Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June



  • ghizon
    ghizon Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Ghizon
    Age: 34

    Starting Weight May 29th: 166.4
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 162

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 165.5
    June 13: 164
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 1.5 lb
    Total LBS lost this month: 2.4 lb

    Weekly Goals: drink at least 2 liter water
    Stick to my daily allowed calories

    Struggles: working out routinely, log in food.
    Successes: lost some weight

  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    Name: Sam
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'6

    Starting Weight May 29th: 205.5
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 195.5

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 203.5
    June 12: 203.9 (gained weight this week due to being on my period)
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: +.4
    Total LBS lost this month: 1.6

    Weekly Goals:

    Continue to eat keto (low carb)
    Keep to my healthy eating during my friends bachelorette party!


  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    Nice! You hit your goal already.
    hproscia wrote: »
    Name: Heather
    Age: 25

    Starting Weight May 29th: 250
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 245

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 246
    June 12: 245
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 1
    Total LBS lost this month: 5

    Weekly Goals:
    1. Go for a walk everyday for at least 30 minutes
    2. Walk to work at least twice a week

    Struggles: Eating when I'm upset!

    Successes: Nothing - I was actually very disappointed in myself this week ):

  • AndrewD315
    AndrewD315 Posts: 57 Member
    Name: Andrew
    Age: 50

    Starting Weight May 29th: 225
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 215

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 224
    June 12: 222.4
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 1.6
    Total LBS lost this month: 2.6

    Weekly Goals: 2 lbs,

    Struggles: Being patient, changing routine to stay fresh and keep it moving.
  • Shelle33
    Shelle33 Posts: 63 Member
    What is my favourite cheat meal?

    I don't really have a favourite cheat meal, but I have favourite cheat foods.
    • Poutine
    • Ice cream
    • Curries (Indian and Thai)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    Favorite Cheat Meal: All of them...seriously, I'm so happy to find this new way of eating after trying some pretty rigid eating programs, that I don't really deprive myself of anything I like, so no need to cheat. I just figure how to fit it into my macro ratios and ensure that I'm keeping my calorie count within the goal.
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Favorite Cheat Meal: All of them...seriously, I'm so happy to find this new way of eating after trying some pretty rigid eating programs, that I don't really deprive myself of anything I like, so no need to cheat. I just figure how to fit it into my macro ratios and ensure that I'm keeping my calorie count within the goal.

    That's exactly what I'm doing now. Get to enjoy everything i like!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hello and Happy Tuesday!!!

    I hope you are all staying strong and reaching those goals!! Ive been doing a 1 week bootcamp challenge and today Ive finished day 3. staying strong!!

    Question for today...

    What is your favorite motivational quote?

    Mine is "One pound at a time".
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    My favourite motivational quote:

    "Eating crap food isn't a reward, it's a punishment".

    I'm really bad at celebrating every small victory with bad food. In moderation is good, but it always ends up with a whole day thing lol. I have to find other kind of rewards beside food..
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    My Favorite Quote:

    Don't give up Great things take time!!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Daily fluctuations are so frustrating. The last two days I was solid 202.4. This morning, jumped up to 205.2! Grrrr.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    BABetter1 wrote: »
    Daily fluctuations are so frustrating. The last two days I was solid 202.4. This morning, jumped up to 205.2! Grrrr.

    Just keep at it. I was weighing in daily and those fluctuations were driving me insane. I had to start putting my scale somewhere hard to reach so I could stop. It worked. Once a week now and I don't get discouraged by those daily changes.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    BABetter1 wrote: »
    Daily fluctuations are so frustrating. The last two days I was solid 202.4. This morning, jumped up to 205.2! Grrrr.

    Just keep at it. I was weighing in daily and those fluctuations were driving me insane. I had to start putting my scale somewhere hard to reach so I could stop. It worked. Once a week now and I don't get discouraged by those daily changes.

    I used to do that, but I have taken a new averaging approach. Problem is, I feel compelled to put the actual day's weight on the weigh in days. I complain, but I find the daily approach is showing me what different foods do to me, which ones cause major water retention for example.
  • achocolateaffair
    achocolateaffair Posts: 60 Member
    Just what I need!

    Name: Marie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight May 29th: 148
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 140

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 144
    June 12:143.7
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: about a pound...

    Total LBS lost this month: 5 lbs.

    Weekly Goals: Pay attention!

    Struggles: I was camping with no wifi, so I couldn't log using MFP. And it was a group campout so there was a potluck and really no way of counting calories. Besides who wants to count when making smores??

    Successes: Still lost around a pound give or take a few ounces!
  • achocolateaffair
    achocolateaffair Posts: 60 Member
    My Favorite Quote:

    Recently I was on a walk with my husband and I was complaining about how much I hate working out, I don't get that same high that he does after he works out. And he stopped, looked at me and said, Embrace The Suck"

    I looked and him and said, "what?!"

    Aparently it is a military saying:
    "Embrace the suck:"Translation: The situation is bad, so deal with it
    "Embrace the suck" isn't merely a wisecrack; it's a raw epigram based on encyclopedic experience. Face it, soldier. I've been there. This ain't easy. Now let's deal with it"

    I love this!! Embrace the suck...I'm going to post this on my fridge
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    My Favorite Quote:

    Recently I was on a walk with my husband and I was complaining about how much I hate working out, I don't get that same high that he does after he works out. And he stopped, looked at me and said, Embrace The Suck"

    I looked and him and said, "what?!"

    Aparently it is a military saying:
    "Embrace the suck:"Translation: The situation is bad, so deal with it
    "Embrace the suck" isn't merely a wisecrack; it's a raw epigram based on encyclopedic experience. Face it, soldier. I've been there. This ain't easy. Now let's deal with it"

    I love this!! Embrace the suck...I'm going to post this on my fridge

    He actually ordered me a military patch with the saying on it for me. I haven't decided where I am going to put it yet, but it needs to be somewhere to remind me! odv02fr82m75.jpg
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    edited June 2016
    Favorite Motivational quote...

    Hmm, have many "favorite" quotes, here's one of the ones that I like...

    "Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses"