6/20 30 Day Shred



  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks Jadam! Don't worry about being behind, we're not here to win any competitions. Just keep trucking! :flowerforyou:

    Day 1 Level 2 Complete!

    Spoiler alert!
    I got about 1/2 through and was liking level 2, even though it is HARD. No joke. But by then end i was all, "Another !@#$$@ plank, Jillian? Are you for real???!!" :grumble:

    At one point she says something like, I want to make you feel like you're dying! I had to :laugh:. Mission accomplished!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    level 2 Day 4 completed!

    Cella30 - YUP another @#$@#@#%@ plank! I agree about the morning workout, it gives a little jolt and makes you feel good! I never would have thought I could do this. It is so nice to know my workout is done and I don't have to stress out about getting it done at night.

    The planks hurt my wrists not sure if I am doing something wrong or what but I don't like it.I have been swearing at Jillian quite a bit lately :wink:

    I feel good, really good!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    L1D4 yesterday. My goodness! I'm noticing so many changes! I actually did 10 pushups IN A ROW! And I did the non-modified butt kicks. Four days and I can do this already? Bring it on!!

    L1D5 this afternoon before class. Can't wait!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Oh dear lord, Level 2 is the DEVIL! :laugh: And planks? Planks are his minions. :grumble: LOL

    But Day 1 Level 2 is complete. I will admit, tho, that I was disappointed in what I could manage and what I couldn't. I felt like I was getting SO strong by the end of level 1, but really, now I know Jillian was luring me into a false sense of security before she decided that it was time to have our a** handed to us. :sad:

    I know that if I stick with this, by the end of another 9 days I'll feel even stronger! Just have to stick with this, tell Jillian what she can do with her planks, and do the best I can do! :smile:

    We CAN do this. Just have to find our inner strength.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    But Day 1 Level 2 is complete. I will admit, tho, that I was disappointed in what I could manage and what I couldn't. I felt like I was getting SO strong by the end of level 1, but really, now I know Jillian was luring me into a false sense of security before she decided that it was time to have our a** handed to us. :sad:

    I totally agree with this!!

    Side note: during the warm up, why did she only do the neck rolls on one side? Great, the right side of my neck is all loose but my left side is tight! What's up with that? lol

    Pps. I already feel it in my shoulders, neck and upper back. And my abs were burning by the end of it this morning. Wow!
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey All!!

    I started the 30DS the 22nd and am on Day 7... did you all go through the entire 10 days before moving on to Level 2?
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey All!!

    I started the 30DS the 22nd and am on Day 7... did you all go through the entire 10 days before moving on to Level 2?

    I moved after 6 days but I had started the shred in the beginning of May and didn't stick with it so I had already spent about 7 days on Level 1 at that time so I found I was bored with level 1 (not that it was easy just bored....)
  • Day 8 down. Muah ahahaha. I can't believe I'm still doing this, thanks everyone for kicking so much butt and giving me the motivation to get this far. Only 22 more days to go for me! ... :noway:
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Day 8 - Level 1 completed :smile:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 DONE!

    I almost started crying during it this morning. I can totally relate to the Biggest Loser people now. I was able to do one set of the hardest moves, but when I came back to do the second sets, it was like I hit a brick wall. I could barely crank out one. By the end my arms were shaking so bad…they still feel like jello as I type this.

    But when it was all said and done, I feel so amazing. It’s incredible how good I feel from being so close to puking. Lol I’m on such a high right now! I was shaving in the shower and I just am amazed at the way my legs are shaping and the muscles in my arms. After 12 days of only doing a ½ hour work out?! How is that even possible!?

    How are you hanging in scantrill? The Vsquats, omg how can Natalie get them so high? I can barely lift them at all, let alone above my eyes. That last set circuit training is the absolute worst, in my opinion.

    jadam6, shellrae1973, Kalrez, vintagefool: You all are doing fantastic!! Way to keep it going.

    salyha01: I’m doing my 30 days straight through, no break days. I am new to the circuit training so I’m doing all 10 days before moving on.

    Happy Friday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Can't believe I dragged my *kitten* out of bed today (on a holiday!), but I did. I didn't quite have it in me today, my daughter woke me at 4:30am and I didn't really fall back to sleep after that. I did okay until circuit 3 and than I slacked a little. Oh well there is always tomorrow!
  • Finished Day 9 of Level 1 today. Just one more day and I'm ready for Level 2! (Okay, maybe not 100% ready but I'll go on with it anyway...)

    I used my new HRM for the first time today and it said I burned 228 calories during my workout today. Before this, I was using the amounts that came from the MFP database for circuit training (180 calories for 20 minutes) so needless to say I'm shocked at the difference! I can only imagine how many calories I was burning the first few days :noway:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 3 Level 2 Done!

    I don't know if this level will ever get easier for me. :sad: I seriously though I was going to puke this morning doing it. lol

    I'm heading to my parents lake today for a nice 3 day holiday weekend in the sunshine. I might not be around MFP, but I'm packing the shred and my weights. I just can't miss a day, not when I've made it this far. When I told my mom I was going to do it there, she thought that was great because she, and I quote, wanted to watch me do it. :noway: Um, hell naw. lol I need to shield her from seeing me grunting, cursing and in the fetal position crying.

    Have a great 4th everyone and don't stop shredding! :flowerforyou:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    level 2 Day 6 complete. today wasn't too bad. I am still modifying everything, but will try to do one set without the modification.

    spent yesterday at the beach and probably ate more than I needed to. We ordered take out pizza but I did limit myself to one piece. Hope to stay on track with my food today!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Haven't been able to complete the workout today - my son's stomach bug has come back with a vengeance - I'm sick of sick and poo :sad: Haven't felt great today, don't know whether he's passed it onto me because I've felt queasy all day. Have only managed to eat a kit kat and ice lolly all day, which is very unlike me!

    Everyone is doing a great job - hope to try and catch up with you tomorrow :smile:
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey guys Im doing so well I can't believe the changes in my body and my strength...Im on Level 2 day 18, its tough but im hanging in there and doing the modifications where needed. Im almost ready for level 3 but kind of scared cause Level 2 aint nothing nice...Yall wish me luck as I will be rooting you all on!!!
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    10 days done – Level 1 complete! Booyah!

    I did 10 pushups!!! I couldn’t even do ONE at the beginning. And the first circuit of cardio I couldn’t get through at all without breaks and modifying the jumps. Today I was determined. Through blood, sweat and tears, I did it all straight through with no modifications!

    I ended up with a gain, but honestly, I feel amazing. I’m doing my workout before work in the morning and it’s better than all the Starbucks in the world. (This coming from a coffee junkie :tongue:). I’ve never been a morning workout person but I am totally addicted. I do my shred, then stand in the shower flexing and looking at all my new muscles. I am so happy with the results after only 10 days!

    Here are my stats:

    I am only doing the shred – no other supplemental workouts.
    I am Shredding 30 days straight – no break days.
    I didn't take measurements.

    Beginning weight = 184.6
    Ending weight = 186.6

    Level 1 = +2 pound weight GAIN

    I took some pictures but really the changes aren't noticeable too much on the photos yet (although I can see it happening naked lol :wink:). This one was the best one where you could see a difference on the back of my legs.


    Tomorrow begins level 2! Great job everyone, I love to hear how you're doing so thanks for posting!
    Good Job, I can see the diff....WTG!!!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 2 Day 8 complete. I am glad I am sticking with this level for more than 10 days because I still suck at it. All the planks are killing my wrists, not sure if I am doing something wrong or not. I am down 1.4 lbs this week (if only I wasn't starving all the time!)