it did more harm than good. It was a harsh reality, now I take things a lot easier. While I don’t work out with a personal trainer, I do take the advice of one and know my limits. Good for you for recognizing yours. Hooray for a new PB on your 5k time!

    @trinati2001 ~AFM = As For Me

    @Lina300 ~Its sometimes harder to me to stay on track at work too. Our marketing department has all kinds of goodies and my suitemate/co-worker sometimes goes “shopping” over there, just last week she brought me peanut m&m’s (my weakness) and Cheetos—I’m happy to say the m&m’s are still in my desk drawer! :astonished: But fresh cookies every day?! That is torture! :wink:

    @wadrich ~Keep sticking to those changes you’ve made and you can say that a year from now!

    @Tracy (ND) ~Glad you are enjoying your new job. Enjoy the quiet house while the hubs and kiddos are away.

    Welcome to all of the newlings!

    AFM~Work has been busy, but hope to wrap up this project (the budget) today or tomorrow--we have purchased so much new equipment this year and have so many new contracts it was quite the undertaking and I think took me twice as long. :tired_face: I will have to work part of the day on Saturday though to finish up something else that needs to be completed before I’m out on medical leave. Planning to hit the gym today, tomorrow and Friday. Pedicure on Saturday, must have pretty toes before they go into a cast! :lol:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited June 2016
    wadwrich wrote: »
    @Lina300 I can sympathize. Where I work sales people and coworkers bring in breakfast biscuits and take us out to lunch and things like that. It's not every day, but it's often enough. It has gotten easier for me to say no though. In fact, as I write this I just got a call asking if I wanted a biscuit. But I'm sticking to what I brought for breakfast.

    We have a deli in the building that makes fresh biscuits in the morning. What gets me though is the smell of the crispy bacon wafting through the hallway every morning as I make my way to the office--its torture some days. :yum:
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    wadwrich wrote: »
    @Lina300 I can sympathize. Where I work sales people and coworkers bring in breakfast biscuits and take us out to lunch and things like that. It's not every day, but it's often enough. It has gotten easier for me to say no though. In fact, as I write this I just got a call asking if I wanted a biscuit. But I'm sticking to what I brought for breakfast.

    We have a deli in the building that makes fresh biscuits in the morning. What gets me though is the smell of the crispy bacon wafting through the hallway every morning as I make my way to the office--its torture some days. :yum:

    The world definitely doesn't make it easy. Sometimes it's hard for me just driving down a main road that has all kinds of restaurants on it. I want to go through a drive thru so bad and just pig out. 3 1/2 weeks down. Almost able to mark off a month.
  • nouriapolis
    nouriapolis Posts: 20 Member
    wadwrich wrote: »
    Wednesday Wishes

    I wish it was 1 year from now. 1 year from now and I stayed on my diet for the whole year and I am enjoying the new me.

    Same Wednesday Wish